chapter 1

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Chapter 1

As the plane began its descent into  Mumbai, Khushi gazed out of the window at the familiar landscape below. It had been three long years since she had left India for London to pursue her education, and now she was finally returning home.

Memories flooded her mind as she thought back.

The sun was shining brightly, casting a warm glow over the bustling courtyard of the high school. Students were milling about, chatting and laughing, eager to start the new school year. Among them was Arnav, the new boy in town, with a mischievous twinkle in his lively brown eyes and a grin that hinted at all the trouble he was sure to cause.

As Arnav walked through the courtyard, he couldn’t resist a sly wink at a passing group of girls, earning him a few giggles and blushes in return. He had a reputation for being a charmer, always at the center of attention with his quick wit and infectious laugh.

On the other side of the courtyard, Khushi made her way to the library, her nose buried in a book as she navigated the sea of students. With her glasses perched on the tip of her nose and a serious expression, she exuded an air of studiousness and determination that set her apart from the rest.

Arnav’s eyes lit up as he caught sight of Khushi, a girl who seemed completely engrossed in her own world, oblivious to the chaos around her. Intrigued, he decided to make a beeline for her, his curiosity piqued by this quiet and focused girl in the midst of all the noise.

Approaching her with a cheeky grin, he leaned against the bookshelf and quipped, “Well, well, what do we have here? A bookworm in the wild jungle of high school.” Khushi looked up from her book, a mixture of surprise and annoyance flickering in her eyes at the interruption.

Unperturbed by her initial reaction, Arnav flashed his most charming smile and extended a hand. “Arnav,” he introduced himself, with a flourish that drew a reluctant smile from Khushi. “Nice to meet you, studious one. Care for some company in this den of chaos?”

And so, in that moment of their unexpected encounter, the lively and mischievous Arnav and the focused and studious Khushi 

In the tense silence of the exam hall, the sound of scratching pencils filled the air as students furiously scribbled away, desperately trying to remember the answers to the challenging questions on the paper in front of them. Arnav sat at his desk, his brow furrowed in concentration, but his mind was blank. The minutes ticked by, and he realized with growing panic that he didn’t know the answers to any of the questions.

Glancing around furtively, he saw Khushi sitting a few rows ahead, her brow creased in focused determination as she meticulously filled in her answers. Arnav felt a pang of envy at how effortlessly she seemed to tackle the exam, while he struggled to even comprehend the questions.

With a sigh of frustration, Arnav tapped his pencil against the desk, racking his brain for any semblance of a correct answer. But try as he might, the knowledge continued to elude him, leaving him feeling increasingly helpless and anxious..

In a stroke of luck, the teacher motioned for Arnav to move to the first row, right next to Khushi, the academic star of the class. As he settled into his new seat, Arnav couldn’t help but feel a mix of nerves and desperation. Khushi glanced at him with a small smile, her pencil flying across the paper as she confidently answered each question.

Unable to resist, Arnav leaned over and whispered to Khushi, “Hey, do you know the answer to question number three?” His voice was barely above a whisper, but the words hung heavy in the tense silence of the exam hall.

Khushi, surprised by Arnav’s sudden boldness, glanced at him with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. After a moment’s hesitation, she nodded subtly and whispered back the answer.

Grateful for her help, Arnav quickly began to copy her responses. As the minutes passed, he continued to discreetly ask Khushi for answers, each whispered exchange a risky gamble that could either save him from failure or lead to disaster.

As the exam drew to a close and papers were collected.

The tension in the  hall was palpable as the teacher tallied up the scores and announced the results. Arnav sat nervously, his heart pounding in his chest as he awaited his fate. When the teacher finally called out the names of the top performers, Arnav couldn’t believe his ears when he heard his own name called out for second place.

Shocked whispers rippled through the hall as everyone turned to look at Arnav in disbelief. How could he have performed so well when just moments ago he seemed lost and desperate?

Arnav knew the reason behind his sudden success. He turned to Khushi, his eyes filled with gratitude and admiration. “Thank you, Khushi,” he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity. “I couldn’t have done it without your help. You saved me from failure.”

Khushi smiled back at him, a   “I knew you had it in you, Arnav. I’m glad I could help.”

As the  hall began to empty, Arnav approached Khushi and held out his hand. “I owe you one,” he said with a smile. “Let me treat you to lunch to thank you properly.”

Khushi’s smile widened, and she nodded in agreement. As they walked out of the   hall together, Arnav couldn’t help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Khushi. Her kindness and willingness to help had not only saved him from failure.

As Arnav and Khushi sat down for lunch, Arnav couldn’t help but notice the mischievous glint in Khushi’s eyes. As they chatted about various topics, Khushi began to open up to Arnav in a way he had never seen before. She shared stories of her childhood antics, of the pranks she used to play on her friends and family, and the trouble she used to get into.

Arnav listened intently, a mixture of shock and amusement on his face. He had always known Khushi to be a kind and gentle soul, always eager to help others and follow the rules. But the stories she was sharing painted a completely different picture of her – a mischievous, daring side that Arnav had never imagined.

As Khushi continued to regale him with her tales, Arnav couldn’t help but laugh at the boldness and creativity of her antics. He was amazed by the hidden depths of her personality, and felt a newfound sense of admiration for her.

“Wow, Khushi,” Arnav exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief. “I never would have guessed that you were capable of such mischief. You truly are full of surprises.”

Khushi grinned mischievously, a twinkle in her eyes. “Well, now you know the real me, Arnav. I guess I’m not as innocent as I seem.”

Arnav chuckled, feeling a newfound sense of connection with Khushi. As they finished their meal, he realized that there was much more to Khushi than met the eye, and he couldn’t wait to uncover more hidden facets of her personality. Khushi had surprised him in the best way possible, and Arnav was grateful for the opportunity to get to know the real Khushi – mischievous antics and all..
As Khushi and Arnav arrived at Khushi’s home, Arnav couldn’t help but feel a mixture of nerves and excitement. He had heard so much about Khushi’s parents, especially her strict army major father, and he wanted to make a good impression. Khushi, on the other hand, was beaming with joy at the prospect of introducing her new friend to her family.

They entered the house, and Khushi’s parents greeted them warmly. Khushi’s father, Major  rishi, stood tall and imposing, with a stern expression on his face. Arnav couldn’t help but feel a little intimidated by his presence.

“ Papa, this is Arnav,” Khushi said, introducing Arnav to her father. “He’s my friend from school.”

Major  rishi looked Arnav up and down, sizing him up with a critical eye. Arnav shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, feeling self-conscious and out of place.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir,” Arnav said nervously, extending his hand for a handshake.

Major Rajesh shook his hand firmly, his expression softening slightly. “Nice to meet you, Arnav. I hope you’re not getting into any trouble with my daughter.”

Arnav blushed, realizing that Khushi must have shared some of their mischievous adventures with her father. “Oh, no sir, we’re just good friends. I assure you, I have the utmost respect for Khushi.”

Major Rajesh nodded, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. He could see the sincerity in Arnav’s eyes, and he was glad to see that Khushi had found a friend  as most of the Time she stay alone.

Throughout the evening, Arnav did his best to make a good impression on Khushi’s family. He stumbled over his words, knocked over a glass of water, and accidentally broke a vase – much to Khushi’s amusement. Major Rajesh couldn’t help but  irritated at Arnav’s clumsiness.
Arnav stood shirtless in Khushi’s room, fanning himself with his shirt as he marveled at the cool breeze from the AC.

“This is heaven in summer, Khushi! I should come over more often,” he declared, enjoying the relief from the sweltering heat outside.khushi smiled and arrange her books

As he spoke, khushi ‘s elder sister Payal unexpectedly entered Khushi’s room. She paused, her eyes widening in shock as she took in the sight of Arnav shirtless.what the hell he is half naked with her younger sister.through he is charming but they are very young for this.

Arnav, quick on his feet, decided to seize the opportunity to prank Payal. With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he turned to Khushi and exclaimed, “Oh, Payal! You’ve caught me at my most vulnerable! I can’t believe you’re witnessing this moment of bare-chested glory!”

Payal blushed crimson, flustered by the unexpected sight as Arnav continued to tease her. Khushi couldn’t contain her laughter at the playful exchange unfolding before her.

Arnav’s impromptu prank lightened the mood, making the hot summer day a bit more enjoyable for everyone in the room. Khushi and Arnav shared a mischievous grin, knowing they had successfully caught Payal off guard with their playful antics.
Khushi sat with Arnav in the shade of a large tree, a gentle breeze rustling through their hair. She laughed freely, the carefree attitude evident in her sparkling eyes and infectious smile as she shared stories with Arnav.

Arnav watched her with a mixture of admiration and fondness, captivated by her vivacious spirit and childlike joy. He couldn’t help but be drawn to her carefree nature, feeling a sense of ease and comfort in her presence.

Khushi swung her legs playfully, the warm sun casting a golden glow on her face. She reached out to pluck a wildflower from the grass, twirling it between her fingers before tucking it behind Arnav’s ear with a playful giggle.

Arnav chuckled at her antics, feeling a sense of peace wash over him in Khushi’s carefree company. Together, they basked in the simplicity of the moment, reveling in each other’s presence and the joy that radiated between them. Khushi’s carefree attitude was infectious, and Arnav couldn’t help but feel grateful for the unbridled happiness she brought into his life.

As Arnav sat at the  college cafeteria chatting with a pretty girl, Khushi was diligently working on his assignment at a nearby table. Her brows furrowed in concentration as she scribbled notes and flipped through textbooks, determined to help Arnav excel in his studies.

Arnav flashed a charming smile at the girl, his words laced with flirtatious banter as he leaned in closer, completely oblivious to Khushi’s presence just a few feet away. The girl giggled at his jokes, her eyes sparkling with admiration for the charismatic young man in front of her.

Meanwhile, Khushi glanced up from her work, her heart sinking as she watched Arnav flirt with the girl. A pang of jealousy flashed through her, but she quickly pushed it aside, focusing on the task at hand. She knew Arnav was becoming a big flirt and play boy type through he don’t hurt the feelings of the girl  and it 

But as the conversation between Arnav and the girl continued, Khushi couldn’t help but feel a twinge of hurt. She was putting in so much effort to help him, sacrificing her own time and energy to ensure his success. Yet here he was, seemingly oblivious to her hard work as he flirted with someone else.

Taking a deep breath, Khushi composed herself, determined not to let her emotions get the best of her. She turned back to the assignment, pouring all her focus and dedication into completing it flawlessly, even as she struggled to ignore the sight of Arnav flirting with the girl just a few feet away.
Arnav and khushi are finished their high school and going for their college.Arnav, Khushi, and Khushi’s elder sister, Payal, sat at a small, quaint cafe on a sunny afternoon. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, mixing with the tantalizing scent of baked goods. The cafe was bustling with activity, but the three of them were in their own little world, catching up and enjoying each other’s company.

Khushi was animatedly recounting a story from her school day, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she gestured enthusiastically. Arnav and Payal listened attentively, laughing along with her infectious energy. Arnav couldn’t help but admire the bond between the two sisters, how they supported each other and shared a special connection that was evident in their interactions.

Payal, the mature and responsible elder sister, smiled fondly at Khushi’s antics, grateful for the moments of joy she brought into their lives. She sipped her coffee slowly, content to sit back and watch the dynamic between Arnav and Khushi, happy to see her sister in good spirits.

Arnav, caught up in the moment, leaned forward to chime in with his own anecdotes, his eyes shining with amusement. He enjoyed the easy camaraderie between the three of them, grateful for the opportunity to relax and unwind in their company. The tension and stress of his work seemed to melt away as he lost himself in the laughter and banter at the table.

As the afternoon sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over their faces, Arnav, Khushi, and Payal shared a moment of tranquility and contentment. In that intimate setting, surrounded by the scent of coffee and the sound of laughter, 

Khushi stood outside the trendy boutique, glancing at the display of fashionable dresses with a mixture of curiosity and excitement.she have come here to shop for her some new outfits for college Arnav, her best friend and confidant, stood next to her, a smile playing on his lips as he watched her peruse the selection.

“Come on, Khushi, let’s go in and check out what they have,” Arnav suggested, nudging her playfully.

Khushi hesitated, feeling a bit out of her comfort zone in the world of high fashion. “I don’t know, Arnav. I’m not really into these kinds of clothes,” she replied, fidgeting with the strap of her plain top nervously.

Arnav raised an eyebrow, his eyes twinkling mischievously. “Oh, come on, Khushi. You need to expand your style horizons a bit. Let’s try something new today. How about this cute little mini dress?” he suggested, holding up a flirty, floral frock.

Khushi’s eyes widened in shock. “A mini dress? I don’t think I can pull that off, Arnav. I’ve never worn anything like that before,” she said, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Arnav grinned, undeterred. “Nonsense, Khushi. You have a great figure, and I’m sure you’ll look amazing in it. Trust me,” he reassured her, gently urging her to give it a try.

Reluctantly, Khushi took the dress from Arnav and disappeared into the fitting room. As she slipped into the mini dress and looked at herself in the mirror, she was taken aback by the transformation. The dress hugged her curves in all the right places, accentuating her petite frame and enhancing her natural beauty.

When she emerged from the fitting room, Arnav’s jaw dropped in awe. “Wow, Khushi, you look  hot 🔥,” he exclaimed, his eyes wide with admiration.

Khushi blushed at the compliment, feeling a surge of confidence wash over her. She twirled in front of the mirror, feeling beautiful and empowered in the mini dress that Arnav had picked out for her.

Arnav smiled proudly, glad to see Khushi embracing her feminine side and stepping out of her comfort zone. “See, I told you that you could rock a mini dress. You look amazing, Khushi,” he said, a hint of admiration in his voice.

Khushi beamed, grateful for Arnav’s encouragement and support. As they left the boutique, she walked with a newfound sense of self-assuredness, her mini dress swaying with every step. And in that moment, Khushi realized that sometimes, stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to surprising and empowering discoveries about yourself.

Khushi stood in front of the large auditorium doors, her hands trembling with nerves as she prepared to give a presentation to her college class. Arnav stood next to her, a reassuring presence by her side, offering her a supportive smile.

“You’ve got this, Khushi. Just take a deep breath and remember all the hard work you’ve put into this presentation,” Arnav encouraged her, squeezing her hand gently.

Khushi nodded, trying to steady her racing heart as she took a deep breath and pushed open the doors. As she stepped into the bright lights of the auditorium, she felt a rush of anxiety wash over her, her mind clouded with self-doubt and fear.

But as she began her presentation, she felt Arnav’s unwavering support beside her, his encouraging nods and smiles giving her the strength to push through her nerves. With each slide she clicked through and each point she made, Khushi felt herself gaining confidence, her voice growing stronger and more assured with each passing moment.

As she finished her presentation to a round of applause from her classmates, Khushi felt a wave of relief wash over her. She turned to Arnav, a wide smile spreading across her face as she realized she had conquered her fear and stepped out of her comfort zone with his help.

“Thank you, Arnav. I couldn’t have done it without you,” Khushi said gratefully, her eyes shining with pride and gratitude.

Arnav smiled back at her, his gaze filled with admiration and pride. “You were amazing, Khushi. I always knew you had it in you. I’m so proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone and giving it your all,” he praised her, his voice filled with genuine admiration.

As they walked out of the auditorium together, Khushi felt a newfound sense of confidence blooming within her. With Arnav’s support and encouragement, she had faced her fear head-on and emerged stronger and more self-assured than ever before. And in that moment, Khushi realized that with the right people by your side, there was no limit to what you could achieve when you dared to step out of your comfort zone.

Khushi stood in front of the mirror, her reflection showcasing a confident and radiant young woman. Gone were the days of hesitance and self-doubt; she had transformed into a bold and vivacious ,party lover, all thanks to Arnav and their new college friends.

The sound of laughter and music filled the room as they all got ready for a night out together. Arnav smiled at Khushi, the pride evident in his eyes as he watched her twirl around in her stylish outfit, her hair cascading down her shoulders in loose curls.

“You look absolutely stunning, Khushi,” Arnav remarked, his voice filled with admiration and affection. “I can’t believe how much you’ve changed since we first met.”

Their friends gathered around, complimenting Khushi on her transformation and expressing their excitement for the night ahead. As they made their way to the party venue, Khushi felt a surge of gratitude for the people who had helped her discover a newfound sense of self-assurance and joy.

At the party, Khushi danced with abandon, her carefree spirit shining through as she moved to the rhythm of the music. Arnav watched her from afar, a sense of pride and admiration filling his heart as he witnessed the transformation of the once shy and reserved girl he had met in college.

As the night went on, Khushi’s laughter rang out amidst the pulsating beats of the music, her eyes sparkling with pure joy and happiness. She was no longer the hesitant girl who had walked into the  school campus; she was now a confident and fearless party lover, embracing life and all its adventures with open arms, thanks to the unwavering support of Arnav and their new college friends.

Arnav and Khushi stood facing each other, their expressions stern and determined. The tension in the room was palpable as they argued about a seemingly trivial issue that had escalated into a full-blown quarrel.

“I can’t believe you’re making such a big deal out of this, Arnav!” Khushi exclaimed, her voice tinged with frustration. “It’s just a small misunderstanding, there’s no need to blow it out of proportion.”

Arnav crossed his arms, his jaw clenched in annoyance. “I wouldn’t be upset if you just admitted that you were wrong, Khushi,” he retorted. “Instead of always trying to shift the blame onto someone else.”

Khushi’s eyes flashed with anger as she retorted, “I’m not shifting blame, Arnav! I just think you’re overreacting and being unreasonable about this whole situation.”

Their voices rose in volume as they continued to argue, neither willing to back down from their stance. The emotions ran high as they struggled to find common ground and resolve their differences.

As the argument reached its peak, Khushi took a deep breath and spoke, her voice softer now, “Arnav, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. Let’s try to find a compromise and move past this, okay?”

Arnav visibly relaxed at Khushi’s apology, his expression softening as he realized that their friendship was more important than any petty argument. “I’m sorry too, Khushi,” he replied, reaching out to squeeze her hand in reassurance. “Let’s not let this come between us. We can work through any disagreement as long as we communicate and respect each other.”

Khushi nodded, a sense of relief washing over her as they both let go of their stubbornness and embraced a peaceful resolution. Despite their differences, their bond remained strong, a testament to the strength of their friendship and their ability to overcome obstacles together.

Khushi stood in front of her closet with her bra on,searching for the perfect outfit for the party she was attending that evening. Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t hear the door open behind her.

“Hey, Khushi, do you have a minute?” Arnav’s voice called out, surprising her as she turned around to see him standing in her room, looking slightly flustered.

“Arnav! What are you doing here?” Khushi exclaimed, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment at the sight of Arnav standing in her room while she was changing.she quickly wear her shirt.

Arnav seemed unfazed by her reaction as he said, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to barge in. I just needed to talk to someone, and you’re the only one I trust.”

Khushi crossed her arms, still irritated. “Well, next time, please knock before entering a girl’s room, okay? What is so urgent that you couldn’t wait for me to finish changing?”

Arnav sighed, his expression serious as he said, “I just wanted to tell you that I broke up with my girlfriend. It happened earlier today, and I didn’t know who else to talk to.”

Khushi’s frustration  reached “whats new here? I’m  confused with you?you have broke up in 3 months with 3 are not good in these relationships”
“you are right,for me,one night stand are good”khushi’s  eyes wide as how shamelessly he is talking about his sex life.
“Don’t you have any shame!” khushi stared.
“You tell me, you are jealous with my sex life as you are still virgin”
“it’s better than you and im proud of myself” she acceimed.
“atleast tell me the truth,all boys run away from you madam with your classy nature, you are turning into your mom” Arnav reply
“shut up ” khushi scold him.
Arnav look at her and then with serious face , khushi too get alert
“What happened”khushi asked.
“You know something?you took very hot in the pink bra?” Saying that he place a kiss on her cheek and run away from the room before Khushi attack  him.
The room was buzzing with excitement as guests mingled and chatted at Khushi’s house party. Arnav stood in a corner, taking in the lively atmosphere and feeling slightly out of place among the army personnel who filled the room. He had come to support Khushi and her family but was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed by the boisterous crowd.

As Arnav scanned the room, a familiar face caught his eye. Payal, Khushi’s elder sister, approached him with a smile on her face. “Arnav, I’m so glad you could make it! Let me introduce you to my boyfriend, Krish. He’s a soldier in the army, just like the rest of us.”

Arnav shook Krish’s hand, feeling a sense of camaraderie with him despite being a civilian. “Nice to meet you, Krish. It’s an honor to be among so many brave individuals tonight.”

Krish nodded in appreciation, his eyes shining with pride. “Likewise, Arnav.  I heard about you a lot from payal.she treat you like younger brother”

As they continued their conversation, Arnav couldn’t help but feel a sense of admiration for the army personnel in the room. Their dedication and sacrifice to protect their country and its citizens were truly inspiring. He felt grateful to be in their presence and to witness the strong bond of friendship and camaraderie that existed among them.

As the party continued, Arnav found himself engaging in conversations with various army personnel, learning more about their experiences and gaining a newfound appreciation for their selfless service. And as he looked around at the faces of the brave men and women in the room, he knew that he was in the presence of true heroes.

“Happy birthday, Khushi!” Arnav exclaimed, a wide smile on his face as he handed her a bouquet of flowers.

Khushi’s eyes widened in surprise and joy as she took in the scene before her. Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked around at her friends, all gathered to celebrate her special day.

“Oh my goodness, you guys!” Khushi exclaimed, her voice filled with overwhelming emotions. “I can’t believe you all did this for me! Thank you so much!”

The room erupted into laughter and cheers as Khushi blew out the candles on her birthday cake, surrounded by her friends who were singing and clapping along. Arnav watched her with a warm smile, his heart swelling with happiness at seeing her so filled with joy.

As the night continued, Khushi’s friends showered her with gifts and well-wishes, making her feel loved and cherished. Arnav was by her side, offering words of encouragement and support, reveling in the happiness and excitement of the celebration.

As the party came to an end, Khushi hugged each of her friends, her heart overflowing with gratitude for their thoughtfulness and love. She turned to Arnav, her eyes shining with tears of joy.

“Thank you, Arnav,” she whispered, her voice filled with emotion. “This has been the best birthday ever, and it’s all thanks to you and our wonderful friends.”

Arnav smiled softly, wrapping his arms around Khushi in a warm embrace. “You deserve all the happiness in the world, Khushi. I’m so glad we could celebrate your special day together.”

And as they stood there, surrounded by the love and laughter of their friends, Arnav and Khushi knew that moments like these were truly ones to be cherished forever.

To be continued

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