Dahlia's Note

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        In the heart of the city, where the line between right and wrong often blurred, lived two souls from different worlds. My father, Beau, was a lawyer with a mind as sharp as the suits he wore. He moved in circles where the law was a game, a chessboard of power and consequence. His involvement with the mafia was a professional hazard, a necessary evil to protect those who couldn't protect themselves.

My mother, Ahzaria, was a nurse with hands as gentle as the spring's first breeze. She worked tirelessly, healing wounds and mending broken spirits in the sterile halls of the city hospital. Her world was one of order, of care, of the sacred oath to do no harm.

Their paths crossed one fateful evening when my father, seeking respite from the shadows of his work, found himself at the hospital, nursing a wound that was more than physical. It was Ahzaria who tended to him, her touch light, her eyes kind, seeing beyond the facade to the man beneath.
It was a love that should have never been, a love that defied the rules and whispered promises of a better tomorrow. They found solace in each other's arms, a quiet rebellion against the lives they led. He spoke to her of justice, of the delicate balance he strived to maintain. She spoke to him of hope, of the lives she touched and saved.
But their love was a candle burning at both ends.

The mafia, a world that never releases its grip once it has you, watched with wary eyes. Beau dual life became a tightrope walk, and Ahzaria's innocence was a light too bright to ignore.
The tragedy unfolded on a night painted with stars. A message had to be sent, a reminder that no one escapes the life unscathed. Their love became their undoing. Beau allegiances were called into question, and Ahzaria presence became a liability.

They were taken from this world, leaving behind a legacy of love that was pure and true. Their story became a tale whispered in the corners of the city, a tragic reminder of what happens when two worlds collide.

I, Dahlia, am the product of that love—a love that knew no bounds, a love that paid the ultimate price. And as I walk the line between the legacy of my father and the compassion of my mother, I carry their story with me, a beacon of what could have been and a lesson of what must never be forgotten.

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