Chapter 43

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                              Robs POV

Preston picked me up and put me in the corner. "If you get up I'll make you stay here while I shop" he says and I nod. He leaves the room and I just sit there. After awhile I hear my name being called and I get up to go find Preston. I find him getting dressed in a different shirt. I go to him and he sits me on the bed. He pulls my shirt off and puts me in a new one. He gave me socks to put on and I did. He picked me up and walked out of his room. He carried me to the living room and helped me put my shoes on. "Ready" he said and I mouthed it back. " Boys I'll be back sooner or later" he yells as we walk out. I get in the car and we're off. After a little bit he pulls into the Target parking lot. We get out and head in. I run off to look at toys and ignored Preston calling my name. I get to the toy section and I know exactly what to get. I get a water gun. Then I get tapped on the shoulder. I turn around to a very mad Preston. "What have I told you about running off" he asked and I mouth "not to" to him. "And what did you do" he asked and I looked down and mouthed sorry. He nodded and I put the water gun in the cart. We picked up a few groceries and then headed to check out. I helped Preston load the stuff on the desk and put it back in the cart. We finished and Preston payed. I ran out to the car ahead of Preston and waited for him. "Rob!" I hear Preston wisper-yell at me. "Don't run off" he says and I nod. We put stuff in the car and drive home. We arrive home and I go to run in but Preston stops me and hands me a couple bags. I put them on the table and get out my water gun. I get it out of the package and fill it. I walk around the hallway and then Lachlan walks out scaring me making me squirt him. He looks mad and takes the water gun and starts squirting me.  He gets me soaking wet and them takes my water gun to his room. He goes off somewhere else and I go into his room. I see the water gun in there sitting next to Pandi. I run out and into Jerome's room. I tug on his shirt and he follows me to Lachlan's room. I point to the water gun and Pandi. He looks at me and back at them. "Who got em up there" he asks and I say Lachlan. He nods and gets them down for me. I run out and into Preston's room. I sit on the bed and play with Pandi. Then I hear someone walking towards the room and I hide Pandi under the bed. Preston walks in and looks at me. "Get off the bed your all wet" he says and picks me up. I hug him and he returns it. "Tell you what, because its almost night time ill give you Pandi back" he says and leaves the room. I sit down on the bed and after a couple of minutes he walks back in not looking so happy. "Rob, did you lie to Jerome about who put Pandi in Lachlan's room" he asks and I shake my head no. "Funny because Jerome swears you told him Lachlan did it" he says as he walks around the bed and pulls Pandi out. "Rob, you lied to Jerome, you flat out just lied to me and you keep disobeying, I have no chioce but you are grounded for a week and no pandi until wensday" he says and start to cry. I have never been grounded before. I get up to run away but he pulls me back and sits me on the bed. "Your staying in here until supper and then its streight to bed, understand mister" he says and I nod. He takes my phone and the TV controllers away. I just sit on the bed and cry into my knees. He goes to pet my head but I move away and he looks hurt. He walks out and locks the door. I try the window but its locked to with a thing I need a key for. I just sit on the bed and cry. I lay there awile until finally Preston comes and gets me for supper. I sit at the table and eat slowly. "Hurry it up Rob" Preston says and I just eat slower. He gets mad and puts my plate in the sink. He goes to pick me up but I run away. I run into the bathroom and lock the door. I sit on the bath tub and pull out something I promised I wouldent use anymore, my blade.

                         *trigger warning*

I slice it into my skin and at first it stings but them I get the feeling I wanted. Relief. I sliced it up and down both my arms. I made sure not to cut to deep and then I hid my blade away. I put on my blue hoodie and walked out. Preston ran up to me and grabbed my arm making me flinch. He looks confused for a second but them terrified all at once. He dragged me to his room and sat me on the bed. "Please tell me you dident" he says and I shake my head no trying to tell him I'm fine but its not working. He grabs the rim of my hoodie and pulls it off me. He covers his mouth as the tears start pouring out of his eyes. "Robbie, baby y-you p-prom-promised" he says and he picks me up. He carries me to his bathroom and sits me on the toilet. He cleans my arms and wraps them. "Now go lie down and I'll be there in a minute" he says and I run out and flop onto the bed. I hide under the covers and let a few tears drip from my eyes. I feel the bed shift and all of the sudden I'm turned around and crying into Prestons chest. I mouth I'm sorry and he nods. He runs his hand through my hair and makes me sleepy. I fall asleep quick having Preston right by me.

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