Miss You

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Three days later.....

It's been three days omegas had left and all the alphas were missing their omegas would be understatement.
They were feeling like dying.

They didn't even know how to cook they were missing the food made by their mates.

They were missing their presence.
Their cabin had become so silent and lifeless without the omegas.

Even alpha Jeon was missing his mate but his ego didn't let him show any emotions.

While emotions could be seen properly on Three alpha's face.

There were dark circles under their eyes showing they hadn't slept properly.

In Jikook's room....

Jungkook was sitting on bed with Jimin's clothes attached to his nose taking his omega's remaining scent.

He was dearly missing his omega and was regretting his past deeds.
He had raised his hand on his pregnant mate and was feeling so much guilty.

He was missing Jimin's presence and his giggles even though he never gave any reason to Jimin to smile.

Tears started forming in Jungkook's eyes as he recalled all the moments he had shared with his omega.

How the omega had treated his wound not caring about his own .

How the omega had taken care of his every need even though in change he only gave him pain.

How he physically abused the omega even when he was denying not to do that and how he forcefully made the omega pregnant even when he was not ready.

Jungkook started sobbing loudly.
If truth to be told he was scared so much what if Jimin rejects him what if he leave him for forever.

He had realised he can't live without Jimin. He can't live without Jimin's beautiful face and voice.

He realised Jimin was his everything but he was so much consumed by his alpha ego that at rhe the end he lost the omega.

He realised his feelings for Jimin and how much he love him but he lost all the chances to show that love to Jimin who only loved him selflessly and tolrated all the abuse.

All the alphas knew where the omega must be but didn't have the gut to approach them.

"I am sorry omega please come back to me i can't live without you and our pup i hope you can forgive me one day." Jungkook sobbed loudly while clutching Jimin's clothes.

"I miss you please come back to me my love"

Thank you.....

Next part will be Taegi.

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