1: Skylander's Unite!

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Welcome to my book!

My name is Endless!

Are you ready to read something fun for the most dumbest reason's???

Of course you are. That's why your here.


∆{3rd person's POV}∆

{Time skip: 8 years later}

A building floating on a island surrounded by clouds. Many people, each with unique appearances walked throughout the area of the buildings.

A glowing beam formed in a small circle of rocks and a man that represented some sort of creature ran down a path while carrying a bag and some books on his back.

The short animal-like man had brown fur, green eyes, and a green jacket with a pair of glasses over his eyes.

He ran across a bridge passing by a tall person with red skin and wore some sorta armor.

Another person ran past him as they chased after a sheep.

"Pardon me coming through!"

The man shouted as he continued to run around the campus. He ran past 2 people while continuing to shout.

"A very important assistant with a very important pack- OW!"

The man fell onto the ground when something landed on his head, causing him to drop the bag he had been carrying.

A small group of kids stood by a door seeing this happen as the thing that had been thrown at him landed in front of them.

The man sat up and looked down at the books that had fell out of his bag. He then looked at the odd looking ball that had hit him.

"What in the-"

Suddenly a sheep's head popped out of the ball that was now so obviously seen as a sheep, growling at him causing the man to let out a scream.


The man shouted as he quickly grabbed all this stuff and hid behind a wall with a staircase leading up.

Suddenly a purple figure dashed at the sheep and lifted it up into the sky. The figure let out a chuckle as it remained in its spot in the air.

"𝙃𝙪𝙜𝙤 𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙡, 𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙮'𝙧𝙚 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙡𝙚𝙨𝙨."

It was revealed to be the one and only Spyro. He had grown and had become a slightly older, yet still young, dragon.

"They are not harmless! They are harmFUL! They are literally full of harm!"

Hugo shouted as he peaked out behind the wall. The sheep growled at Hugo once again, causing him to shriek and hide once again.

"Did you see that!? Oh tell me that you all saw it!"

Spyro looked down at the sheep, only to see it with a blank stare. He just shrugged it off.

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