xix. learning about himself

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CHAPTER NINETEEN - 🍂 ୧ learning about . . .
himself ও🦌

JAMES POTTER, NOT ONLY conversed a great deal, regarding, Autumn Rivers, with his family members but also, unfortunately, brought this up, with Sirius, who had been, residing in the same household, as the Potters, for months on end

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JAMES POTTER, NOT ONLY conversed a great deal, regarding, Autumn Rivers, with his family members but also, unfortunately, brought this up, with Sirius, who had been, residing in the same household, as the Potters, for months on end.

James would converse continuously, about the girl, which was a detail, that his parents appreciated, immensely. However, his best mate, felt a sense of irritation, upon being subjected, to such frequency of conversations, regarding her.

He believed, James spoke about, Lily Evans, frequently, however, this was a stark contrast, with that previous situation, as he felt, this was different, for a reason, that he could not comprehend.

James, during the past, with his conversations revolving around, Lily Evans, would frequently, brag, about how she was a sight to see, or how he would, eventually, win her over. Even, when the witch would insult him, he would, always state, that this was simply a way, in which she decided, to act, out, her affections, towards him. But this was a rather, one-sided affair, in regard, to his feelings.

What differentiated the current situation, from, his previous interaction, with Lily, was the level, at which he was, truly smitten. With the Ravenclaw, things were more extensive, on his part. As he, frequently, shared, his knowledge, his desire to acquire new information, and ultimately, his plans, for the Autumn. Additionally, they were not merely regarding her looks, but also the entirety of her being, as he was enamoured, with her.

AUTUMN, james potterWhere stories live. Discover now