Part 11

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About a week later, you're having lunch with your friends from class, including Kyle, Lexi, and her boyfriend Tommy. The class you all just got out of was holding a midterm, so you're rewarding yourselves with some comfort food on campus.

"That midterm was absolute murder," Lexi complains as you eat your burgers and fries. She's sitting across from you, with Tommy on one side of her and Kyle on the other. "Next time, we have got to study together, Y/N. I can't do this shit on my own."

"Yeah, of course," you reply. "We'll get together and pull some study sessions for the finals, okay?"

You feel a little guilty. You have been neglecting your friends a bit lately. Since your apartment is crowded with two shifter guys, who are taking up your time on top of your classes and part-time jobs, you haven't had a ton of time left to hang out with friends.

"Ugh, finals... I don't even want to think about those yet," Lexi groans.

"Look on the bright side. Spring break is almost here," says Tommy, slinging an arm around her shoulders.

"I can't wait," says your friend Tanya, who's sitting next to you. "Oh, that reminds me. Is everyone in for the birthday lake house trip?"

Kyle perks up with a grin. "Totally. May parents are traveling with my little brother for the entire month, so we'll have the lake house to ourselves..."

He trails off, looking at something behind you with an unhappy expression.

"Hi there," says a familiar voice. Suddenly, the two people on either side of you move out of the way hastily to make room for two men to sit down around you.

Ash sits on your right, slouching comfortably on the bench and propping his head in his hands to smile at you lazily. On your left, Cody sits down. His tall, built frame takes up as much space as 1.5 people on the bench. He scoots close to you and shoots you a bright smile.

How the heck do they always find you? Cody's starting to seem more like a bloodhound than a golden retriever, with the way he follows your scent everywhere.

You turn to Ash and mutter under your breath, "You have got to stop doing that."

"Doing what?" His face is the picture of innocence.

"Butting in on my hangouts with friends!"

"I don't know what you mean," he replies sweetly, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. "I'm just a student out on campus for my lunch break."

"And what's your excuse?" you whisper to Cody.

"I wanted to see you."

Someone nudges your foot under the table. You look up and find Lexi giving you a wide-eyed, excited stare and barely containing a grin.

"Hi!" she interjects brightly. "We haven't been officially introduced. I'm Lexi, and this is my boyfriend Tommy, and this is Kyle, Tanya, and Ali." She points at each person in turn.

"I'm Cody, and this is Ash. We're Y/N's roomma—" You kick him under the table, and he breaks off abruptly. "Uh, we're her, uh, friends."

"Wow, lucky Y/N," she says with a grin, making you blush. "So, what do you do?"

"I used to be a part-time model, but I quit. Moving on to new things. Right now I work in a clothing store. I'm also trying to see if I can get a job bartending or waiting tables at a diner."

You turn a wide-eyed stare on him. Is he applying to work at the same places you're working part-time?

"I'm a student here too," Ash says. "We've got some classes together, actually."

Chasing Tail: A reader x shifters romanceWhere stories live. Discover now