Ch-23 "Good Morning"

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As the morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, Hyunjin slowly stirred awake, feeling the warmth of Minho snuggled beside him. With a soft smile, he brushed a stray hair away from Minho's face and pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead, admiring how cute he looked in his peaceful sleep.

However, as Hyunjin attempted to extricate himself from the bed, a sharp pain shot through his spine, causing him to flop back down with a groan. Clutching his lower back, he winced in discomfort, the sudden movement awakening Minho with a start.

"Hyunjin, what's wrong?" Minho's deep morning voice was filled with concern as he sat up, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

Breathing heavily through the pain, Hyunjin tried to collect himself, but his embarrassment grew as he recalled the events of the previous night. His cheeks flushed as he remembered the passionate moments they shared, resulting in both of them being covered in hickeys and completely naked.

Avoiding Minho's gaze, Hyunjin glanced down at himself, confirming his state of undress. A deeper shade of red crept down his neck as he averted his eyes, feeling the weight of embarrassment settle over him like a heavy blanket.

"Um... sorry, hyung. I... I think I hurt my back," Hyunjin finally managed to stammer out, his voice strained with discomfort and embarrassment. "I didn't mean to wake you up."

Minho's expression softened as he reached out to gently touch Hyunjin's shoulder. "Don't worry about it. Let me help you." With a reassuring smile, he leaned in to press a tender kiss to Hyunjin's cheek, his affectionate gesture soothing Hyunjin's frazzled nerves.

Together, they slowly maneuvered Hyunjin into a more comfortable position, Minho offering gentle words of reassurance as they navigated the morning's unexpected turn of events. Despite the pain and embarrassment, Hyunjin couldn't help but feel grateful for Minho's unwavering support and love.

"Baby, why don't you hop on me?" Minho suggested, a playful glint in his eyes.

"Huh?" Hyunjin's confusion was evident as he looked at Minho, unsure of what he meant.

Minho chuckled softly, his affection for Hyunjin evident in his gaze. "I mean, let's get you to a hot shower and then let your butler take care of you, princess."

Hyunjin couldn't help but laugh at Minho's playful teasing. "Alright, alright," he conceded, allowing Minho to pick him up by wrapping his arms around Minho's neck and his legs around Minho's waist. "Woah, you're strong," Hyunjin remarked with a grin.

Minho leaned in to press a tender kiss to Hyunjin's lips. "Just like you, my princess," he whispered.

Hyunjin frowned playfully. "Don't call me princess, hyung," he teased.

"As you wish, princess," Minho replied with a smirk before carrying Hyunjin to the shower.

Once there, Minho supported Hyunjin as they stood under the warm water, ensuring he was okay before letting him clean up and get ready for the day ahead.

In the soothing embrace of the warm shower, Minho's hands moved skillfully over Hyunjin's back, massaging from his shoulders down to his waist. Hyunjin couldn't help but relax further under Minho's touch, feeling the tension melting away with each gentle stroke.

As Minho's hands trailed lower, leaving a trail of soft kisses and more hickeys on Hyunjin's milky skin, Hyunjin found himself leaning closer to Minho's chest, reveling in the intimacy of their shared moment.

Suddenly, a mischievous spark lit up Minho's eyes as a playful idea crossed his mind. With a swift movement, he grabbed Hyunjin's cute ass and gave it a playful spank, eliciting a surprised gasp from Hyunjin followed by a playful giggle.

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