incapable tolerance.

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Warning : Racist comments. Not made by any of my owned OCs but made by Merle.

❝𝓘've heard so many rumors

𝓣hat I'm just a girl that you bang on your couch❞

"YOU SON OF a bitch. We ought to kill you." Andrea pushed Rick against the boxes, her hand on his chest and a gun to his face.

Emiliana glanced at the other woman, rolling her eyes. She knew Andrea acted tough but she wouldn't even shoot Rick if she wanted to. Isabella looked at Emiliana, smirking at her eye-rolling, knowing what her best friend was thinking. And agreed.

"Just chill out, Andrea. Back off." Morales spoke, moving closer to the torn woman.

"Come on, ease up."

"Ease up? You're kidding me, right?" Andrea met eyes with Morales for a second, "We're dead because of this stupid asshole."

"Andrea, I said back the hell off."

When Andrea didn't back away, Morales sighed. "Well, pull the trigger."

Andrea finally pulled away, putting her gun down. "We're dead... All of us... Because of you."

"That was a bit dramatic," Emiliana raised her eyebrows at Andrea. "don't you think?"

Isabella grabbed Emiliana's arm. "Stop-"

"I don't understand," Rick spoke out, interrupting Emiliana.

Morales grabbed onto Rick and headed to the main center of the mall. He explained that the noise and corruption Rick made caused the walkers to move their attention towards the mall.

The creatures banged growled at the glass held together by the abandoned bricks of the mall. Cracks began to form as the glass started to break.

Before Emiliana could panic more than she already was, the sounds of gunshots were being fired. The woman cursed under her breath and ran along with the others up to the roof.

Merle was shooting some walkers, only causing more to follow the sound of the bullets and bang on the mall windows.

"Merle, are you fucking insane?" Isabella yelled out at the laughing man.

"Hey! Y'all be more polite to a man with a gun! Huh? Ah!" Merle jumped off the low wall that ran around the roof. "Only common sense."

T-Dog looked angered, "Man, you wasting bullets we ain't even got, man! And you're bringing even more of them down on our ass! Man, just chill."

"Hey, bad enough I've got this taco bender on my ass all day." Merle gestured to Morales, Emiliana, and Isabella. "Now I'm gonna take orders from you? I don't think so, bro. That'll be the day."

After more racist comments from Merle, T-Dog threw a punch and Merle blocked it as the fighting only got worse.

Everyone started shouting, wanting the fighting to stop. 

Emiliana cursed under her breath, "We are all fucking doomed." While Isabella just watched, not impressed and not caring.

The fighting doesn't seem to stop. In the corner of Emiliana's eye, she saw Rick get flung back. The woman helped him up but her attention quickly went back to Merle yelling nonsense and a gun pointed at T-Dog.

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