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(Y/N is 14 here, same age as Peter in Civil War!)—There I was, standing before Tony Stark sitting next to my foster parents, Mary and Jack

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(Y/N is 14 here, same age as Peter in Civil War!)

There I was, standing before Tony Stark sitting next to my foster parents, Mary and Jack. I looked like a deer in headlights because I was so shocked that Iron Man was actually in my house! One moment I was jamming to Y/F/S (your favourite song) while headbanging and cleaning my room and the next thing I knew, I was called to meet Tony Stark.

I stared at him with wide eyes before laughing in disbelief. "Uh.. hey," I said, smiling nervously. "What.. what're you doing here?"

"C'mon, Y/N, that's no way to talk to Mr Stark here." My foster mom Mary said. 

"Don't worry about it, ma'am. You got accepted."

"Um, accepted for what, sir?"

"The internship you applied for. Congratulations, Y/N" I looked confused for a second but he shot me a glare that said 'go along with it'. I understood the assignment and softly smiled but it was a bit awkward.

 "Thank you, Mr Stark. I wonder how I.. haha.. won. I mean accepted. Mhm." I pursed my lips and stared awkwardly at him for a response for a moment.

"Y/N, why didn't you tell us about this?" My foster dad, Jack asked. They seemed excited for me. I smiled nervously.

"Suprise?"I said, doing jazz hands to improvise and make it less awkward.

"Once again, congratulations," Tony said, smiling. "Mom? Dad? Why don't you excuse us for a while?" They then left and Tony stared me straight into my eyes. "I know what you are."

"I.. don't know what you're talking about. I'm not gay," I said quickly, not reading the room. He looked at me and chuckled. "I know you have powers, kid."

"Powers? Nope— I don't have powers," I said, playing dumb. "You know what— what even are powers?" Too dumb. I then grimaced, instantly regretting what I just did.

He then took out his phone and showed me a video of me using my powers. My face was hooded but there was a glimpse of my face. I stopped a car accident by stomping on the ground and glass appeared and stopped the accident. When I used my powers in the video, my hair turned white.

"There isn't any point of lying so, yeah— I have powers," I said in defeat. I sighed. "So, what now?" I asked him. Would he tell my parents? I was very curious as to why he was here. I would be so confused about how he tracked me down with just a glimpse of my face but he is literally Tony Stark.

"I need you to join me to fight uh.. in Germany. I'll tell your parents if you don't." He said, staring at me. "Also, please, tell me how your powers work. Are you an alien?"

"What?" I said, my jaw hanging open. "Uh.. well, my powers work when I bleed. No, I'm not an alien. My powers just came in when I reached puberty." I then held out my hand and a piece of glass appeared in it.

"How are your powers working if you aren't bleedi... right." He says, grimacing when he realises.

I then paced around my room. He noticed it wasn't heavily decorated. I didn't decorate my room too much because I frequently moved around because of course, I was placed in the foster care system. I taught myself to not get too attached to places or people.

"Why are we fighting in Germany?" I asked him. "W-what will I tell my foster parents?" I say in a hushed tone.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of that." He said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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