Hogwarts castle 🏰- chapter 3

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Everyone had just arrived at Hogwarts they were walking into the great hall . They all sat at their house tables and began to chat with their friends .Hermione reunited with her friends talked about how Malfoy wasnt as much as a problem . Ginny smirked and whispers into miones ear " ooooooow dose Hermione zabini have crush on the one and only draco Malfoy " . Hermione shouted " as if " the whole hall stared at Hermione including the Slytherins.

Mattheo riddle leaned to draco whispering
" Granger looks hot ASF" . Draco exclaimed with " not really " . Are you fucking kidding me you know shes hot you lucky mf you get the special shit cause your sharing a common room " . Draco laughed"  calm down Theo she's an ass and you can have her "." Gladly" Theo smiled .

Hermione went to mcgongals office to get sorted . " Hello dear I do hope you had a lovely break I know you don't want to get resorted but sadly it's school rules ", McGonagall said.hermione sighed and said " as much as I want to stay in griffindor with my friends it can't be that bad if I don't get back it I guess ". Hermione sat in the chair as McGonagall placed the hat on her head.

____what the hat said

Oooo Hermione Granger or might I say Hermione zabini we meet again. It feels like you want griffindor but I also feel the evil urge for pay back and the fierce fire I will put you in slytherin!

Hermione shouted "this can't be right I'm a griffindor not a dirty slytherin". " I'm so sorry dear the hat has spoke I really wish I could change it for you Slytherin isn't that bad your family will be happy " McGonagall said.

Hermione forced a smile and walked out after saying bye.hermione  walked into her common room as she saw Draco reading a book .he looked up as she entered the room and said " you took long where have you been ". Hermione was surprised and said " I was being resorted thank you very much ". Draco scoffed and said " I'm assuming you got back into griffindor". "Nope I got into Slytherin" she smirked.

Well granger or should I say zabini my friends are coming over in 40 minutes including your brother your welcome to stay when the come be prepared for drinks as I know your to good for that ".she scoffed and said as if Ive drank many times before I'll join you guys then "."cya there zabini", he said as he laughed.

She wondered to herself why was he being so nice or so calm around her he's changed or maybe he was told to be nice aswell cause technically I am one of them.

___ 40 minutes later mione opens the door to see what the Slytherin's are wearing they were wearing jeans ,cargos etc very casual. Hermione heard a knock at the door she shouted" who is it"." Pansy Parkinson"on the over side if the door. Hermione said " come in". Pansy walked into her room and said "nice room". Hermione smiledand replied with " so not to be rude but I thought you hated me ". I never hated you I just wasn't aloud to be nice to you as I was associated with the dark lord aswell as my friends down the stairs excluding Draco who thought it was funny but he has changed".

"Oh ok then " Hermione replied with. Pansy said " Draco said your coming down are you still?" "Yes I am but I don't know what to wear" she said . Pansy said " do you have any jeans " Hermione nodded. Then pansy contained " we'll find a tank top and put that on aswell and there your done " Hermione got changed and pansy smiled and said " perfect " as she followed her done the stairs .everyone said hi Hermione than continued with what they were doing .

Hermione sat next to pansy and mattheo ( Theo) . Theo was staring at Hermione who was zoned out and uncomfortable from the stares . Draco noticed and said " Theo mate can you get the whiskey from slytherin common room " Theo nodded . Draco winked at Hermione and Hermione mouthed thank you . Once Theo has came back he sat next to Astoria and said " let's play truth or dare drink". Draco said " Hermione can't play this cause she's a wimp". Hermione said" really try me ".

"No need to get cocky zabini" draco laughed and whistled. Hermione gave him a dirty look . Astoria shouted "Hermione truth or dare " dare she smirked . " Sit on one of the boys laps ".she went you can't be joking "Hermione frowned"  do it or drink it " Astoria exclaimed.

Hermione looked at draco and Theo then Lorenzo she was going for Lorenzo he had always been decent to her except for asking her out he was always chill. She said " fuck it " as she sat on dracos lap she got her self comfortable by moving up and down and round little did she know draco was struggling. he was going to go hard he put his hand on her waist and said " move any more zabini and you'll know it " .as every one went around once again it was Hermione's to turn who was still on dracos lap . Pansy smirked and said "truth or dare '.hermuone shouted" dare" ."  I dare you to make draco horny to he shouts stop " . Hermione said" really " .pansy said " your quarter way there." She moved her self so both her legs were around his legs facing to his face she bit her lip and whispered" so you want me " draco nodded no . She whispered in  his ear " you will after this".
She moved her self up as she brought his dick up with her crotch as everyone watches theo looked jealous.she moved faster and started to move in slow circles draco silently moaned and shouted" stop !"

She jumped of him and smirked then sat next to pansy who thought it was amusing to see draco in so much discomfort from not being able to do it .after awhile everyone left .

Later on Hermione came out of the kitchen and said " oi Malfoy don't tell anyone what happened today I can't let Ron or Harry and ginny know you got it " .
Oh you know you want me " he smirked . She exclaimed fuck off it was a dare tell anyone and you won't know what hit you ferret ".

____writers comment sorry for not writing for two months didn't realise people were actually reading this comment for more xoxo

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