The Pack

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As Paul walked up the beach with Sam, they discussed what he should do about the Imprint. Sam couldn't help but laugh at Paul a bit because he had always been the macho man of the pack. Sam and Jared had both imprinted and Paul would laugh and say that it turned them into "Love-sick Puppies."

" So, Paul. How does it feel to be one of the 'Love-sick Puppies?' I can't wait till Jared hears about this!" Sam said trying to hold in his laughter. Paul just grinned.

" Yeah, Yeah. I thought this Imprinting stuff was rare away. All three of us have Imprinted now." As Paul said this he frowned in confusion.

" I don't know, Paul. But there's no point in worrying about it now. Maybe I'll ask Billy about it next time I see him." By the time that Sam had finished talking they had reached Sam and Emily's house. They walked inside to find Emily cooking pancakes and Jared sitting on the couch watching Tv. Sam walked straight over to Emily as Paul went and sat on the couch next to Jared.

Sam looked over to Jared and Paul and smirked.

"So," He said slurring out the word, " guess who Imprinted today." Jared and Emily looked start at Paul in disbelief. Both their mouths were hanging open.

" You didn't!" Jared said, mouth still hanging open. " I thought it was supposed to be rare!"

Paul sighed. "So did I. Until I was walking on the beach and saw her then BAM! Imprint."

Jared grinned widely. " Who is she. Who's the lucky girl?" He said trying to get more information.

"Or the unlucky" Sam said, laughing.

Paul frowned and turned toward Jared. " Bella Swan."

" Chief Swan's Daughter?" He asked, raising his eyebrows. Paul just nodded and turned to Emily.

" When's food ready Em." Paul asked trying to turn the attention away from himself.

" Right now, actually." Emily said quickly and they all went and sat down at the table while Emily laded out the food then sat down herself. When they had all their plate ready and started eating Emily couldn't help but speak up about their earlier conversation.

Even she found it funny because after months of Sam and Jared getting teased by Paul about their Imprints, he imprinted himself.

" So, how are you going to tell her, Paul?" Emily asked frowning. At this Paul did too.

" I really don't know. I'm going out with her sometime next week but when am I supposed to tell her? And how? I just can't invite her over and say... 'Oh and Bella, I'm a Werewolf and your my Imprint, Hope you don't have a problem with that, But there isn't really much I can do about it. Sorry about that.'" Paul shook his head sadly.

Sam raised his eyebrows at Jared. He found it funny that for so long Paul had found the idea of imprinting and what it did to Sam and Jared hilarious and now he is in the same position. Jared was trying to hide his smile, but he wasn't doing a good very job of it.

Sam decided to take pity on Paul and help him out.

" Take her out next week, then we'll have a bonfire on Saturday and we can do what we did with Emily and Kim, we can tell her the legends and after you and Bella can go for a walk and you can tell her about the Imprint then."

Paul was still frowning despite Sam's words.

" But what happens if she doesn't believe me? What if she hates me? What if she never wants to see me again?" Paul asked staring at Sam and Jared desperately. But Emily decided to join in on the conversation and help.

" Paul she won't hate you. If she doesn't believe you then you'll just have to phase and show her that it's true, and she's your Imprint she won't want to stay away from you." She smiled kindly at him but Paul still wasn't sure.

" Yeah but what if-" Paul started but Jared interrupted.

" Paul stop worrying, Just take her out on Tuesday and don't worry about her reaction until Saturday, there's nothing you can do anyway." Paul sighed and gave up his argument.

" Yeah, I suppose you're right." Sam and Jared smirked at each other.

" I know I'm right now stop worrying, be quiet and eat your Pancakes." Jared said laughing again.

Hey guys, hope you like it. Comment, Vote, Review.

Love ya.

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