Maria and Kanae

380 12 14

Edited & Reposted: Sunday, April 15, 2018

Kyoko was walking back to the Love Me locker room after a long day of Box "R" filming, ever since lunchtime, she'd had the sneaking suspicion that something terrible had happened, but why she didn't know. Kyoko changed mechanically, not aware that she was doing so, pulling on her denim jacket, somebody burst through the doors, "Kyoko!"

She jumped three feet into the air and looked over at the owner of the voice, "Mr. Yashiro?"

He took three deep breaths, "Kanae and Maria," more panting, "they've been injured."

Her eyes widened and she tied her shoes in a flash, "Where's the car."

"Out front, even if it's kind of dangerous for you and anybody else to exit the front-"

Kyoko made a mad dash down the hall to the front lobby, mindful of the people in the building. She got to the terrace that loomed over the first-floor lobby and jumped over the railing, landing gracefully on the balls of her feet, right in front of Ren Tsuruga, "What the-Ms. Mogami?"

"No time to talk, got to get to the car out front."

He looked at her in confusion, but followed her out to the limo, "So what's this about," he asked, looking at the woman in concern.

"Moko and Maria," Kyoko voice cracked slightly, "Have been hurt."

His eyes widened and the car sped off, they didn't talk, not a word or sound left them--Kyoko didn't know what to think. Oh God, please let them be okay!

...Ren's POV...

I looked at Kyoko's grief-stricken face and fought the urge to hold her, to whisper sweet nothings in her ear, and tease her creamy skin. Oh, what would she taste like? What noises would she make if I--Kuon shut the hell up! That girl is hurting, this is not the time for perverted thoughts, "I'm starting to feel like a dirty old man," I muttered shaking my head.

"What was that Mr. Tsuruga?"

"Huh? Oh nothing," I cleared my throat in embarrassment and distracted myself with the bright Tokyo lights outside. It felt like an eternity in the silence of the limousine, the only noise was the nearly silent breathing of Kyoko-who was so distracted that if I kissed her she wouldn't have come out of the void that was her mind at times like these. I bet the only thing she could think about were prayers to God itself for her two sister's safety. Poor Kyoko, her little heart can't handle all of this emotional strain. Please Kyoko, let me make it better! I pleaded and screamed inwardly. I reached out and wrapped my arm around her shoulders, pulling her to me as a sign of comfort and strength. Surprisingly, she didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around me and bury her face in my chest, "Kyoko," I whispered and comforted her silently. Her silent sobs wracked through her body and I put my chin on her hair.

She sniffled and looked up at me, "Thank you have no idea how much I needed that."

I smiled--one of my most genuine and she cringed, "What's the matter, are you unwell?"

"Do you intend to cause me more confusion?" She asked with a huff.

My eyes widened, but what did I do? We pulled up to the hospital and Kyoko was out before Sebastian could exit himself. I was left alone to walk with the silent butler in middle eastern robes. No matter how much I tried to take my mind away from what this would do to Kyoko, nothing seemed to work. Of course, I was worried about Kanae and Maria, but why couldn't I seem to think about them without thinking about how heartbroken the woman I love would be after this.

...Third Person POV...

Kyoko ran inside the hospital--not only wanting to get to Maria and Kanae but also wanting to get away from Ren before she made a fool of herself. She was a step away from confessing, and then she'd be left heartbroken and hurting more than the woman had with Sho. Crazy how infatuation and love turned out to be two different things--Kyoko realized that she wasn't in love with Sho like she had thought, she was just fooled by the gratefulness she had felt for him for being her only friend and being there for her when her mother abandoned wasn't. Kyoko's feelings for Ren, however, were true feelings of love, lust, and longing. She didn't know why, but it felt like she'd met him before--as if she knew him a long time ago. His comforting presence, elegance, and tenderness had such familiarity in her heart that she felt gobsmacked. She just couldn't place where that familiar feeling came from.

Kyoko told the receptionist who they were visiting--after Ren and Sebastian caught up to her--and she gave her a solemn look, that's not good! I'm coming Maria Mokooooooooo! She told Kyoko the room number and she was about to barrel off, but Ren grabbed her and carried her off like a princess, "I know you want to see your 'sisters' Kyoko, but you're going to kill somebody barreling through the halls like an agitated bull."

She huffed, but relaxed in his arms--she swore she saw the slightest hint of a blush on his cheeks, as she was about to tease him about it, she thought better of it. Kyoko didn't want to encounter the Demon King that night. He set her down gently in front of the room door, while she got used to being on the floor again he held her shoulders. Opening the door, nothing could have prepared her for the sight beyond it.

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