Chapter 1

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I switched my alarm off and got out of bed. I check my phone and it's 9:30am, I'm obviously not making it in time for my 9:45am class. Alison is not in her room, she left. I can't believe her; how can she possibly leave without even waking me up like she normally does. I checked the time once again and it was almost time for my class to start and I am still in my pyjamas, or at least what I consider pyjamas to be. So, I dived to the laundry room and quickly grabbed my wrinkled shirt, I put it on faster than I grabbed it then I saw a pile of my dirty laundry and pulled out the first black skinny jean. It's a black jean even if its dirty it wont show. I couldn't care less what all those clean freaks are going to think of me so I put on my flip flops, grab my books and laptop then I sped off in my car. My father bought me a brand-new SUV three days ago, although it's a big car I really enjoy driving around in it. He surprised me with it when I was visiting them this past weekend. He handed me the keys and said I should go get my new baby in the garage. I laughed at how corny he decided to go about the whole surprise but I gave him a huge hug and jumped in it. I was obsessed with the interior but I want to tweak a few things when I get the chance too.

My name is Gabriella and I'm a nineteen-year-old student who is originally from California but I currently live in South Africa, Cape Town. A few years ago, my sister and brother both got a well-paying job in Johannesburg and because my family strongly believes in living close to each other, we all had to pack our bags and relocate to a country that's not so foreign to us. My brother scored himself a promotion at a marketing company North of Johannesburg but because of his hard work I assume, he later opened his own company that is thriving in its industry and we are all extremely proud of him. I will be moving back to California as soon as I complete my studies at The University of Cape Town, it's an amazing institution, quite different from California but has good people and especially good food. I don't live on campus because my parents advised against that because "You have to learn how to be independent" my mother always preached however I don't consider it independence when I live twenty minutes away from home and my siblings and parents park whenever they want, which is almost every day. That independent speech is quite pointless if you ask me.

I come from a very Christian orientated family. We go to church every Sunday, well at least they go. I have an older sister (27) and brother (29) and a younger Sister (14) I love them dearly and sometimes see them on Saturdays and Sundays. My father is white and my mother is Black but I fall more to my dad's side being very light in complexion. My parents being Anti-Homosexual, know about Alison and don't like her much. They just accepted that she is my roommate but I know they'd be devastated if I was lesbian.

I dramatically walk or should I say ran inside the class and my professor has started the lesson. He looks in my direction. He was patiently waiting for me to take a seat. I look to my right and I see no seat available, I look to my right and nothing still. The Professor stopped his lecture slide and I can feel a hundred eyes piercing me, I walk as carefully as I can to avoid falling, dropping my laptop or smiling because I've done all three and mad a fool of myself in three occasions after a few seconds I spot an open seat and I quietly squeeze myself to get to the empty seat. I had to blurt a couple of 'excuse me' and 'I'm so sorry' before I eventually took a seat and smiled at the Professor and he continued rather annoyed at my grand entrance. I still felt a few pair of eyes looking at me then I remembered I had a wrinkled shirt and dirty jean on, how convenient.

I was easing into the lesson and catching up until receive a text from Alison asking if I managed to wake up on time but I easily ignored it and tried concentrating once again. My eyes were wondering around when I couldn't help but notice a dark beautiful girl who sat two rows in front of me. I wasn't quite familiar with her face since quiet a lot of people in this course, I see new faces almost all the time however, her face was good to look at. The lesson was over before I knew it and I hadn't noted anything or grasped what the lesson was about and we received an assignment which I heard nothing about. Oh well I'll just ask Joshua, I thought to myself.

Joshua is my ex-boyfriend a graduated geek for that matter, we come from the same high school and he was a cool dude but I was the only girl who thought that. I wasn't really sure how the dating game worked and he had no clue so we tried it out and it was boring, maybe we weren't doing it right but it was time consuming and not so exciting as old people say it is. I'd rather watch CSI or Crime investigations than text a bunch of crap to my so-called boyfriend. I'm studying Criminal psychology. Law has always been my forte, my mom couldn't keep me away from law and criminology books. My mom once left me at the teen section at the library with magazines and girly books but she had to walk to the other side and found me lying on the floor with my back, face buried in Stanton Samenow's Inside the Criminal Mind. She wasn't too pleased at that but she couldn't stop me, she said I shouldn't fill my head with such information at a young age of twelve. I even skipped church to finish CSI episodes which drove her to collect all my books and DVDs I had of crime and law and hid them from me.

I had only one class for the day and I drove back home. "Hey dweeb!" I heard Alison say when I walked in our apartment. "Hey dweeb yourself" I replied throwing my bag on the couch. "What now?" she asked, she sat up and watched me angrily walk to my room avoiding any eye contact. "Uhm Nothing, nothing at all" I yelled hoping she would read my sarcasm. "Fuck Gabs! talk already, this mopping around isn't cute on you" she said putting her bowl of cereal down. I wasn't planning on telling her my embarrassing morning and I wasn't lis to chit chat with her. "Maybe I'm a tad bit angry because you left me in dreamland while you got in your car and drove to school, cared to wake me up?" I threw myself on my bed and covered my face with in my pillow. "Dude! I woke up at 7:00am, I couldn't possibly wake you up so early, come on geesh!" she said looking back at the TV screen.

"Okay fine I overreacted" I realised how dramatic I was being because in all honesty I'm supposed to be independent or at least responsible for myself by now. "Make up kiss!!!" she shouted jumping on me trying to kiss me.

"Get your gay ass off of me!" I said shoving her and we both laughed "but You love this gay ass" She said going back to her seat. "Hell yeah!" I said. Smiling I gave her a spank on her beautifully shaped bottom.

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