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CHAPTER SIX "so make the friendship bracelets"

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"so make the friendship bracelets"

narrative and text

NOVEMBER 13th 2023


"that's was strange." diana said to herself as she reads over the conversation she had with paige. diana didn't think paige would have cared that she went on a date, maybe she should have told her. "what's strange?" caitlin asked her best friend.

"nothing it's just paige, she found out i went on a date and she was like upset that i didn't tell her." diana told caitlin still looking at her phone rereading the messages. "she's hurt because she likes you and doesn't want you to go on a date with anyone else." caitlin says smirking.

"you are just like gabbie, paige bueckers doesn't like me. we haven't even met in person before." diana tells caitlin almost repeating the same thing she told gabbie that morning. "alright what ever you say." caitlin says walking into the kitchen. "i just think you should think about what we are saying because everyone thinks you and paige like each other except you. so just think about her." the girl adds to what she was saying.

so that night as diana was going to sleep, she was thinking about what caitlin said and she started thinking about how it would be if her and paige did maybe form some type of relationship but there were some problems that would come with that like what if paige didn't like her and everyone was just lying to her, there was also whatever is happening between her and luke, and the main problem of it all was the distance between the two.

the girls were states away and diana has tried long distance before and it was a mess. diana didn't want to get hurt and she definitely didn't want to hurt paige. so diana decided that she would keep this crush to herself and maybe it will die.

what diana didn't know was that paige lied awake that same night thinking the same things as her.


paige couldn't sleep. her mind was filled with thoughts of her and diana. even though paige told herself that she wasn't going to do anything about the crush she was still up thinking about it. "fuck." paige said to her self as she picks up her phone to text diana.


hey ik it's kind of late but i can't sleep.

hey i can't sleep either. why can't you sleep?

idk i just have a lot on my mind atm, i mean basketball has been all i have been doing these pass few months and its almost all i think about.

oh im sorry ik that basketball is a lot on people. what else do you think about when you aren't thinking about basketball?


you're funny paige but i'm serious what else is on you're mind

paige was being serious about diana being the only other thing on her mind. paige wanted to tell diana that she was being serious but paige was scared.

paige was never good at feeling, she always said the wrong things, she also wasn't good at feeling emotions then expressing them. so paige played it off as a joke.

you're funny paige but im serious what else is on your mind

yk just school and social media. i'm worried that if i do the wrong thing my fans will be mad.

diana hoped that paige would say she wasn't joking and that she was really thinking about her but of course that wasn't true.

paige was just joking. well at least that's what diana thought.

yk just school and social media. i'm worried that if i do the wrong thing my fans will be mad.

you could never do anything wrong! i promise. now ik you have practice tomorrow so you better go to sleep.

you're right

always am, goodnight paige

good night diana

as both the girls fall asleep they are much happier then they were before. even though they still held these feeling in and didn't express them, they were happy just to be talking to one another.

this book has some many reads it's crazy! thank yall so much!!!
this was ig a filler chapter, it's pretty short but i needed them to be like this🤞🏼 again soooo
anyway hope yall enjoy!

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