The manager part 2

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Yoongi: A foreigner who studies in the US. I came all the way to South Korea to be a celebrity manager. You must really like celebrities, huh? 
Saj did not respond to that. 
Yoongi Which kind are you partial to? 
Saj: I'm not really a huge fan of celebrities. However, I adore you. 
Yoongi My admirer? That's what inspired you to become a celebrity manager? 
Saj: No, that's not it. However, managing yourself is helpful. 
Yoongi: The person claiming to be my admirer doesn't even look at me while we speak; she doesn't even introduce herself. No greetings; just talk about work straight to me. Do you not find that to be unusual? 
Saj: My apologies if I have acted out of manners. 
Yoongi: Saj
Saj's eyes were wide open as the car came to a quick stop. She is staring at him for the first time. She is not just showing herself but also making an effort.
Yoongi: You know what? You stopped the car, but why? 
Saj: What would you like to discuss, I guess? 
Yoongi :Is that why you put the car in the park? to give me their whole attention? 
Saj: Oh, you're right. 
Yoongi: Saj
Saj simply gives him that same look of stunned silence. 
Yoongi gave a hearty laugh. 
Yoongi: Is that name not yours? Why do you flinch whenever I refer to you as that? Yes, I understand. Would you rather that I call you Miss Lee? Do you feel uneasy? Actually, if someone called someone a nickname right away when they first met, it would make them feel uncomfortable. However, you are my fan, aren't you? 
Saj: yes
Yoongi: Do you know what I carry when I travel? 
Saj: Yeah, Suju.
Yoongi: My favorite fruit? 
Saj: Tangerine 
Yoongi: Do you know my recent record makes me the most liked actor?
Saj: what? No, it was the most-played role.
Yoongi : Ah, you were right about being a fan, huh? Generally, some fans will die to get a nickname from their celebrities. I guess you really want to keep it professional. Or maybe you are not my fan, just a stalker?
Unsure of how to react, Saj gave him a strange look. It's amusing to see a girl's look when she generally wears an expression. 
Yoongi. I am playing a joke. You seem very serious, but why? 
Saj: Would you kindly refrain from making such a joke, sir?
Yoongi: You are hurting my feelings. We should simply be friends, that's all. You will be in my presence constantly, after all. If both of us act friendly, it will be easier for us to communicate.
Saj: Friends?
Yoongi: yes. We can be, right?.
Saj thought for a moment before agreeing. 
Yoongi: Great! 
The car started again. The rest of the day went smoothly. After driving Yoongi to his house, Saj went back to her apartment. She washed herself, ate some food, and went to sleep like a commoner. 

Afrin: SAJ! HEY SAJ! Why are you not listening to me? Ugh! 
Afrin was upset because her friend did not listen to her. She went closer to her and shook her hand. 
Saj: uh? Me?
Afrin: Or who? I am calling you Saj Saj Saj. 
Saj: Saj? Who is that? 
Afrin: you! 
Saj: me? I am Ravin. 
The girls ahead of them let out a loud chuckle.
Girl: You should not talk to that weirdo. I told you so. She has extreme delusions.
Saj: Hello! Give up talking about her in that way!
Girl: Give her a look, Ravin. She's identifying you as Saj. Tell me now, are you Saj?
Saj stopped talking and turned to face Afrin, the girl she recently got to know.
Girl: Ravin, hurry up! Come hang out with us.
Saj: Listen, you guys need to stop talking so rudely. I don't care what name she calls me.
The females burst into laughter once more.
Girl: Ravin, I've been there. Let her figure it out for herself. Guys, let's get going. 
Saj glanced down at Afrin's feet as she stood there. She feels deeply offended.
Saj: Afrin, have a seat.
After sitting next to her silently for two seconds, Afrin spoke.
Afrin: I'm sorry, Ravin. That wasn't the right name for you.
Saj: Well, but why did you do that?
Afrin: Do you recall that I visited your home for a project? Suddenly, I noticed the old picture of you on the wall. On it was written, "Lee Saj-nin."
Saj: That's my Korean name, I guess.
Afrin: Your mom told me, You're called Ravin by everyone. I desired to be unique from you. I was going to give you a nickname. I thus picked up Saj. 
Saj: Oh, my gosh! That was so adorable! I apologize profusely. I promise you, nobody addresses me by that name. I tend to forget that Saj-nin is my name. My parents even refer to me as Ravin. I am such an idiot! I ought to have been aware! 
Afrin: Well, then we're both stupid.
Saj: Give it a moment. 
Saj addressed the class and uttered, 
Saj: I'm actually part Korean and half American, as many of you may not be aware. Additionally, being a South Korean citizen, my name is Lee Saj-nin in Korean. Everyone is unaware of it except my pal Afrin. 
Afrin gave Saj a smile. 
Boy: Shall I refer to you as Saj?
Afrin: Not at all! I am the only one who calls her my best friend! 
"Best friend" made Saj's eyes widen.
Boy: All right! Ravin remains Ravin, even now. 
With a laugh, Afrin headed to Saj.
Afrin: Haha, Saj! My closest friend.
Saj: I had no idea my name was so adorable. The best friend portion came as a complete surprise!
Afrin: why?
Saj: I assumed you were not genuinely interested in me. I have no close friends, you know. I must admit that I'm a little shy.
Afrin: Get moving! We assist one another while working on a project; naturally, we are close friends.
For the first time in her life, Saj had discovered her best friend, and she grinned.
Afrin: Hey! Are you fond of Suga?
She held up a shattered glass fragment as she spoke.

Saj: Afrin, stop it! Not at all! Afrin, stop it.
Saj: N-Not at all! Afrin! S-Set that aside!
Afrin: Mine Suga is mine you understanding that?
Saj: Yes 
Afrin held onto the shard of glass with even more vigor. Her countenance conveys her level of upset.
Saj opened her eyes and took a fast seat, catching her labored breath. Her whole body was sweating. 
Saj: Why did I dream that again? 
She was breathing loudly and had tears falling from her eyes. She got out of bed and went to get a drink of water. 
She removed her sweat-soaked t-shirt. Her chest bears a scar there. She received this scar as a part of her heart transplant procedure. 
Saj: Min Yoongi, the same heart that cherished you so deeply will be the one to destroy you. 

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