Chapter 2: Beginning 2

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My father, tense with worry, decided to go to the police station to file a report about my cousin's disappearance.

Meanwhile, my mother busied herself around the house, checking for any clues or signs that might help us understand what had happened.

Both of them seemed overwhelmed, but were doing their best to hold it together for my sake.

"Go to bed, dear," my mother said gently, though concern clouded her eyes. "Don't worry too much. We'll figure this out."

I hesitated, wanting to protest, to stay up and be part of the search, but when I looked at my parents' tired faces, I knew they were doing everything they could.

The last thing they needed was more stress from me.

"Okay, Mom," I replied softly, trying to sound obedient, "I'll get some rest."

I made my way to my room, feeling fear, worry, and a strong urge to do something to help find my cousin.

I didn't want to feel useless, but I also didn't want to add to my parents' stress.

Once in my room, I lay on my bed and closed my eyes, resisting the urge to reach for my phone. The temptation to text friends or search for news was strong, but I knew my parents needed me to stay calm and not cause additional worry.

The room was quiet, except for the faint sounds of the city outside.

I thought about my cousin and all the good times we'd shared and hoped he was safe wherever he might be.

I knew I could try to figure things out later, but for now, my parents had asked me to rest.

I sighed deeply, trying to relax my racing mind. I would do as they asked, not wanting to be a burden or cause any more anxiety.

It wasn't easy, but I trusted my parents, and I knew they were doing their best to bring my cousin home with that thought. 

I slowly drifted into an uneasy sleep.

A few days after we reported my cousin's disappearance to the police, the search efforts began in earnest.

Officers combed through our neighborhood, while my parents and I asked anyone and everyone if they had seen him.

We went to his school, his favorite hangouts, and the convenience store where he worked. After classes, I joined the search, hoping to find some clue that could lead us to him.

Weeks passed, but there was no sign of him.

Every day felt like an endless cycle of hope and despair.

We kept searching, even checking CCTV footage from cameras near his last known location.

I posted his missing person flyers around town, hoping someone would recognize him and come forward with information.

As the weeks turned into months, the once-hopeful energy surrounding the search began to wane. 

My parents looked visibly tired, and even the police appeared to lose interest in the case.

They'd investigated every lead and came up with nothing. It was as if my cousin had vanished into thin air.

His last known location was at a crosswalk near our house, where a surveillance camera had caught him walking home. He disappeared.

The footage showed him rounding a corner, and then nothing. No witnesses, no clues, just emptiness.

My parents, despite their best efforts, had given up hope.

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