Chapter 1: Beginning 1

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Thank you for reading this novel! I hope you enjoy :>


A vivid and haunting dream consumed me. In it, a man stands alone on a desolate battlefield. Blood coats his body, both his own and that of his enemies. His clothes bear the signs of relentless wear and tear from countless fights. The air is thick with the scent of smoke and the distant echoes of war. 

His sword, once a symbol of his strength, now lies shattered at his feet. The pieces of the blade scatter on the ground, reflecting the dim, gray light of the overcast sky. 

Enemies surround the man, their silhouettes looming menacingly, closing in with each passing moment.

Despite the overwhelming odds, he holds his head high, his gaze steady, his posture defiant, his eye's fierce, filled with unyielding determination and resilience. 

He knows the end is near, and he refuses to bow or break.

Suddenly, a crescent-shaped blade swings toward him, arcing through the air with lethal precision. The blade moves swiftly, aimed at his neck. Just as it is about to strike, the dream abruptly ends. I wake with a start, the beeping sound of my alarm echoing in my ears. 

The recurring dream leaves me with a lingering sense of unease. The image of the man, bloodied and battered, yet unyielding in the face of death, stays with me. 

When I woke up, it was 6:23, a little later by my usual standards. I quickly headed to the bathroom to take a shower and wrapped myself in a towel for the trip downstairs. 

With my hair still dripping, I threw a couple of slices of bread into the toaster and grabbed some San Marino from the fridge to heat up in the microwave. 

While the bread was toasting, I whipped up an omelet while drying my hair.

After breakfast, I set up the ironing board in the living room and began ironing my school uniform, humming a random tune as I went. 

Once the creases were smooth, I headed back upstairs to change into my uniform. When I checked the time, it was exactly 7:00. I was about to leave for school when I remembered my cousin, who'd been staying with us.

I quickly heated some leftovers from the fridge and left a note on the kitchen table for him, reminding him to eat something before he left for work or whatever he had planned for the day. 

With that done, I grabbed my backpack and hurried out the door. It was another busy morning, but I was used to the routine. The school bus would be arriving any minute, and I didn't want to be late.

As I stood at the bus stop in front of our house, I took out my phone to check for any messages from friends or family. 

There were a few unread texts, including a group chat where my friends were planning a badminton match after class. 

I chuckled softly at their playful banter and teasing; it was an infinitesimal moment of joy before the day ahead.

BEEP! BEEP! The bus pulled up with a loud honk, its doors opening wide. The familiar school bus driver, Manong, greeted me with his usual cheerful "Good morning!" I returned his greeting with a smile, stepping inside and finding my regular seat at the back near the window.

My parents were pretty strict, so they insisted I take the school bus for safety. It meant sharing the ride with elementary school kids, but I didn't mind. 

Their innocent chatter and questions made me feel like an older sister they could rely on, and it was nice to have their company on the way to school.

I pulled out my earphones and slipped them into my ears, tuning into Frank Sinuntra's smooth voice. It was my favorite way to start the day. As I gazed out the window, watching the familiar sights pass by—the local bakery, the small park, the bustling market.

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