Shocking dream...Part 22 the last episode

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The school season ended, and everyone returned to their homes to see their families, so Zira and Dثقraria returned to the palace, and began the usual routine of joy and pleasure and spending time with Meriza, who was very attached to Zira and he was also very attached to her, but he wanted to satisfy his curiosity and went to the library to research and read books about marriage. He tried to understand it because he was confused, then he came out and his face was very red from what he had read, as he had to read things that he was not prepared for, and whenever he remembered Kirissa's words or saw Derraria, he blushed and could no longer look at her, until she finally understood after she entered the library and saw the books that Zira was researching in and she knew that he had learned and read about everything, but he had forgotten about it with time.

Recently, Derraria began to have nightmares in her dreams. She always saw Zira walking away and after she calls him He turns to her, covered in blood from his head to his feet and his eyes shedding blood instead of tears, and black roots coming out of his left eye. She woke up terrified, and because of her extreme terror, she could not tell anyone because she thought it was just a nightmare and she would forget about it. However, it happened for the second time and she became worried because the matter was becoming clearer. She remembered that there were roots coming out of her neck if she forced her strength to increase, so she went to ask Yasane about that.

Derraria: Yasane, may I ask you a question?

Yasani: Yes, sure, but why are we alone? Is there something special that you don't want anyone to know except us?

Derraria: Yes, actually I want to ask you about the roots that come out of my neck whenever I sense danger and force them to appear, so my strength increases because of them.

Yasane: Ahhh... I see, you mean the Hell Roots. You know that you acquired them because of Zira after he guided you from that loop of Hell. After he guided you, a drop of blood fell into your mouth and the contract was completed and now you are connected to Zira and you possess the power of the Hell Roots.

Derraria: May I know how to control it to become stronger, please?

Yasane: Mmmmm.. I knew that this time would inevitably come. In fact, I did not want to tell you about it since you are still young, but since you asked, listen carefully. In order to do it, you must remember the suffering that you went through in that terrible torment, those horror feelings are the fuel for those roots to activate, and the more you accept those feelings, the stronger they become, and their goal is to fill that gap, which is the weak point that you have, which is your body that cannot keep up with the strength of your mind and soul, but take this warning, do not ever rely on it too much only do it in emergencies, as with the passage of time those feelings will devour you and you'll enter the loop hell again forever if you are not strong enough, so you have to train a lot and strengthen your mind and soul well in order to bear those bad effects. This is what I know now, as my memory has not returned yet.

Derraria: well, thank you very much for your information, Yasane.

Yasane: Is there something worrying you, little one?

Derraria: No, I'm fine.

Yasane left with question marks about the princess's reaction, but she did not care much and went as usual to be near Zira. Derraria's parents noticed that their daughter was not feeling well and that something was worrying her, but they could not find out the reason no matter how much they asked her because she always answered them that she is fine, and she began training more intensively.

Celissa: What should we do now, father?

Rafiel: I don't know. All our attempts to kidnap the boy Zira have failed. The king is very cautious, especially after the temple incident.

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