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The whole walk back to Guangshan his home remained relatively quiet. Childe did not a break though since he was carrying do many bags so they would sit down on a rock together with Childe looking at the view. "Are you sad that you can't see a view like such?"

Guangshen remains quiet. He has accepted he will forever be blind yet it still saddens him frequently due to the fact he will never see his family and their smiles, due to the fact he never got to see how his mother looked like, it saddens him greatly he can't see the people and the beautiful views. "I don't mind sitting here and listening to the birds chirp, the soft breeze blowing trough my clothes and hair and hearing the grass move, the water ripple. But yes-...it saddens me at times but if I wouldn't have been born blind I wouldn't have been this skilled in fighting as it does give me a certain advantage"
He said and let's the sun be cast upon his face.
Although he enjoys the sun a lot his skin remains pale like porcelain. "Like you know I rely on touch to know how something looks like. I cannot touch a view"

Childe listens and he needs yet he turns to look at Guangshan and now that they have this conversation he is curious about something. "Do you know how you yourself look like?"


That hit Childe hard.
Guangshan is one, if not, the most beautiful person he has ever laid his eyes upon. He has feminine features, full and soft lips that currently are still stained due to the lipstick, his cheeks are a soft pink, his hair so straight and so long with such a vibrant blood red color that it reminds Childe of when he slays somebody in battle and their blood soaks into the snow. It saddens him Guangshan not only can't see the world but that he can't see how beautiful he actually is.
"Do you have any idea of colors?"


Can't see, doesn't know what colors look like or has a idea of what colors look like.
What a sad way to live.
"Well. Your hair is the color of blood which is red. Your skin is very pale like a porcelain vase, your lips currently are a light warm pink color going darker to more the inside due to the lipstick and-..." he knows Guangshan is listening to try and explain but he realizes no mather how good he could explain it it still won't be enough for him to understand what the colors are. "I'm sorry"

Guangshen raised a brow and smiles softly "go on. Although I still do not know about colors, I quite enjoyed it."

"You just like me talking about you as if you are some God don't you?"

Guangshan chuckles and shakes his head "no. Althought you meddle with archons and have a good idea of how they act and how they look like I don't even come close to it. " he said and stands up going to pick up a few of the bags but Childe gets to his feet quickly and picks up every bag for him and carries them all again.

"I don't know what kind of robes you bought but they are heavy"

"I safed up enough money for robes that I wanted for a really long time. They are actually bridal robes but oh well. I quite enjoy the details on them. My mother told me she would buy it for me if if I was older. Sadly she passed away a long time ago. So it is almost full circle...if you cut this one up though I'll actually kill you .."

Usually Childe would have laughed at that last comment yet now he remains silent and keeps walking with the other. He himself still had both his father and mother and of course his three siblings so he is curious but he doesn't want to ask about it...but it does make a lot of sense now why Guangshan his uncle is so extremely protective over him. "I  thought the one that pushed me away was your father. Is that your uncle?" Seeing Guangshan nod to confirm his awnser he thinks a moment longer yet his attention goes back to the red head who speaks up.

"I never met my father, my mother never spoke of him, my family doesn't even know my father. My mother died of a unknown illness. She vomited quite frequently. When she coughed she always had a napkin with her and I could hear how she coughed out blood. Not even a week after I asked her if I should get my uncle for help she told me she would be fine; she died..."
Guangshan realizes something as he goes quiet for a good minute. "I never told anybody this..."

Private Affair (OC BACKSTORY) (Guangshan x Childe)Where stories live. Discover now