chapter 1.

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"Mommy, where are we?" Did you ask your mother when she woke you up in the middle of the night and dragged you into the forest.

"You'll see that, darling. Tell me, you're already a big girl, right?" She asked you smiling while she held a lantern in her hand and held your hand with the other hand.

"Oh yes! I'm already 6 years old!" You said laughing and hopping around while you pressed your blue rabbit cuddly toy very firmly against your chest.

"Yes, you're really a big girl, do you think you could handle a while without your mom?" She asked. You were a little confused and didn't really understand what she meant. You were only 6 years old. You and your mother have been going through the forest on a narrow path. It was pitch dark and your mother's lantern was a little weak.

Your mother hummed a song for you.

You were a little scared because it was so dark and the lantern your mother held in her hand flickered like in a horror movie.

"Mami? Where are we going? I'm tired.. and I'm terribly cold."

You said and squeezed your mother's hand tighter.

"It's all good, honey. I'm here." She said, but her voice sounded different.

After a few minutes you have a huge building. It looked like an office, which was made of glass.

"We are there, sweetie." She said. You are in front of a huge gate.

"Mommy, that's scary here, can we please go home?.." you asked her anxiously and held your cuddly toy. Your mother didn't answer. Suddenly the gate opened. Your mother and you have gone in. You were amazed. Everything was huge but it looked too much like in a horror movie. Suddenly you heard steps coming towards you. When you took a closer look, you saw a man in a white coat.

You were so scared that you were hiding behind your mom's coat. "Hello little one, what's your name?"

The man asked. You couldn't see his face because it was dark. But you saw his creepy wide grin. Your mother let go of your hand and pushed you forward a little. "Well, introduce yourself to the nice man, darling." She said.

Unwell, you started talking: "My name is y/n, and I'm 6 years old."

"Oh, you're pretty tall! Would you like to come here, I have something for you here." The man said and knelt down to you. You only had a distance of 2 meters between you. You didn't want to leave, but your mother pushed you a little from behind.

"Na los y/n! The nice man wants to show you something. I'm here, you don't need to be afraid." She said and grinned a little differently than usual. You pressed your cuddly toy very firmly with both arms on your chest and got closer to the man with small steps. When you stood in front of him, he carefully took your arm. "Come on, get closer, little one. Look what I have here!" He said and pulled you closer. He showed you a little girl's toy. It was a princess! "She is so beautiful!" You said enthusiastically.

"Not was? You are welcome to keep them." Said the man. "Well, how would you like it if I showed you the building. It looks great! And if you want, I'll give you more dolls!" He said and held your hand.

"Oh really! Thank you very much! Mom come d-" you stopped talking. Because you turned around and saw your mom standing with her back to you and going.

"Mom! Where are you going to come back!!" Did you scream and want to run after your mom. But the man had grabbed your arm and didn't want to let you go. "LET GO OF ME!! I HAVE TO GO TO MY MOM!" You screamed and tried to free yourself hastily. When you realized that it didn't help, you shouted: "MAMA! STAY HERE, YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME ALONE!" Your eyes were already watering. You dropped your cuddly toy when you noticed that the man wanted to drag you into the building. Your mom didn't even turn to you. But then suddenly she looked back. "I'M SORRY Y/N! I PROMISE YOU PRINCESS! ONE DAY I WILL BUY YOU AGAIN! I'LL TELL YOU THAT!!!" She screamed and cried. She ran away and huried out of the gate. Slowly the gate closed.

"NO! MAMA! PLEASE STAY HERE!!" You screamed and cried at the same time.

At once it turned black. You felt how you had slowly lost consciousness.

Slowly you opened your eyes.

You were in a white room. You couldn't move a bit because you were tied to a bed. Your mouth was too glued so you couldn't scream! And if so! The room had no windows but only a thick metal door. After a few minutes, 4 people came in. They all wore a mask and a white coat, they looked exactly like doctors. There was 1 woman and the remaining 3 real men." Good morning. She's awake, we can start." The woman said, took a chair and sat next to your bed. Then she took out an injection. You immediately got goosebumps. But your feet and hands were tied to the bed so you couldn't do anything.

After a few minutes, you felt your eyes suddenly become heavy. You couldn't leave them open anymore, no matter what kind of methods you tried. For me, you fell asleep.

It didn't take long for you to wake up again. So it didn't feel long but it was 5 hours!

When you got up, you heard a pee in your head. You noticed that the door was wide open, and you were no longer tied up! You got up quickly. Your hands felt so strange. So metallic. Just like your legs! But it looked like usual! It's hard for you to stand for whatever reason. You fell over immediately. Then you started crying. You were only 6 years..

You cried and couldn't stop. The piping in your head was getting louder and louder. Your head hurt, you couldn't control your movements anymore!

You screamed and waved on the ground. Suddenly people came running towards you." Experiment 478 Ween, Eperiment 478 failed experiment 478 failed I repeat Experiment 478 Failed!" A woman spoke in a device.

Your head threatened to burst. Your head piped and made noises like a robot.

The woman leaned against the wall and watched you.

You screamed and held your head. When she had seen enough, she bent down to you. She looked into your eyes, but you couldn't keep still.

Suddenly she slapped you in the face. For a short time, your head was calm. "Learn to suppress the tears and the pain. From today, you are no longer called y/n, but Automatic Robot-Girl." She said arrogantly and pressed something behind your neck. Suddenly it turned black.

You couldn't see anything but you just felt your hands touch and store you in a room.

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