brief encounter

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it was only for about - what? 8 months? that's may to november. no wait, that's 7. it's outlandish how fucking real some things are. can you believe it? it's the love story from a movie but real. im folding all my memories neatly and tucking them away in a box. erasing all the bad. uncomfortable. hurtful. am I doing myself justice by removing everything that was wrong? must I remember? do I owe it to myself? or is it forgetting that i owe?


i don't think about her. i don't think about her and you. i don't think about you and me. I think about you less and less. or rather, as distant. some faraway. beyond me. you're beyond me. I think it's very victim complex narcissistic of me to think that you sucked though we did love.

April 12

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