Zombie Ride

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In Space, Duh...

Uzi Doorman, The Angsty Emo Drone Wakes up and discovers That She's Not on Copper-9.

Uzi: Where in the-? Where am I? What is this place.

???: Uzi!

Uzi looks at the Strange Dome-Like house, and sees Her Overly Happy Best Friend, N.

Uzi: N... Where are we?

N: Well... I'm not entirely sure, but look around. There are a Ton of Islands all over the place.

Uzi looks around and sees all the islands. There was A Desert island, A Jungle island, an island made entirely of Question marks, A GIANT DEATH ROBOT ON THE FUCKING MOON!!!

Uzi: Well, Wherever we are, we better find a way to escape. What do you think we should- N?

N was reading the signs.

Uzi: Oh Bite me! Are you Fucking Serious N? We're stranded in space and you're reading signs!?!

N: "Repower the Portal with Golden Crystals"

Uzi looks and notices The portal machine right by N. The Machine Needed a Total of 16 crystals.

Uzi: N! We can go throughout space and find these Crystals! And we can head back home.

N: oooh! Can I help?! Pweeeeaaasssse?

Uzi: .... Uhh yeah that was the plan.

N: Yay!! 😊😊

Uzi then notices A sign right next to the Dome-Like house.

Uzi then notices A sign right next to the Dome-Like house

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(Where they're at)

Uzi: Hmmm.... Come on. Let's go.

She jumps into the hole In the ground.

N: Uhhh you sure that's a good idEEAA!!??

Uzi Yanks N into the hole.

Both Friends Find themselves in a Giant dungeon under the Island.

They were surrounded by monsters.

Uzi: What the Hell?

N and Uzi immediately start fighting the monsters. There were way too many for either to fight alone so they stuck together.

Uzi found a Lava Blaster in A Box and shoots it.


The monsters all die from the lava.

N is now going back to the Box where Uzi picked Up the lava blaster and found one of the Golden Crystals they read about.

N: Uzi! I found one!

Uzi goes over to N and grabs it.

Uzi: Okay That's one. But there are a ton more empty spaces on the portal machine.

N: Maybe we have to go to the other Islands To find the Rest.

Uzi: Ugh!! Bite Me!!

She Turns around and crosses her Arms.

N pick Uzi up and flies them to the Surface where They Look around.

Uzi: Okay N. One question.

N: Yeah?

Uzi: How the fuck are we supposed to live in this Tiny Ass mushroom house. This thing is Like, 3 Feet Wide.

N: Oh that's Easy. You sleep inside and I sleep outside, and whatever we collect, we can Keep in this treasure chest.

He pulls out a treasure chest.

Uzi: Okay Smartass. How do we get to the Other Islands?

N: Uzi.... I can Fly.

Uzi: Jackass.

N: So which one should we go to First?

Uzi: Hmmm.... I say we Go to The Desert Island.

N looks and sees the desert Island.

N: Sure! I love doing anything! 😁

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N: Sure! I love doing anything! 😁

N grabs Uzi and they fly to the Desert island.

Immediately they're faced with A death Trap. The Lava Parkour.

Uzi: I've got This.

She Jumps The parkour And Reaches another Box.

She opens it and-


N: Language! There are kids watching 😊

Uzi: You're like the Entire Chapter Late.

N and Uzi head into the Hallway where there's a Ladder.

N Climbs up and he finds a Gold crystal.

N: I got on- Uzi?

Uzi was Fighting off some more monsters And they all retreated to the downstairs level.

Uzi and N look downstairs and sees Some Solver Clones.

Uzi: What the Fuck? Nope I'm not doing this! Not without better weapons. Uzi heads off and N flies her back to Their Home Alien.

End of Chapter

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