Chapter 4

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      Walten stood silently, feeling bad for pushing that guy from before over. The robot walked over to him, "Sorry about that little guy." he said. Walten looked up at him, "What is this place?" he asked, the robot had a small smile on his face "Don't worry about it, we'll find somewhere else for you since you don't know where you live." he said, putting his hand on his shoulder. Walten flinched and backed away, uncomfortable. The robot apologized. Walten looked around, unsure where he was, flowers scattered around the field, a board with a handle and wheels? it was worn out, resting against a tree with a pink bowl next to it. What is it? he wondered to himself. He saw something with a black and white print, it looked like the animals in his picture books, what was it called again? he looked around some more, a red bag, opened with a bunch of stuff inside, It looks like White's bag he thought. An Orange ball was closer to the lump in the ground, it was huge compared to the ones he had, too bad it popped, he never got one again after that. Walten gripped his arm, feeling a bit uneasy. Suddenly he heard something in the sky. It sounded like those things that passed the house every once in a while. It grew louder. Walten panicked, he covered his ears, "It hurts!" he cried, the robot grabbed him and moved him back, "It's okay! They're here to help you!" he shouted so Walten could hear him over the loud whooshing of the blades atop the large metal container. Walten panicked, trying to run, get away from this. But the sounds stopped. The robot loosened his grip around his arms. Walten looked at the container as the door swung open. A man in a tan suit walked out, his fur a dark green, like the stuff on trees. He walked over, "Hey Noo Noo." he spoke harshly, his voice was scary, "Hello Sergeant." the robot spoke with a monotone voice. The man looked at him, Walten backed away. The man looked at him with a look that seemed like he had seen him before, or like he had met him before. Walten whimpered as the man got down on one knee, "Hey little guy. You must be lost I assume?" he asked, Walten looked away, he didn't want to admit he was. The man smiled, "Come, I'll get you somewhere safe." he said, reaching for his hand. Walten growled and tried to get away, but the man took him by the arm, his grip was stronger than the robots. The robot looked at him, "He's safer with you guys, he'll intervene with the experiment." he said, the man nodded, "I'll get him out of your hair." he joked, walking off with Walten beside him. Walten looked back, he didn't want to leave, he wanted to be there where it looked nice.

       They were somewhere else. Somewhere far. Far from his sister. The man took him outside, to a big building. Walten whimpered. The man looked at him "This will be your new home for the time being, we'll just need to find someone willing to take care of you." he said. Walten looked up at him, not sure what to say, he didn't want a new home. The man walked over to the door and opened it for him, Walten peeked inside to see a boy that looked just like the man, he was older than him though, much taller too. "Miles, this is Walten, he'll be staying at the base for a while." he said, the boy looked at him, his face was scrunched, like he was disgusted or something. Walten stood there, fiddling with his fingers, "He looks like he hasn't showered for years." he blurted out, "Miles, we don't know where's been, it's best not to say anything about his appearance." he scolded. Walten stayed silent, he didn't want to admit he had no clue what a "showered" was. Miles walked up to him, "How old are you white shit?" he growled, Walten whimpered, covering his head with his paws, "I-I-I don't know." he stuttered. Miles scoffed "What? You've never had a birthday before." he joked, the man growled at him "Miles...". Miles rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, "He's weird." he mumbled. The man sighed, running his fingers through his hair, "Let's get you cleaned up little guy." he said, Walten tilted his head as he walked with him down the hallway, Miles followed shortly behind, Walten stared at him. The man opened the door to a lab, a woman shouted "Goddamnit!", Walten jumped, his ears lowered as he diverted his attention to her. The woman had nice blue fur, a dark blue, she had nice long hair, her skin looked soft, she had a nice long flowy jacket, he looked up at her in awe. The woman pushed some papers off of a desk, people walked around her, the place was busy and quiet, but she seemed to be the loudest in the room. "Reina." the man spoke out loud, the woman looked at him, she looked just like the pretty women on tv, "Oh mister Hansen, you got here at a horrible time I'm afraid!" she stammered, "What's wrong?" he asked, placing a paw on his hip. She grabbed her stuff and threw it back on the desk with a loud thud, echoing around the room, straightening her hair she said "We have an issue with our system, something or someone is messing with it, we can't broadcast the progress." she gripped a board with paper on it, she must've been drawing. He wants to draw. He walked over to her desk and grabbed a piece of paper, her ears twitched and she turned around to see him, "Who's this little fella?" she asked, while Walten searched for a marker. The man sighed "We have no clue, he won't say anything..." he answered, "Odd... He reminds me of Coraline..." she said in a sad tone, "He's too skinny, we can't run any DNA tests with him barely having any muscle." he said. The woman looked at him, "You think he might be?" she mumbled, the man nodded, "She passed away eleven years ago... her husband hung himself three years before... her fiancée was arrested... and her oldest is missing... how is he even alive with barely anyone?", tears began to develop in her eyes. The man shrugged "I have no clue..." he said. Walten found a marker and began to scribble over the paper, the woman sighed "I'm assuming you want me to take care of him since...? Y-Your wife..." she asked, he nodded, she sighed and walked up behind him. Walten didn't notice, he scribbled in silence, his hands moved shakily. She sat down "Hello there.", Walten looked at her, "Hi." he responded. She looked at his drawing, the drawing made her feel a bit uneasy. She wasn't sure how to describe it. His drawings were those of a toddler, yet he was definitely older than ten. "What are you drawing?" she asked politely, Walten shrugged, "That's me." he said, pointing towards a messy jumble of markings on the paper. "That's my brother." he said, placing his finger on another jumble of scribbles but more defined, the eyes were different, with clouds surrounding it. "That's my sister." he pointed to the last jumble of scribbles, even more defined than the other two, she had no clue Coraline had a third child. Walten looked at her with a blank stare, "Can you tell me about them?" she asked, hoping that she might get a word out of him, he stayed silent. She sighed "The drawing is beautiful. I'll hang it up on the board." she said, taking it and grabbing a pin, walking up to her billboard and posting it on there. Walten smiled, feeling accomplished. The woman looked at him and patted his head, "Now time for a bath, little guy.".

       It was dark out, Tinky still couldn't get the boy out of his mind. Who was he? he asked himself, Is there more of us?. His friends slept in their beds, he quietly got up and looked at them. Dipsy was snoring, halfway off of his bed, Laa Laa slept still, her hands rested on his chest, as if she were a vampire, and Po, she slept with her blanket in her mouth. Tinky sighed, cracking a smile. He got up and walked over to the bathroom door, hoping that a glass of water would help him. He opened the door, walking in and closing it behind him. He looked at himself in the mirror. He hated his face. He hated his hair. He hated it. He had two large scars on his face, one across his eye and the other across the bridge of his nose. It happened a year ago. He fell in a pile of rocks when he was out fishing with Dipsy, when Dipsy was a cute idiot. He still is, but is a know it all. His hook caught him in the eye and sent him flying into the rocks where he scraped his nose, breaking the skin so bad, Laa Laa fainted at the sight. He was stuck in the house for a week. It wasn't exactly Dipsy's fault. But he felt ugly. The scar is something know one wants to see, Noo Noo has to cover it up everyday. His hair was also an obnoxious purple. He hated his fur, very obnoxious. It overwhelmed him sometimes. He hated who he was. He hated it. Hated it. Hated it. He opened the door and looked at the closet next to the bathroom, it was filled with art supplies, which gave him an idea. 

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