-Strange Girl-

32 4 0

You walk alone, in the rain, it was sprinkling you looked down and kicked your feet a bit, sniffling because you had a stuffy nose

That's when you ran into something, 

You quickly looked up and saw a boy about your age, dark brown hair, and bright gloomy blue eyes

You noticed you knocked down pictures and posters he was holding, so you quickly crochet down and gathered them 

You stood back up, and held them out 

"I'm so sorry, here!" You said with a big bright smile, 

He took them out your hands, his soft fingers brushing against yours, 

"It's f-fine" He mutters, you look at his solemn face 

"Are you alright" You ask tilting your head 

"Oh yeah....I'm f-f-fine" He mutters rubbing his hands together, as its pretty chilly outside 

You smile big and hold out your hand

"So what's your name, Mines Y/n" You said a big smile still plastered on your face 

He looks at your hand then back up at you, and shakes it 

"B-B-Bill" You hear him say quietly that sad look still on his face 

You smile, "What a cute name!" You say and giggle as the rain sprinkles you both 

"Th-thanks" He says, not really noticing the complement, he looks at the photo in his hand, it was of him and a little boy 

You could see tears well up in his eyes, and you tilted your head 

"Hey how about a joke huh" You say and tap his forehead, making him look up surprised 

You hear him sniffle and nod, 

"Ok....g-g-go ahead" He waits 

You smile a big bright smile, "What did the nose say to the finger!"

You could see Bill smile a bit and wipes his eyes, "W-what" 

"Stop picking on me!" You say and start to giggle 

Bill starts to laugh a bit, and you both laugh getting louder 

"Th-th-that's one of the lamest j-j-jokes I've heard" He Snickers 

You giggle, "Funny huh"

He nods and smiles, 

"Say you're pretty cute! What grade you in!" You ask 

Bill blushes a bit and holds the picture a bit tighter, 

"9-9th, What about y-you" He asks 

"Hey! I'm in 9th too" You giggle, as you watch him 

"Really? Th-that's c-c-cool" he says 

You watch him look up at the rain, you hear him sigh and mutter something 

"What's wrong Billy Boy" You ask tilting your head 

He looks at you, his small smile turning into his state of sadness 

"Nothing" He says and rubs the side of his neck 

You look up at the rain, a big grin plastered on your face 

Bill watches you, as he slowly notices the bags under your eyes, how hungry you look....and the small little cuts on your arm, he was confused, the big smile on your face, it was like you were happy as can be?

"H-hey are y-you okay" He asks quietly his eyebrow raising slightly 

You look down then back at him, "Yeah!" 

"Y-y-you don't loo-k okay, Are y-you s-sure" He asks as his eyes wander back to your arms 

You giggle and nod

"If you say so.....y-you look kinda h-h-hungry" He says and rubs his head

"Nah! I'm okay" You say as you look around the gloomy town, memorized by the passing cars 

"If y-you say so,...uhm c-can I a-ask you something" 

You look at him and nod 

"W-why do you h-have those scars, o-on your arms" He says and gestures to your arms a bit 

You don't answer...but try to ignore the question 

"HEY LOOK A PLANE!" You shout and point up in the sky 

He looks up but looks back at you, he's still concerned but nods, 

"Cool" He says as he still glances at your arms 

You giggle

 "Well I must be going Billy Boy, I wanna see you around, your pretty face really lights up this town" You giggle "Bye!" 

He chuckles and rolls his eyes, but secretly he enjoyed it, 

"S-s-see you later, Y-Y/n" He says and waves 

You start to skip away, 

He watches you skip away, wiping the rain off his face

He notices you slow down a bit, and seem tired, he alone notices how soaked your clothes are as well

He decides to follow you for a little bit 

You get in a alley, it was decorated with various items found in trash cans, bins, and dumpsters 

There lies a dog, a sad pouty looking one

"Hi Bruce!" You shout and sit next to the dog 

Bill follows and peaks trying not to be seen 

You lean on the dog cuddling up to him, "Its nap time Bruce I'm tired, I just met the prettiest boy ever!" You says yawning 

He watches and blushes a bit, 

You fall soundly asleep with the dog, snoring just a small bit 

Bill watches worried as he now approaches your sleeping form, 

He notices how soaked you are, and how you shiver a bit 

He takes off his jacket and wraps you  in it, making sure you don't get soaked anymore that you already are 

He watches you for a bit, 

Noticing how perfect you look, your h/c hair soaked and stuck to your face, the dirt on your face oddly cute, your flushed face from the cold,

He shakes his head and stands up, getting on his bike, taking one last look before peddling off~

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