thirteen. golf (part 2).

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chapter thirteen.

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WHEN I hear a scream from the stands and then immediately get a call from Brady, I know it can't be good.

"What?" I answer, and Brady sounds panicked.

"Quinn's beating the living shit out of Alya. She was talking major crap on her and Finn, then she mentioned Amiya, but the final straw was Alya calling her obsessed with you. Try to get over here as quickly as you can, Connor. Bring Finn." He explains quickly, and I grab Finn's arm, not giving him an explanation as I sprint towards where they are.

When I reach them, Alya's practically out of it she's been hit so many times. Quinn looks furious, but she's still going. It appears that Alya got a hit or two in, because Quinn's eye is bruised slightly.

I quickly insert myself between the two girls so they stop, and I grab Quinn's hands so she stops attempting to hit Alya.

"Connor, let me go. That bitch insulted you guys!" She shouts, and I nod.

"I know, Quinny. I know. You can't hurt her anymore, she's already really injured." I whisper, and she shakes her head.

"No, she fucking deserves it, Connor. She—"

"I know, I know. You have to calm down, though, okay? Finn is here if you wanna talk to him." I say soothingly, and her breathing starts to slow.

When she looks behind me and sees Alya sitting on the bleachers, breathing shallow and quick, I think it finally hits her what she did. She begins to tear up, shoving her face into my chest and sobbing.

My eyes dart to Finn, who looks disappointed, but not surprised. He watches silently as his girlfriend sobs into my chest.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Connor. I didn't mean to hurt her that badly, I—"

"It's alright, Quinny. It's over now." I mumble, running my hand over her hair in an attempt to calm her down.

After a few minutes, she finally stops crying for the most part and let's go of me, walking to Finn and wrapping her arms around his torso.

"I'm sorry, Finny. I... she insulted you and Miya. I know you don't like violence, but I couldn't let her say that stuff." She mumbles, and Finn nods understandingly.

"I get it, Quinn. You're a very... protective person." He mutters, kissing the top of her head before locking eyes with me.

I feel insanely guilty for letting myself comfort Quinn while her boyfriend was less than 10 feet away, but she was clinging to me how she used to, and I couldn't bring myself to make her let go.

I dart my eyes away from Finn's and over to Brady, who's eyes show he can tell what I'm feeling. He whispers something to Miya before motioning for me to follow him.

We walk to a secluded area, walking laps around it in silence for a few moments.

"Connor..." he sighs. "She's dating Finn."

"I—" my voice breaks. "I know. I wish I didn't feel this way, Brady. I'm an awful person."

He shakes his head. "You're not an awful person for loving her, Connor. But you can't act on your feelings if they're still together. That's wrong, and even I won't support you through that."

𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗞 𝗟𝗔𝗧𝗘𝗥 (C.N) ²Where stories live. Discover now