Getting ready for the café date

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                                Y/NS POV
You wake up feeling tired as ever you realize you've been listening to MCR on repeat you stand up... Go brush your teeth and then eat some breakfast....

Your eyes quickly widen when you realize you gonna have a date today with Kyle
"I need to get ready!" You run to your makeup stand and try to do natural makeup .. well that ends up being miserable
                         At skewl
You go to school looking like you didn't sleep for days.

"Screw depression I have other things to worry about..."

You walk through the hallway and see Kyle ... He comes up to you with his friends .

"Wow, kahl you're gonna go on a date with HER?" The fat chipmunk said

Kyle was red in the face.

Wow... You thought to yourself "he can't even stand up for me..."
You suddenly heard Kyle speak up "at least my 'girlfriend's' not morbidly obese."

'Girlfriend' you freeze. Did he just say that?!

Kyle wraps his arms around you
"Hi" he smiles
"Hi, Kyle..." You put on a small smile

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