4. london, guilt and reveal

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Days turned into Weeks. Weeks into months. And in a snap, it was already August 24. Shubman and Maitreyi always found time to catch up with each other in the digital world. Whether it was texts, calls, or face timing, ranging from 10 minutes to 3 hours, they never missed out on anything. Shubman would share about his day at practice or how his matches went, while Maitreyi would share about her day at the studios or her new works.

Maitreyi woke up to the sound of her phone buzzing incessantly. Groaning, she reached over to check the notifications, expecting the usual barrage of emails and work updates. However, what she found was far more surprising.

Her phone was flooded with messages in the group chat named "Mom, Dad, and Daughter," which consisted of herself, Siddharth Malhotra, and Kiara Advani. As she scrolled through the messages, she couldn't help but smile at the playful banter between the engaged couple.

mom, dad, and daughter

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mom, dad, and daughter

[ mom - kia, dad - sid, daughter - maitreyi]


Morning, sunshine!
Have you packed your suitcases yet, Maitreyi?
We leave for London tomorrow, remember?


Yeah, Maitreyi, don't forget to
pack your warmest sweaters!
It's going to be freezing in London.

Maitreyi chuckled at their messages, feeling a sense of warmth and camaraderie. Despite the hectic nature of their schedules, Siddharth and Kiara always made time to check in with her, treating her like a part of their family.


Good morning, you two!
Don't worry, I haven't forgotten.
Suitcases are packed and
ready to go. Can't wait for our
London adventure!


 That's my girl!
I knew we could count on you.
Get ready for some serious sightseeing
and shopping, Maitreyi. London won't
know what hit it!


Agreed! And don't forget to
bring your editing magic with
you. We've got some scenes
to shoot that are going to be epic!

𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑'𝐒 𝐃𝐀𝐘 - shubman gill ✓Where stories live. Discover now