CG Sayori (DDLC) x Fem Regressor

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Summary: You slipped deep into littlespace and you're struggling to express feelings. Sayori comes in to check on you and you have a mini-tantrum, but she gives you time to calm down and talk.

 Extra: Fluff and babyspace
 Right now, you were sat on the floor of the playroom with your stuffies. Below you was a soft, pink rug with green flowers on it. Flowers, you like flowers, you thought, but what you didn't like was all the feelings you had. All you wanted to do was play with your toys and have lots of fun, but your body said otherwise. You clutched your Bingo stuffie and pouted, trying to ignore the overwhelm.

 After a couple minutes, Sayori walked into the playroom with a warm smile on her face.

"Hey there Kiddo," she beamed, as she sat down in front of you, "I stopped hearing those cute giggles and sounds of yours, so I came to check on you! whatcha doin?"

 Sayori's gesture of care got a small smile to appear on your face, you liked that she was so observant. Plus, she was right, when you play, you make ALL the noises and sound effects because how can you play with a monster truck WITHOUT a vroooomm

 Your smile faded as she continued eye contact with you, and noticing your silence, she held your hands in hers.

 "You okayyyyy?" She sung, tilting her head a little bit. 

 You wanted to tell her that you were feeling upset, but you didn't know why you did. You just knew you had big girl feelings that you couldn't get out. Why are words so hard? You opened your mouth but all that came out was whines, babbles, and if you were lucky, an incoherent word or two.

"Hm, okay! How about one of Sayori's hugs? She gives the best ones in the world!" Sayori suggested, and you nodded.

She scooted closer to you and gave you a big warm hug that made you feel better. Having her attention is nice, you like it. She liked having long hugs, which you didn't mind, but sometimes you got bored, and this was one of the times. Being past her shoulder, you noticed her short, coral hair that looked so fluffy and nice to touch. It also looked super shiny and inticing, so you moved your hand and grabbed a spot.

"Ouch baby, it hurts when you pull my hair, you little goober!" Sayori winced, letting out a small chuckle while trying to pry your fingers away, which let out another giggle from you!

"Awww, I'm glad you liked that sweetheart," Sayori smiled, before gasping with a new idea to cheer her little girl up, "I'm gonna get you a bottle of peach juice and we can watch Bluey!"

The thought of a baba of juice while watching your favorite cartoon, Bluey, sounded fun! It made you clap in happiness, but then you saw Sayori stand up and start to head towards the door, and you didn't want that. So, you grabbed Bingo and threw her at Sayori.

"Nooo! No weave!" You kicked and whined, looking for other things to throw at her.

Sayori was taken aback with your behavior and turned around, trying to dodge or catch some of the things you threw at her, such as soft blocks and your rattle.

"Eeep!" She yelped.

She walked over to you and kneeled down to your eye level.

"Muffin, we don't throw things when we're upset. I know you didn't want Mama to leave, but that's not the way to get my attention," she said, using her mommy voice, "I think you need some time to calm down, so we're gonna go to timeout for 5 minutes, okay? Afterwards we can have a little talk." She spoke, giving a kiss on your forehead.

"Tay.." You whined, not wanting to go in timeout, but wanting to be a good girl.

"Can you be a good girl and take my hand?" Sayori asked, and you nodded.

You held out your hands and she helped you to stand up, walking you over to the timeout chair and sat you down, facing the wall. Then she walked away, and you started to get teary-eyed, realizing you didn't have your stuffie. 

"I'd never forget your Bingo, my little love, you always get to keep comfort items during a punishment." Sayori whispered softly, patting your head before leaving. 

Time out went by quickly because you spent all the time thinking about how you were mean to your stuffie and Sayori, so much that you didn't hear her walk in. 

"Times up! You can turn around princess!" She cooed.

When you turned around, you saw the warm smile of your Mama and a little pink octopus with a smiley face in her hands. There was a small line of blue below it, but it was cute, nonetheless.

"Oooookaayy! I know you were feeling not so good today sooo, this is an octopus! It's pink and smiley right now, but if you..."- Sayori flips the octopus inside out and it turns into a blue, frowny face- "flip it like this, it's all sad! I know words can be hard little one, and I think this could help you express it, and me to know!" Sayori smiled.

"I do! I do!" you make grabby hands for the octopus and she gives it to you, letting you flip it back to pink and happy. Seeing the face change makes another giggle escape from you.

"Can you tell me what was the matter, babygirl?" Sayori cooed.

"Ttention...! Ummm f-feeling buts bad! Hard talk!" You tried to explain. Sayori paused for a moment, trying to piece together a story with the few words you gave her. It might've taken her a bit of time, but it's something she's really good at she knows you slip pretty deep where talking can be hard.

"You wanted my attention...because you were feeling bad, but it was too hard to use your big girl words, right? Is Mama right?!" Sayori cooed and tickled you softly.

"Yahhh! Buh sorri, bad girl..." You looked down, speaking softly as you held Bingo tighter for comfort.

You felt Sayori's hands on your chin, lifting it up so you could look at her, "It's okay, doll, you're not a bad girl. You were just feeling some big things and that's normal. You're my good girl!"

"Weally?" You smiled.

"Yeah, wanna know a secret?" Sayori smiled back.

"I have big girl feelings too, some that make me really, really, sad- and sometimes they get the best of me too!" She kissed your forehead, ruffling your hair.

"Butttt, spending time with you always cheers me up."
Sayori whispers with a smile, and boops your nose.

"Eeeee!" You squeak.

"Now, you ready to go get your baba and your cartoons, love bug?" Sayori gasped, pulling you up.

"Yaa!" You babbled.

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