Chapter 1: A Pineapple's revenge

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Daemon decided that he didn't like their look-alikes the moment they brought down the door that led to that little Gokudera Hayato's room. They haven't been here for twenty-fours yet and they're already wrecking it! Even he and Alaude hadn't done any damage to the mansion until thirty-two hours after moving in.

Breakfast wasn't as awkward as last night, but the rest hasn't still gotten used to the children and by the rest; Daemon meant G, Lampo and Alaude (if you can count him in).

Daemon's eye twitched. Why the hell were they sitting so far away from him?

Tsuna was sitting next to Giotto - who was at the head of the table - facing G. Besides G was Gokudera, next to him was Yamamoto and Asari. After those two idiots were Knuckle and Ryohei, two even bigger idiots that Daemon has ever met and they were on the opposing side where Daemon sat. Sitting beside Tsuna was Lampo and beside him was Lambo, who was supposed to sit beside Daemon… but the brat was sitting at least five meters away from him, it was the same with the other one on Daemon's left; Mukuro sat far from him along with Chrome. Alaude and Hibari weren't there because Alaude had left early and Hibari just didn't want to eat with them and opted to stay in his room.

It annoyed him to no end that the children were avoiding him.

He huffed. Fine, he liked it that way.

At the head of the table, Giotto could clearly see that his Mist guardian was sulking. Last night G had rubbed it in Daemon's face how even Alaude was likable enough be approached by children, while he was avoided like a plaque. If Giotto didn't know G, he would never understood the double meaning behind that taunt that Daemon was incapable of having children.

Usually, Daemon wouldn't be affected by G's taunting and would have brushed it off, only this time G had struck a hard blow to his man pride and comparing him to Alaude. This was a fact known by everyone in the Vongola: Daemon does not like to be lower than Alaude.

Tsuna on the other hand, was feeling a pending sense of dread. Times like this he just knew something was up, and he didn't mean that his newly adopted Father was planning to skip work and pig out in G's room. No, it felt like those times that involves him running around in his boxers. He hoped that it wouldn't happen.

One the other side of the mansion, the door leading into Daemon Spade's room opened. Light spilled into the dark room. The intruder smiled and went inside.

In Gokudera's room though, a ball of yellow spotted fur uncurled itself and jumped down, stretching as it did so. After the carnivore and the Italian-pineapple head had left with the rest of the adults, the animals had come out. Kojiro went back to his owner while Natsu and Uri stayed behind.

Bored out of her mind, Uri decided to explore the place while dragging Natsu by the tail.

Poor Natsu didn't want to leave the safety of the room but Uri had said it was going to be fun and that they weren't going to be noticed; Natsu thought skeptically that how could anyone not notice a leopard and lion cub with actual flames as his mane. She said all this enthusiastically, reassuring him that if things comes to worst she would handle it. So reluctantly (actually forced), Natsu went with her.

Their soft paws didn't make a sound as they padded down the corridor. Natsu trailed behind Uri as she paraded proudly without fear through the long and empty corridor.

'I don't think we should be walking around without our masters,' Natsu mewed to Uri.

Uri didn't listen to him as her ears perked up. Crouching down, she made her way to the corner and sat there. Natsu prowled behind her, his face clearly saying 'I knew this was a bad idea.'

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