Growing up in Eden

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[A/n: I changed Lucifer's name to Luciel since that was his original name before the fall. Don't worry, he will regain the name we all love and know. ... Oh... That sounded wrong... But you know what I mean!]


Gabriel had been in Eden for five centuries, occasionally seeing his brothers Michael, Raphael, and his father. Luciel would occasionally leave him alone to help out when the Darkness would press an attack. 

Gabriel was crouching, rump in the air, as he wrote the Enochian alphabet in the sand. Un, pa, veh, gal, graph... Ceph. He looked at the last letter, Raphael would tell me that this letter is sloppy... I need to fix that. I don't like being yelled at by Big Brother Raph. 

Feeling a hand grab his shoulder, Gabriel jumped in surprise, flapped his miniature golden wings in panic, causing him to rise a few inches off the floor. He looked into Luciel's silver blue eyes and broke into a grin. "Luci!" He jumped into his brother's arms, who hugged him eagerly. 

"Gabriel!" Luciel sat down and settled Gabe on his lap. "Hello, brother! How's your day?"

Gabriel played with the skirt of his robe, biting his lip. "I was practicing my alphabet." He jumped off Luciel's lap and began to tug on his robes, hoping to pull him up. Luci, lets go to the river! I like to watch the waves."

He dragged Luciel towards the river and sat down with him along the shore, watching the waves roll along.

~*Time Skip*~

Gabriel was now one thousand years old. He knew every nook and cranny in Eden. He had also decided to name his river Gihon, meaning 'to burst forth'. Gabriel wasn't quite sure why he had chosen this name, but he liked it. 

Gabriel, under the guidance of Luciel, had also learned how to create illusions. At first he started out with creating small inanimate objects such as rocks and small puddles, but after practicing for five hundred years, Gabriel could now create whole environments and little animals, his favorite being the בַּרוָזוֹן (Platypus). [A/N: There are some words in English which I could not find in Enochian. For these words, I will be using Hebrew words... Simply because the bible was Hebrew first, sooo...] The strange creature was unlike anything the four brothers have ever seen, God simply laughed at how adorable Gabriel's creativity was.

Gabriel had also began to sprout his second pair of wings a century ago. They had started out as little buds at the joint where his wing met with his skin between the shoulder blades. After growing for a century, they were finally recognizable as wings. Raphael had also seemed to become slightly more accepting of Gabriel than before. He still didn't laugh when Gabriel would sprout long hairy ears on his head.

~*Time Skip*~

Five thousand years old and the third pair of wings finally decided to show up. His first two pairs were fully grown by then. Soon, they would be large enough to let him join the battle against the Darkness. Gabriel grinned happily at the new bump. Soon, I will join my family in the war!

~*Time Skip*~

Gabriel was now seven thousand years and he was approaching the day he would join the battle against the Darkness. He felt his insides twist nervously. None of his brothers had ever told him what he was feeling, the only feelings they had ever had expressed were joy and anger; with the exception of disgust from Raphael since he didn't like Gabriel when he only had a pair wings. Now, Gabriel had six brilliant golden wings that sparkled in the sun of Eden. He spread them out widely and watched as the soft gentle breeze caressed each golden feather, causing them to twitch slightly. 

He suddenly felt the presence of his Father and brothers. He spun around delighted to see them all. He hugged his Father, who smiled and gave him a hug in return.

God grinned at His youngest son, "Ready for your armor and weapons?"

Gabriel nodded excitedly, "Yes! But I don't want a sword like Michael, Father. I want a horn!"

Luciel snickered as Raphael groaned, "Grow up."

Michael watched the conversation from the side, amusement making his eyes crinkle slightly. 

God raised an eyebrow at Raphael, "Your brother can be as creative as he wants." He turned back towards Gabriel, "So about that horn..."


[A/n: Yeah, still sorry these parts are kind of short. I swear that they will get longer after these first few chapters]

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