Only You (FutaW)

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"Get the fuck out of my house! "

Jimin is giving all her strength to push the door closed, but her vampire strength is no match to an alpha werewolf.

"Can you stop and listen to me?"

"Why would I listen to your bullshits?! "

"It's not bullshit. You are my mate."

"Be fucking serious! I am a vampire and you are a stinky ass werewolf. Do you really think we could ever be?! "

"Yes! We are destined by the moon goddess. So ple-"

"Fuck your moon goddess!"

Jimin was surprised when the door she's trying so hard to close swung wide open.

She has no choice but to back up slowly, hoping to have an escape from the raging werewolf inside her home.

"Is that what you want? Would you rather know that I'm fucking someone else?"

"I-I don't care what you do with your life. J-just leave me alone."

"You want me to leave you alone? "

Jimin's house always seemed too big for one person, but not today. The distance of the walls feel closer, she has no where to go as she has now reached the wall.

The alpha took it to her advantage. She held the vampire's jaw tight enough to let her know that there is no escape.

"After what happened in the woods, do you think I'll be able to leave you alone? You are my mate."

" I am not!"

"Yes, you are! "

Jimin didn't know that an alpha's voice can be this powerful (or maybe because it is her alpha calling her to submit).

"I felt it. I felt everything. One whiff of your scent, one look into your red orbs and I knew. We were made for each other. "

"S-stop with your nonsense. What you felt was wrong."

"If I was wrong then tell me you never wanted me. If I was wrong then tell me you never felt anything when you saw me in the woods. If I am wrong tell me to stop. "

Minjeong started attacking Jimin's neck with her wet kisses. Her free hand groping the vampire's breast.

Jimin's mind wants the werewolf to stop, but her body says otherwise.

"Tell me your name. " The alpha whispered into the vampire's ear before biting her earlobe.

With Minjeong's hand roaming her body, drawing circle from her bare abdomen slowly going down to the band of her underwear, Jimin could not focus on anything.

"Tell me your fucking name!" The hold on the vampire's jaw tightened. Right their and then she knew that if she permitted this she must be ready for something rough.

"J-jimin. Yu Jimin. "

Minjeong drew her closer, brushing her nose on Jimin's neck to try ang get her scent.

"Wonderful. I am your mate Jimin and you are mine. Do you understand? " For the first time, there's gentleness laced on the alpha's voice.

Jimin only nodded to the alpha's statement.

"I want to hear you, darling. "

"Y-you're my mate. "

Jimin can feel the smirk on Minjeong's lips as the werewolf nips her neck with small wet kisses.

"That's my good girl. "


"Ahhh, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck."

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