In the Beginning

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A/N: This is a Supernatural fan fiction. All characters aren't owned by me. I wish I owned them... But then again, if I did, my ships would be made canon in a minute and that would be a bore for everyone else.


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters....  Genesis 1:1-2


Darkness. That's all that there was. Dark emptiness. And then, there was a bright light. From that light appeared two beings: God and Death. Everyone had a role to play in the universe With God, there came the universe, life, and creation. Death brought eternal peace and slumber for all those who have lived. The Darkness brought total destruction and chaos.

God, who had decided to begin creation, left the Darkness on the farthest corner away by declaring light. He snapped his fingers and in a big explosion, the universe was created. He created billions of stars each organized in different galaxies. For many stars he created planets.

There was one small planet which he favored. Very small and full of fire and potential. He chose this planet and began to experiment with his powers. He divided the planet into water and land, creating his first living creatures.

At first, God was not very sure about what he was creating. In the end, he was left with a terrible beast with no shape, no morals, and contaminated with the Darkness. Repulsed by his creation, God created a cage to lock up the beast. He named the beast leviathan and the cage Purgatory.

After his failure, God began to seek for an inspiration instead of just winging it. After a millennium, he found inspiration in himself. He began to create the first of this new species, an angel. Taking a bit of his grace, he fashioned a celestial being with six snow white wings. His creation had golden-silver locks and was full of his grace.

God looked at his new creation, very please with himself. "Not bad," he said as he inspected his new angel. He took the angel as his own son and named him Michael.

God raised Michael, teaching him how to be a good obedient son, loyal to the paradise he created just for the both of them. In the paradise, there was a garden full of vegetation and it's fruit. God had decided to name this part of heaven Eden, meaning luxury in Enochian. There were four rivers in this garden. God decided to allow Michael to name one of the rivers Parat.

As the universe progressed, God became more busy fighting the Darkness and had less time for his son Michael. As the years passed by, Michael became more lonely. Noticing Michael's isolation, God created a brother for him, Luciel, meaning 'Beacon of Light'. Luciel was more beautiful than Michael, yet Michael was too pleased to care for his days of loneliness were over. Michael taught Luciel the ways of an angel, how to care for their father's creations, and to keep the Darkness away from heaven. Luciel too, named a river in the garden. He named the second river Pishon. Luciel and Michael became the best of friends.

Michael was almost sixteen million years old when he found another angel with six beautiful mouse-brown wings on the third river's bank. This little angel was younger than when Luciel was given to Michael. Another between this angel and his two brothers was the wing color. Both Michael and Luciel had pale wings; Luciel's being a beautiful, glowing prismatic-white, Michael's being snow-white.

God appeared to the three siblings and told them that this new angel's name was Raphael and he too would name a river. He once again disappeared to keep the Darkness away from his creations.

Raphael was raised by both Michael and Luciel to be a warrior. Unlike his two older brothers, Raphael was loyal only to heaven. Thus, he was emotionally distant from his older siblings. All three brothers helped their Father fight the Darkness, yet they were still not strong enough to lock it away...

That is where I come in. My name is Gabriel. I am the youngest of the archangels and the Messenger of God. A.k.a, The Trickster. 

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