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Playlist: you should see me in a crown
(Billie eilish)
Elastic heart (sia)

" I am armaros, daughter of a lowly pauper, I have never known my mother , she died giving birth to me as if that wasn't enough my father had to lose everything he had that very day too so it is no surprise that people call me cursed"

"Armaros!!!, Armaros!!!".
" I'm coming papa, I was just grabbing some wood for the fire" I answer, my father has always kept me close, he thinks if I wonder too far from our little cottage, I might cause him trouble. " haven't I told you to not wonder far " he says, "but papa i-", he immediately cuts me off with his hand, "lets go home , we have much to prepare for ", much to prepare for? I think to myself , my father hasn't come across a single job that requires "much to prepare for " since I was born.

When we get home, I start the fire and prepare our food, as we sit down for dinner I notice my father is in deep thought, I wonder what that is all about, "papa, you seem troubled, is there anything bothering you", he looks up at me and his eyes soften, I have never seen my father look at me like that, it makes me worried, we continue to eat in silence until he says something "Armaros, I'll be making a journey tomorrow, I cannot tell you where it is I am going but after the job is done, we will no longer have to live like animals, surviving by scrap's left by other people".

As I am about to ask him what he means, he immediately gets up and leaves with a serious look on his face, leaving me to my thoughts, I clear everything and head to bed, hours go by and I cannot seem to fall asleep, I am worried about this job he speaks of but not just that, I worry about papa too, I hope he is not getting himself into any kind of trouble. Morning comes and I have not been able to get any sleep, I wash up and head to papa's room , "papa!!!, papa!!!" I call but get no answer so I ran into his room.

I search and search for my father but I cannot find him , then I remember he had mentioned some work, could it be he left without saying goodbye?, I decide to finish up my daily chores and wait for him patiently, later in the night I hear father's voice so I head out , there he is , my father, "father , you had me worried" I shout, my voice a mixture of anger and sorrow, "you're the only one I have , I thought you had abandoned me like everyone else ", I did not want to say that it slipped out in a moment of content relief from seeing my father again, "i would never leave your side Armaros, my work is done , soon we will receive good news from the palace", my eyes widen from hearing him mention the palace, "the palace?".

My father seems to not want to share any more information than he already has so I decide to hug him, I know not why I did that , I just want to stay in my father's arms for a while, our father daughter moment is interrupted by loud shouts from outside our cottage "pauper!!! pauper!!!, come out, we know you are in there, come out before we set your little home ablaze", I move away from my father "father what is happening" I manage to let out , "i do not know, stay here, I'll check what all the ruckus is about".

He leaves as I stand there nervously, all I can hear is murmuring, "Drag him to the palace ", a man's voice says, "the palace?, isn't father just coming from there, what could have gone wrong in the short period of time he was here" I say to no one , I have to do something, I rush out completely ignoring what my father had said to me, "stop!, where do you think you are taking my father", everyone quiets and stares at me, these men are dressed so finely they are all wearing black armor, black armor only signifies one thing, they are the head palace guards and the best warriors in valeria, why would a men like that be sent to fetch my father, he is nothing but an old pauper.

One of the men gets off his horse and grabs me, violently shaking me, "let go of me, let go of me you idiot", his eyes darken and he slaps me across the face, I fall back , I am more shocked at his actions than angry or scared (yet), my father stares at me pitifully, he does not say a word, "tie her up with the pauper, she seems to be his daughter" the man who just hit me says , "from now onwards you little girl will refer to me as sir" he says, he then orders some men to tie me to his horse and my father to one of his men's horse's, this is ridiculous I think to myself, what could have possibly happened to deem this kind of inhumane treatment, I stare at my father next to me, tied to another horse, he is a sick old man , could these people show some mercy to him atleast.

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