OS 2.1: Here We Go Again

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Timeline:- This is set 6 years after Neil's death, with a few minor/major changes that you'll see.

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The Goenka mansion echoed with whispers of the past as Akshara, accompanied by her best friend Manik, entered its doors after six long years. She was dressed in a captivating net saree in light pink with silver work, radiating grace, highlighted by a white diamond bangle and earrings that sparkled in the light. The main attraction was a white diamond necklace with a single square-shaped green stone, adding a modern touch.

Beside her, Manik radiated elegance in a white shirt, black vest, crisp trousers, and subtly textured black silk tie. Achieving a perfect balance of sophistication and luxury, his ensemble created a commanding outline, blending timeless beauty with modern charm. As they stepped into the lavish halls, Akshara's memories flooded back, overwhelming her with emotions. The familiar scent of the mansion mingled with nostalgia, causing her heart to race. Mimi stood at the center of the room, her eyes filling with tears of joy.

Manish and Swarna were initially shocked, but their expressions quickly shifted to relief and happiness. However, a twinge of guilt surfaced as echoes of the past rippled through the family. Abhimanyu's gaze held a mixture of guilt and longing as he looked at her, so lost in her presence that he failed to notice Manik.

Despite Kairav's anger at Akshu for not contacting him or seeking his help, guilt ate away at him for not standing up for his sister. Meanwhile, Arohi masked her bitterness and jealousy behind a fake smile, attempting to conceal her emotions.

Harsh was surprised and happy to see Akshara since she didn't tell him about her arrival. He was the only one Akshara was in contact with other than Mimi, as he stood by her side throughout and after the incident, offering constant support. He was the sole individual in the Birla family who refrained from placing blame on her. On the other hand, Manjari seethed with resentment, still clinging to blame. Mahima and Anand extended warm support, as did Parth and Shefali.

Ruhi stood out as a beacon of innocence and joy. Her eyes sparkled with delight, contrasting sharply with the complex emotions that surrounded the rest of the gathering.

Akshara approached Mimi with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. "Happy Birthday, Mimi!" she exclaimed, wrapping her in a warm embrace. Overwhelmed by the sight of Akshara after six long years, Mimi couldn't hold back tears. "Oh, Akshu, my dear, it's been too long," she whispered between sobs, clinging to the moment.

Manik, standing beside Akshara, joined in, "Happy Birthday, Mimi!" His warm wishes, however, didn't escape Abhimanyu's notice. A twinge of jealousy flickered in his eyes as he watched Manik standing so close to his Akshu, their emotional bond evident even in their physical proximity, his body language radiating protectiveness. Quickly, he masked it with forced nonchalance.

As Mimi wiped away her tears, Akshara smiled, "We've missed you, Mimi, even though we talk regularly, being here feels like a dream." Mimi, still holding Akshara's hands, nodded in agreement, a mix of happiness and longing in her eyes.

Ruhi came bounding towards Akshara, her little arms outstretched, "Akshu Maasi!" she exclaimed, wrapping Akshara in a spontaneous hug. Akshara, momentarily shocked, quickly recovered and hugged Ruhi back, a blend of surprise and warmth on her face.

Ruhi looked up at Akshara with big, innocent eyes, "Why didn't you come to meet me, Akshu Maasi? I missed you!" Akshara, touched by the child's sincerity, apologized, "I'm sorry, Ruhi. I was caught up, but I promise to make up for all the lost time."

Ruhi's face lit up as she observed Akshara, "You look so beautiful, Akshu Maasi!" Akshara chuckled, "And you, my dear, are the cutest child I've ever met."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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