Superstar Daycare ! (FNAF)

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Something they don't tell you about the pizzaplex is that it's so easy to lose track of time there! I mean, I've been in here for a couple hours and I'm still not done with everything! I think I went to Bonnie Bowling first, and I hit a ton of shots! It was such a cool place to be at with all the neon lights and interactive voices there! After that, I went to go play Fazer Blast, and boy I was SWIMMING in points...

I felt a little tuckered out with all the running around I was doing, so I decided to try an activity that didn't require much physical activity! That's how I got here, Roxy Raceway!

It was pretty dim in here too, but it had much more neon lights as well. Roxy had a huge room for her attraction, and it was mesmerizing. The walls were black but covered in Roxy's face, go-karts, and other colorful things that lined the walls, and the floor was the same material you'd see in arcades. But in the middle of the room, there was a huge race track that stretched all across the area. There were loops, bumps, tight twists, anything you could think of! I was on my second lap at this point, and I think I was getting pretty good!

"How fast can this thing go anyways? I wanna go faster!" I thought out loud to myself, wanting more thrill and excitement as I pushed down on the pedals of my go-kart more, smiling.

I noticed there was a quick turn coming up soon, and I was readying myself for it, but I spaced out for a minute and a sudden jerk pulled me out. It was a loud crash, and my elbow hurt from hitting the race track wall.

It really startled me and I began sniffling, fidgetting with a pink piece of my hair for comfort. I was so absorbed in that stim, that I didn't even notice footsteps coming up to me.

"Woah there, you alright?" A voice called out, and I looked up to see Roxanne Wolf standing above me, she looked a lot taller from down here on the floor.

I didn't say anything though, and I felt tears roll down my face. I really didn't wanna regress, I should be big here! I mean, everyone here would think I'm a weirdo for doing that, but I was sure if I said anything she'd pick up on that.

I could tell Roxy was getting a little frustrated with me, "What's wrong? Are you hurt bad? What is it?" She said, tilting her head and sighing as her eyes scanned all over me.

At this point, I felt like I was slipping even further and my eyes darted around, looking for a usual comfort object of mine. I didn't have any stuffies, my rattle, or a paci here and that's when I started to whine.

"Nooo! Tuffiii!" I cried, flapping one of my arms.

"Wha- Oh wait..." Roxy cut herself off and looked me up and down, almost as if she was thinking about something and a short gasp came from her mouth. She took a moment to pause before she continued speaking.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. Uhm...I'm not very good with this," Roxy squatted down and spoke, using a softer voice. "Can I check if you have any ouchies?" She asked, trying to muster a smile.

I looked at Roxy and took a minute to think about her question, and then I nodded. I think I'm okay with that!

Once I nodded, Roxy smiled and grabbed my hands, pulling me up with her. She was super gentle with me and told me where she'd be checking! She said she didn't need to worry about any head ouchies because she'd be able to see one, so instead she checked my arms and my legs. I think I'm okay because she gave a happy sigh!

"Hm, just an elbow bruise, that's alright." She muttered to herself.

I felt really impatient with the whole thing, and I really really wanted to go back to racing!

"Woxy wace!" I giggled, pointing at the go-kart in front of me.

"Oh no, you're not getting on that again." She chuckled.

I pouted and she took my hand, walking me away from it as she explained, "You're way too uhm..young for that. Roxy Raceway as an age requirement you know?" She spoke in an unsure tone as she led me out of Roxy Raceway.

I didn't understand one of the big words she said to me, but I thought I was big enough. Pushing that thought aside, I held onto Roxy's soft hand as we walked through the megaplex. I wasn't sure where we were going, but I was just happy to be here since it had so many pretty colors! There were party rooms, sky rope, movie theatres, and whole stage performances too! For a while, all the rooms we walked by caught my attention but then my eyes focused on the floor. It had such a silly design that it made me giggle, and I started taking extra wide steps.

"Woxy wher I goin?" I asked, giggling everytime I'd see an angry-faced star on the ground.

"Superstar Daycare." Roxy said, not giving me much attention.

When she said that though, I pouted and stomped, "I big girl! Dun wanna gos der!" I whined and tried to pull away from her hand, but she held onto it tightly.

Roxy looked back at me and darted her eyes a little, sighing, "Look Squirt, I'm not very good with age regressors...yk? I think you'll have more fun there and Sundrop can take better care of you, so please don't pull away and make this harder."

I tried everything I could to get away from her, but it just didn't work! At one point, she just decided to pick me up and carry me instead. At first, it was annoying but then I noticed her pretty light gray mane and I stroked it, giggling. Roxy didn't seem to mind and I told her it was very soft and pretty! She said thank you and I felt super good!

A couple minutes later, she put me down and took my hand again. I noticed we were at Superstar Daycare, I think? I dunno, we didn't go through the fun slide! Which kinda bummed me out, I wanted to go into the ball pit, bleh...

Walking through an employee entrance, we were on the main floor of the daycare. Only seconds later, Sundrop jumped off his stage with a big smile as usual!

"Roxy! I didn't expect you here?" Sundrop sang, twisting his head before he spotted me, "And who's this with you?" He looked at me, giving a small wave.

"She's uhm...a regressor. She crashed in the raceway, and isn't too hurt, but she slipped. I'm not the best with age regressors around here so I thought you would be better with her." Roxy answered.

I was pretty busy lightly stomping my feet and giggling at the way my shoelaces moved to pay attention to them. 

"Ooh! A new little friend! This kiddo seems pretty tiny, do you know how old she is?" He asked.

"I'm not so sure, but I'd guess around toddler age, she's adorable though." Roxy smiled, letting go of my hand and I looked up to see Sun.

"Well hello there friend! My name is Sundrop, but you," He booped my nose, "can call me Sunny, Sun, or whatever you'd like!" He cooed, and I giggled.

"I'll get going now, Raceway gets pretty busy, but thanks for your help Sun!" She said before waving me goodbye and heading through the employee exit.

There was a moment of silence between me and Sundrop before he spoke up.

"And what's your name, little star?!" He cooed.

"I kamz!" I replied with a giggle.

After I introduced myself to Sundrop, he waved his arms up and down, seeming like he was thinking of something. Suddenly, he asked what I wanted to do, which I didn't answer because I didn't know what I wanted to do. There were so many choices he laid out like hide and seek, finger painting, puzzles, toys, jungle gym, trampoline, ball pit, nap, bedtime story, that I felt like it was too many! The only one I was sure about was a nap because I knew I didn't want that. I whined and began putting my fingers up to my mouth.

"Oh no, no, no! Let's not do that, your fingers are very icky friend! We don't wanna get sick, do we?" He pulled my arm down gently, talking to me in a soft tone.

I shook my head and a frown appeared on my face.

"I nunno...." I teared up.

"Shhh! It's okay little one, I can choose for you! Let's about arts and crafts? You like that, don't you?" Sundrop patted my head, twisting his face in a way that made me giggle and cheered me up instantly.

With a nod, he stood up and carried me over to a yellow rounded table with 4 stools, one on each side. I looked at each stool, trying to decide on which I'd sit in, I wanted a pretty color! They were blue, purple, red, and pink. Once Sundrop set me down, I crawled over to the pink stool and climbed up on it.

I sat at the table and tapped the top until he brought stuff over. There was a whole basket of construction paper, crayons, markers, and everything! Once he came back with glitter glue and scissors, he kneeled down beside me.

"Little star, we're gonna make a butterfly! Isn't that so exciting?!" He chirped.

"Budderfwy?!" I gasped, butterflies are so pretty!

"Uh huh, let's pick out your paper!" 

Sundrop helped me pick out a color for my butterfly's base, which I decided on blue! Next, he told me to pick out a crayon and trace the shape of a butterfly on my paper! It was kinda super hard, I tried to make the outline steady but it looked really wobbly. It's okay though because Sundrop said it looked really pretty and he liked it! Next, we had to cut it out and he was superrr careful about safety stuffs. He said to cut slowly and make sure my fingers aren't near, or else he'll have to do it for me. Something about making sure I'm safe, I dunno. I think I did a good job on that part though!

Once the butterfly was cut out, I began to decorate it with all sorts of things! I gave her glitter glue spots and a BIG smiley face at the top. Her antenna were white and I even gave her pink stripes somewhere. I showed it to Sundrop excitedly while bouncing in my seat.

"Sunny fly!!" I babbled, flailing my butterfly around in the air.

"What a creative kiddo! Do you want me to hang it on the wall?" He asked, twisting his head.

I quickly nodded, wanting everyone to see my pretty butterfly!

He used one of his hands to take my butterfly, and the other to take my hand as he walked me to the wall of art! I was trying my best to go as fast as I could, but I kept losing my balance while toddling. Sun didn't seem to mind though, he took all time I needed.

The art wall was beautiful, there were tons of children's drawings and pretty crafts just like mine! I even saw other butterflies, and that made me happy because mine would have friends! Sun stood on his tippy toes to put mine with the other butterflies, which made me giggle because he was already so tall! I think uhm...over 8 feet, I dunno. He definitely towers over me though, I'm only 5'2 but I feel even tinier around him.

"Look at that superstar! Yours looks perfect up there!" He cooed, squatting down to pat my head.

"Uh uh..." I nodded, letting out a yawn and rubbing my eyes a little.

"Oh! Is someone feeling sleepy? How about a bedtime story before naptime?" Sunny suggested, skipping around me in a circle.

I shook my head, "Nuh I nots, no nap," I pouted.

Sundrop stopped skipping and bent down in front of me, starting to laugh .

"Of course you are! Little friends needs tons of rest so I'm afraid you need a nap too, silly!" He booped my nose.

I decided that I didn't want to take a nap because that seemed boring and not fun, but how would I get out of it? I pondered and pondered until I had an idea! One that would mean I wouldn't take a nap AND I could still have fun! Glancing around the daycare, I spotted an entrance to the jungle gym and looked at Sun one last time, making a bolt for it.

"F-friend! You're not being a very good girl right now!" I heard him stutter, calling in the distance.

I giggled at his response and ran as fast as I could into the jungle gym, quickly crawling up the steps and running far into it! I took all the twists, turns, and ladders I could see. There was a short rope bridge that took me to the other side, so I went there and then up a ramp. I looked behind me and didn't see him in sight. Wondering where he was, I made it my goal to reach the top so I could have a better view, but I couldn't get caught! This was like a game of Tag, and Sundrop's it! After crawling through a long tunnel, I climbed a ladder to the top of the jungle gym. Looking around, and even looking down, I still couldn't see him.

Deciding that I was pretty safe up here, I looked around to see what was up here. There were a couple pieces of playground equipment such as a spinny tic-tac-toe board, bouncy balls, and a ton of fidget toys up here! I crawled to the spinny tic-tac-toe board and spent minutes just twisting it to see the different sides. It happened to be woodland critter vs farmland animals themed, so each spot had different animals! One had a cow and a deer, while another had a chicken and a fox, it was fun to see them all!

Suddenly, I got scooped up and met with a familiar smiley face.

"Little star! We don't run away! Running away is naughty!" Sundrop scolded, and even though he had a permanent smile on his face, I could tell he was upset.

"I sorri...wanta plays..." I mumbled, looking down at his curled shoes.

"I know, but it's way past your naptime now!" He spoke as he carried me, sliding to the bottom.

I tilted my head and smiled, "Baba?"

Sunny sighed and nodded, he said he'd get me a baba of warm milk before I have to go nini! I clapped and bounced in his arms, happy he said yes. I don't think he wanted to risk me running off again, so he held me in his arms while he was preparing a baba for me. I noticed he picked out one with kitties on it and it was so cute!! I yawned again and put my thumb in my mouth, but he took it out again.

"Your fingies have germs little star, we'll get you a paci, don't worry." He shushed me and my whines.

He quickly finished preparing my baba and walked over to a cozy corner of the daycare, it was kinda like a playpen in a way! It was cut off with soft, short bricks and there were tons of blankets and pillows everywhere. Sunny set me down on one and pulled the blankets over me as he handed me my baba of milk.

I started whining when he didn't immediately sit next to me, but he told me it was okay and to wait a little. It didn't take long for him to pick out a book, and plop down, snuggling up next to me. He had a container beside him, but I couldn't see what was in it, but I didn't care because I was all comfy.

"If you give a mouse a cookie..." He read in a soothing voice.

I suckled on my baba as he read me the story, and I dozed off pretty quickly because I was already sleepy and drowsy. Before I fully fell asleep, I felt my baba being taken away and it got a couple kicks out of me before I felt a pacifier in my mouth and a soft plushie in my arms.

"Goodnight little star, I'll be here when you wake up."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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