Deja You......

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His heart stopped. No, it couldn't be... could it? No, it definitely WAS her... or was it?

"Get a grip Laufeyson" he muttered to himself as he stood in the doorway. Another timeline, another world to search, another episode in his relentless search for inner peace.

"It CANT be her. It's just a co-incidence." he shook his head, the raven locks he so prized falling in soft waves around his shoulders. He knew he looked good, he ALWAYS looked good didn't he? Today was no exception. Tall, handsome, clad in leather? Throughout the ages Loki Laufeyson had never failed to attract - and bed - some of the most beautiful women. There was just one problem.

Elli. Elli Amundsen.

The one woman he would have given up time and space for. Cut his hair and donned sackcloth and ashes. Elifligr Aria Frigga Amundsen. Even the name made him sigh and smile all at once. Petite, dark haired, green eyed and a temper to match even his own mercurial mood, she had been his perfect woman. But then again, that was the problem, he'd never actually HAD her.

Seemingly immune to his charms, he'd failed. To seduce her, to win her, to bed her, to ... yes, to love her. Well, to have her love him would be more accurate. They'd spent summers riding in the fields and winters cloistered by roaring fires, but never once had she succumbed to his advances. Why had he been so persistent? Why had he decided she was worth the wait? Because he had all the time in the world. Or so he thought....

The day he'd stolen the tesseract, he'd threatened to gut Casey like a fish. He'd waved at Mobius as he'd disappeared out of the TVA's clutches and stuck two fingers up to his overbearing Brother and the Super-Secret Boyband so beloved of those Midgardian Quims. He'd roamed the timeline, having fun, causing - almost - harmless chaos and sharing in the delights each era had to offer. ALL the delights.

Until that fateful trip to Tonnesberg, deep in the heart of Midgardian Norse culture. Safe, familiar, welcoming. She'd accepted right away who - and what - he was. After all; Loki Thor and the pantheon of Norse Gods were as familiar to her as her own family. She'd accepted him and befriended him at a time he really REALLY needed a friend. She had given him a home and he had given her his heart.

At least, he'd tried to. She didn't really believe a word from the God of Lies and Mischief. Silvertongue. His reputation preceded him. Now, for the first time it worked against him. No matter how he tried to convince her, she wouldn't give in.

At first, he'd gone off in a huff. Stayed away for years, touring the timeline, making up for her perceived slight on his name. Time and time again though, he returned. Each time, just a little further on, just a little more persuasion, just a little more proof that he wanted her and her alone.

Elli made a life in the meantime, married and had children. She loved them, she really did, but there was something behind it all. A pretence of her own making to protect her heart. From loving him. From loving a God. Eventually, when her husband died and her children were grown, he came back and she knew. It was time.

It had taken sixty years, in her terms a lifetime, to persuade her. He'd never changed. He was still tall dark and handsome, raven locks braided to keep them back off his beautiful face. Elifligr on the other hand was mortal. Where once, she'd been dark, she was now silver. Where once her lips had been full and pink, they were now still as pink but thinned with age. Her eyes though, her eyes remained the same enchanting pools. All he saw was a beautiful woman. All he felt was a beautiful connection. A connection now about to be severed.

As they closed for the last time as he held her in his arms, she smiled. "I always did love you Loki, I was just afraid. I'm so sorry." her voice was soft and sad. Loki looked down at her, his own tight and strained.

"I'm sorry Elli, I should have stayed, I should have proved my love to you. I too was afraid." he knew he could change this, he had the means to go back and do it all again differently. But, as he looked around, at the children and grandchildren she'd had, he knew he couldn't be that selfish. He had to prove to the world and to himself he'd changed. To go back would be to obliterate all these lives, to salve his own stupid conscience.

"Loki? I'm afraid to go Loki - please my love, will you hold me? Tell me you love me again?" her eyes were wide and her voice faint.

He gathered her into his arms. She relaxed as she felt his warmth, smelled the spices and the mint and the leather, heard the softly murmured loving words. He knew she was no longer afraid and he felt relief. For time, at last, well spent.

Then , despite his best hopes, it was time.

"Loki I am afraid I'll never see you again. I love...." her body stiffened and her eyes widened, unseeing as the breath left her for the final time. The loving smile on her lips, that he'd waited her lifetime to see, faded to nothing. All around him, woman cried and men sniffed manfully. He kissed her forehead.

"I promise you my love, one day we will be reunited. I swear to Frigga and to the Gods of Valhalla. " he laid her on the sheepskin covered pillow and stepped back. Standing, he turned to the people surrounding her.

"Send her to my mother, she will take her and look after her. She will never be alone. That is my gift." he laid a hand on Elifligr's son Wilf's shoulder. "Your mother was a very special woman. She will be remembered for all time." he bowed his head and paused for a moment.

"Thank you My Prince" Wilf intoned "your presence and care has always been a source of great pride for us and comfort to our mother." He had her eyes and Loki could barely look at him. He knew not to would be to disrespect him, so he bore the pain.

"I must leave and I will not return. You will, however, be under my protection. Always." he nodded and left the hut. Standing in the sunlight, he looked around the little village. A ramshackle collection of wattle and daub huts surrounding a central hall of large wooden logs, it's roof with an apex carved into the shape of the serpent Jormungander - the Midgard Serpent. Loki's affinity with it, one of the reasons he'd come here in the first place.

As he listened to the wailing and crying in the little hut, he sighed. One day he would find her, they would be together, but not now. Now he wanted to leave and never come back. Never feel. Never love. It was just too hard.

Taking the tesseract from under his cloak, he looked deep into it's flickering depths. Where now? What now? As he conjured a portal, he took a final look. In the doorway of the hut stood a small girl, maybe six years of age. Elifligr's grand-daughter. She raised a tiny hand and waved.

"Good by Loki....."

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