-Such a sweet girl-

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You were skipping outside in the rain yet again, 

You then saw a little frog and quickly grabbed it 

You were wearing the coat you found on you when you woke up

"Oh a little froggy how cute!" You say babying the frog 

You kiss the frog and giggle, "Hey wheres my prince huh froggy" You say

You let the frog go and then stand up yawning, 

You looked around and saw Bill from afar watching you!

"HEY BILLY BOY, I knew it was bright over here" You shout and run over to him 

Bill blushes when he gets called "Billy Boy"

You stand right in front of him, smiling with that cheeky smile 

He blushes as you stand so close to him, he looks at your bright e/c eyes and the water droplets run down your face, 

"H-hey" he says as he tries not to stare 

"What you doing out in this rain huh?" You ask tilting your head 

"Nothing....j-j-just taking a walk" he says a smile on his face and rubs his neck 

You giggle then yawn, "May I join you!" 

"O-of course" he says and starts to walk, 

He glances at you a few times as you both walk, he notices you weren't as full as energy as the day before, he watched you yawn once again 

"Are y-you s-s-sleepy" He asks 

"Nope!" You say but only rub your eyes, in his eyes you almost looked like a toddler

"What are we gonna do today Billy" You ask 

He smiles when he sees you rub your eyes, he notices your eye bags were a bit darker and you were a bit pale, 

"Uhm, I don't k-k-know, we co-could go to the p-park" He says, thinking of things to do but noticing how tired you looked and the rain falling 

"Yeah park!" You shout 

You hear him chuckle and see his cute smile.....you were in love with him...

You both walk out the playground, which has swings, slide, and merry go round

You run to the slide and climb up the steps, 

"I'm gonna go Billy watch" You shout 

He chuckles and shakes his head, he awaits at the bottom of the slide watching you slide down and laugh.....he loved your laugh 

You squeal, "Now the merry go round" You jump up 

He just watches you run to the merry go round, 

He watches at you barely spin, and how the rain starts to pick up

You giggle, "Billy come on join!" You say and hold out your hands 

Bill chuckles a little more and speed walks over,

He stops in front of you looking at you, then slowly taking your hands and climbing on the merry go round

You both giggle and you squeal as it spins, you lay back, never letting go of his hand

The merry go round speeds up faster and faster, you both hold onto each others hand for dear life and the rains starts to pick up at its spins 

You both laugh, that was until you stared to get sick and scared, 

You tugged on Billy whining, "B-billy make it stop"

He laughs and does not stop it, "Oh y-you want f-f-faster" He says laughing, not understanding your sick

You feel your stomach turn, "B-billy p-please" you say and cover your mouth 

He must not of heard you cause it kept going, 

You whine and try not to cry, "Please" you say and tug on him he looks at you as it keeps spinning but wont make it stop, it only goes faster, so you cover your ears 

You then start to cry, loud and scared, he looks at you worried and stops it immediately 

You rush off, getting away from Bill, as you toddle and are very dizzy and sick, crying

You run from Bill and fall on your knees behind a tree, crying and then throwing up and coughing 

Bill feels terrible, you were his good friend and he thought he ruined it all

He hurry's over to you, he knows he should have stopped it as soon as you tugged on him and whined 

He sighs when he sees you throwing up, he puts his hands on your shoulders and speaks calmly 

"H-hey, relax, i-its okay" He says 

You wipe your mouth, "Go away" You say crying still 

You throw up once more, 

Bill winces and feels your hands try to push him away but he only holds them in place 

"Its o-okay, calm down p-please, d-d-deeps breaths, o-okay" He says quitely as he notices your shaky breaths and cries, feeling horrible about what he caused 

"B-billy you suck, I thought I could trust you" You whine saying it like a toddler 

He looks at you sadly, hearing your breath hitch and hiccup, and he tries to calm you down 

"You can......t-trust me, Y-y-y/n just calm d-down......your o-okay" He says and rubs your shoulders 

"You didn't stop it! B-billy I begged you-" You say but stop talking feeling you'll throw up again

He looks at you sadly as he watches you, he bites his tongue, he just wants to help you....

"I-im sorry, i- wanted to have f-fun" He says with a quiet look of remorse and regret 

He knew he shouldn't have gone further when you started to whine, 

"That was not fun" You mumble 

You get up and sit leaning on the tree, 

He sits down next to you and sighs, he looks at you and speaks softly, he feels so bad seeing you cry

"I know....i-i-i'm sorry i-.....I shouldn't h-have taken it t-that far" He says quietly keeping a hand on your shoulder 

You just keep crying, you weren't crying because of him, but because you were tired and all the emotions just flooded you all the sudden 

He looks at you as you cry loudly like a little toddler, he felt so bad, he rubs your back and does his best to comfort you in the best way he could, 

The rain still comes down hard, as you both are soaked 

You sniffle and lean on him, putting your head on his shoulder

He feels your head on his shoulder and then wraps his arms around you and rubs your back still

He does not say a word, but he does notice how soaked your clothes were from the rain, he looks at you with pity and concern

He slowly hears your cries dye down, he goes to ask if you okay but he notices you fell fast asleep right on him 

He stares for a long while as you sleep, before he lays his head on yours and slowly falls asleep on you, his grip never going loose~ 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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