Mui's growing obsession

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At lunch time/ break or recess


Mui's pov 

Wow genya's a bit popular now i feel like killing people that have a crush of is close to genya

Why do i feel this intense pressure whenever im close to genya I mean i always want to talk to him but when i get the chance i always stutter and get nervous 

Who's that?

Kanao: hello genya thanks for inviting me for lunch today

Genya: it's not a problem the more the merrier

Mui in thoughts: i have to kill her now

Wait what is boar head saying?

Yui: wow I didn't know you could be jealous and who's the girl?

Mui: *whispers* shut up and it's not a girl it's a boy

Yui: WOW I didn't know you were you know-

Mui: shut the fck up!

                           Bell rings 

Yui: ugh we have to go back to class already!

Mui: well we can tell the teacher that we're not feeling good because we have twin telepathy and i got a stomachache 

Yui: that's brilliant! Let's go!

Mui: okay but one last glance at genya

Yui: waitt you LIKE HIM

Mui: bro shut the hell up

Yui: okay okay your no fun

       Both of them go to the nurses office 

Mui: remember the plan 

Yui: i know i know 

Genya: wow I didn't expect you guys to be hear 

Mui: what happened?

Genya: inosuke yelled out " FOOD FIGHT" and hit tanjiro and zenitsu with the tray

Yui: wow that must've suck

Tanjiro and zenitsu: it did

Nurse: what are you two boys in here for?

Mui: i got a stomachache and i guess of twin telepathy my brother also got a stomachache 

Yui: yeah 

Nurse: well come in I'll get you two and ice pack and call your parents 

Mui: okay

Mui's thoughts  

 Wow im in a room with genya other than the classroom 

What a dream

Yui:are you okay mui

Mui: huh oh yeah im good 

Yui: you sure?

Mui: yes im fine 

Nurse: sorry to keep you boys waiting i got ice and called your parents really quick 

Genya: nice seeing you mui

Mui: yeah see you guys in class 

        In the hallway

Yui: i can't believe we skipped 7 period great idea mui

Mui: thanks 

      Both of them enters the classroom  

Shinobu: well well you two are late aren't you? Where's genya,tanjiro,zenitsu and inosuke 

Mui: well-

   Phone rings

Shinobu: *answers* hello? Okay i got it

    The whole class except mui and yui         

Well what happened 

Shinobu: well apparently inosuke is in detention because he yelled out food fight and hit tanjiro and zenitsu with a tray and genya is in the nurses office helping tanjiro and zenitsu

Mui: *mumbles* thats what i was gonna say

Shinobu: well mui and yui what happened with you two?

Yui: mui got a stomachache and i felt it because of twin telepathy and we went to the office to get some ice. We also saw genya, tanjiro and zenitsu there

Genya Tanjiro and zenitsu comes in

Genya: sorry we're late 

Shinobu:that's alright go take a seat

Mui, yui,tanjiro,genya and zenitsu take a seat

Mui's thoughts 

Omg genya is soo sweet and kind for helping them 

I might ask him out soon!

But first i have to kill her

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