Chapter 4

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Sky left his house very early in the morning. He went out to go collect some herbs and other things. He felt the need to at least do something that morning. However, as he was collecting some dragon fruit. He felt like something was off. He sighed and tried to ignore it.

Sky collected the herbs and plants he needed. But then, all of a sudden, the feeling got worse. Sky gasped. He grabbed his head. "What's going on?" He muttered. He groaned. He spread his wings and took off towards the fields. He looked around confused. But he wasn't looking where he was going and crashed into a tree.

Sky fell to the ground. He groaned and rolled his eyes. He stood up and brushed himself off but then he noticed something. Sky gasps. "Oh shit." He says. He spread his wings and flew off.

Shadow, The First Curse and The Last Inferno were still asleep outside. Sky found them and flew down to them. He landed hard on the ground in front of them startling them awake. "Sky! What's wrong?" Shadow asks once he saw that Sky looked panicked.

Sky caught his breath and he said, "We have a problem." Shadow, The First Curse and The Last Inferno instantly got alarmed and stood up. "What's the problem?" The First Curse asks. "Just follow me." Sky says. He started running towards where he was before. Shadow, The First Curse and The Last Inferno followed behind him.

Shadow, The First Curse and The Last Inferno kept exchanging worried glances. Sky then stopped behind a set of trees. "Sky, what is-" Sky shushes Shadow. He points ahead. Shadow looks and gasps. "What the hell are they doing here?!" He whispers.

The Great One, Sabre, Nightmare Steve, Void Steve, Twisted Rainbow and Reverse Steve were all there in the fields. They were all dawned with armor and they had very powerful looking weapons.

"Something is wrong." Sky says. The Last Inferno growls angrily. "Sky, stay back here. We'll go see what they want." She says. Shadow, The First Curse and The Last Inferno walked out into the field.

The Great One looked over at them. "Ahh. Look who it is." He says. Nightmare Steve smirks. Shadow, The First Curse and The Last Inferno stood close together. "What do you want?" Shadow asks, his voice sounded both curious and angry.

"Oh. It's quite simple of what we want. This is the place where we know somebody lives." Void Steve says. "And who is that?" The First Curse asks. "Come on. You three know. You've lived with him for a while. Even got reformed by him." Sabre says. Shadow was about to speak but The First Curse interrupted him. "Since when were you all working together?" He asks.

Sabre crosses his arms. "We were forced to work together and not a lot of us are happy about it." He says. He gave a death glare at Twisted Rainbow. Twisted Rainbow noticed and looked at him. "Oh come on! Are you still mad about that?" He asks.

Sabre rolls his eyes. "Yes." He says. Twisted Rainbow groaned. "Seriously?! All I did was create my own army against the darkness!" He exclaims. The Great One roars and stomps his foot causing the ground the shake slightly. "Would you two quit your bickering?!" He exclaims. He sighs, annoyed.

Shadow finally found his voice. "Hold on! How did you know we were reformed?" He asks. Void Steve smirked. "Trust me. We know a lot of things." He says. Suddenly, The Great One used his powers and made a hologram of what happened earlier on in the past several months of when Shadow, The First Curse and The Last Inferno got reformed. "Sky helped you three become good guys and you all became friends with him." The Great One says.

Nightmare Steve stared at the hologram. Then he turned to Shadow, The First Curse and The Last Inferno. "We have actually been watching all of you this whole time. Our leader sent us all to spy on you guys. We know everything about you three." He says, smirking.

"Your leader?" The First Curse asks. He was starting to get angry. "Of course. Now, where is Sky?" Reverse Steve asks. Shadow growls. "He's not here. You aren't hurting him!" He says. Nightmare Steve laughs. "We aren't hurting him. Yet anyway..." He says.

Shadow, The First Curse and The Last Inferno glared at them. "Where is he?!" Twisted Rainbow exclaims. "You. Aren't. Touching him!" The Last Inferno yells. The Great One, Sabre, Twisted Rainbow, Nightmare Steve, Void Steve and Reverse Steve looked at each other.

"Fine. Guess we need to do this the hard way!" The Great One exclaims. All of a sudden, Void Steve stepped forward and lifted Shadow, The First Curse and The Last Inferno off the ground using his powers.

Shadow gasped. "What the hell is this?!" He exclaims. He tries to get free but it wasn't working. The First Curse and The Last Inferno tried to get free as well but nothing. Sky gasps when he saw that. He growled angrily. Void Steve tightened his grip on them. "Where is Sky?!" He exclaims. The trio kept trying to get free of Void's grasp but nothing worked.

Sky growled angrily. He quickly flew over and pushed Void Steve away. Void Steve roared and fell to the ground. He looked up angrily. Shadow, The First Curse and The Last Inferno fell to the ground after being released.

Void Steve got up. "Well well well, Sky. Seems you're still trying to protect your "friends" huh?" He says walking back over to his group. Sky growls angrily and stood in front of Shadow, The First Curse and The Last Inferno. "Leave them alone! What do you want from me anyway?!" He shouts. "Like we would tell you. We were just asked to take you with us." Nightmare Steve says.

Sky shook his head. "I'm not going anywhere." He says. Sabre laughs. "Then we'll have to force you." He says. All six of them unsheathed their weapons and got in battle stances. "Oh, that's how it's going to be? Well, bring it on!" Sky exclaims. The lights on his armor started glowing and he unsheathed his sickles, clashing the blades together in a threatening way. Shadow growled. He turned to The First Curse and The Last Inferno. "Hang tight guys. Looks like this'll be a long fight." He says.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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