Chapter 9

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The out-of-tune clashing of piano keys abruptly pulls me from my slumber. The ruckus continues for minutes, leaving me unable to even think about falling back asleep, followed by cheering and clapping.

I quickly throw all the blankets off me and sit up, taking in my surroundings.  I am in a living room that is totally unfamiliar, wearing clothes that are definitely not mine or something I have ever seen Joe wear. My hair is surely sticking up in about five different directions.

My head is pounding as I get up and wander around the unfamiliar home, still unsure where I am or how I got here.  A few steps down the hallway, I find a bathroom.  My head is pounding as I grip the edges of the sink.

The bathtub is full of colorful kids' toys, and the floor mat is an adorable sloth hanging from a branch.  I quickly splash water on my face and attempt to tame my hair before stepping back into the hallway and following the noise.

I quickly find myself at the top of a flight of stairs, the sound of a toddler's toy playing an obnoxious song surely coming from below.  I make my way down slowly to find myself face-to-face with Karlie.

Her daughter, Emery, was sitting with her back towards me.  Her chocolate curls were pulled into two high buns and clipped in with dark pink bows.  She was wearing a gray sweatshirt romper and white knee-high socks.

Karlie saw me first and smiled softly as I approached them.  She looked effortlessly beautiful in a seafoam green cropped tank top and matching sweat shorts. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun, and she wore little to no makeup.

"Emmy, look who's up!" Karlie whispered to the toddler, causing her to flip around and look at me quickly.

"Tay Tay!" The little girl screeched, causing me to wince.  She quickly stood and toddled towards me, wrapping her arms around my legs.

"Hi, squirt," I said quietly, hoping she matched my voice level.  I scooped the little one up in my arms, and she quickly wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Tay Tay not s'eepin no more?" Emery asked with a tilt of her head, looking between myself and her mother.

"No, baby. Tay Tay is not sleeping," Karlie said quietly as she pushed herself off the ground and walked over to where I was holding the little girl.  She stopped briefly and rubbed the little one's back before kissing her rosy cheek.

"Mommy will be right back, Em.  Show Tay your toys, okay, love?" She instructs the tiny brunette before disappearing up the stairs.

The throbbing in my head is still present as the toddler squirms out of my arms and eagerly runs to a small ball pit filled with pink and yellow plastic.  She eagerly squeals as she jumps in and waits for me to follow her lead.

I step over the foam ledge, holding hundreds of balls inside, and give the toddler a smile before sitting down amongst the many balls. Emery seems somewhat pleased with this and splashes about and displaces the contents throughout the basement.

After about half of the balls were covering the floor, Karlie reappeared downstairs with a bottle of Gatorade and her hand outstretched with two pills in the center.

"Here, for your head," she says with a warm smile as she makes her way over to us. She slips the pills into my hand before removing the cap from the sports drink and passing that over as well. I quickly down the pills and take the lid from her, securing it tightly to not spill on the carpet.
"Thank you, Karlie," I say sincerely as I look into her bright green eyes.

"Did you sleep okay? I'm sorry you slept on the couch, but I don't think there was any moving you" she adds with a chuckle, her eyes darting between myself and the toddler.

Ivy - A Kaylor AUWhere stories live. Discover now