The Shining of Beacon Pt 1

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"Dad, are you sure you'll be ok when I leave? I don't want you to be alone." Rayelle asked for what seemed like the fifteenth time making Qrow laugh.

"For the last time. Yes. I'll be fine. If I get that lonely I can just drop by for a visit. Which brings me to what I needed to talk to you about. Oz says I have another mission coming soon... it's going to be a long one, kid." He finished as Rayelle took her plate to the kitchen

"I always worry whenever you come back injured, I don't want to lose you." Rayelle said

"I really am sorry Ellie. But Oz has always helped me when I needed it in the past, especially with my semblance, now I try to help him." He explained with a serious expression before breaking into a smirk. "Besides! He knows your old man is the best of the best." He boasted

"It's just I barely see you." Rayelle said sadly

"I know you're worried about me, but I promise it's gonna be okay." Qrow put his hand on his daughter's shoulder and looked her in the eyes, both felt the knowing pain of the distance Qrow's job did to both of them.

"Stay safe okay," Rayelle said

"I should be telling you that." Qrow said

Rayelle laughs and she closes the door


The airship was packed full of students, everyone eager to see what Beacon would be like. Rayelle wanted to take a nap so she had moved to the far back and leaned against the wall.

"Oh my gosh! Do my eyes deceive me?!!" A voice yelled out

"Huh?" Rayelle said as she turns around

"ELLIE!" A girl yelled as she ran towards her

"Wait Nora c-calm down!" Rayelle said, waving her hands back and forth

It was too late and Nora tackles her into a hug, "It's so good to see you." Nora said

"It's good to see you too." Rayelle said

Rayelle narrows her eyes at Ren as he begins to smile. "Ren?"

"You... remember me?" Ren asked, a little surprise.

"Of course I do silly." Rayelle replied, stepping closer and wrapped her arms around Ren for a hug.

"So how long have you been at Beacon?" Ren asked

"Believe it or not this is actually my first year." Rayelle answered

"Oh look at us, the three musketeers are back again!" Nora yelled as she playfully punched Rayelle's shoulder

Rayelle laughs, "It's so good to see you guys." She said

The moment was promptly ruined as a blonde hair guy sprinted by holding his mouth and gagging before throwing up. Followed by lots of shouting in disgust as Ren, Nora and Rayelle shared a look before laughing. Beacon certainly was going to be interesting.

Ren's chest tightened up as his heart started pounding like a jackhammer. He smiles and returns the hug, enjoying these butterfly feelings returning.


The airship docked at the port to Beacon and students began rushing off quickly, excited to begin their new lives.

"You guys go on ahead." Rayelle said

The guy who was sick earlier ran to the nearest bucket and started heaving again, before groaning in relief.

"Hey man you alright?" Rayelle asked

Rayelle Branwen| Qrow's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now