Chapter 5: A Soldier

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"Rya, when you grow up, you need to help people, because it is our duty," he said, his voice gentle but full of conviction, his hand soft and firm as it petted my head.

It was a memory, a lingering echo from my past, fading away, I closely opened my eyes.

The first thing I noticed was the warmth of a small bonfire next to me, a woman with long, silk-white hair and striking amber-blue eyes sat by the fire, her slender figure outlined by the flickering flames.

A dagger rested at her side, but her demeanor was calm as she cooked meat over the fire.

"Are you awake yet?" she asked, her voice cool but not hostile. She casually ate a piece of the meat, then looked at me with a raised eyebrow, as if waiting for a response.

My heart raced as I took in the scene, this woman had a weapon, and I had nothing but my fists. Confronting her would be suicidal, yet she didn't seem threatening at the moment.

If she intended harm, she had plenty of opportunities while I was asleep.

I clenched my fist, assessing my options, feeling the tension in my knuckles.

The scent of cooking meat caught my attention, my stomach rumbling in response.

It had been a while since I had eaten, and the aroma was irresistible.

The woman noticed my gaze and extended her hand, offering me a piece of the cooked meat.

"Here, have some," she said, her voice nonchalant.

There was no hint of malice, just an offer of food to someone in need.

I hesitated for a moment but my hunger overcame my caution. I slowly reached out and took the piece of meat from her hand, keeping my eyes on her the entire time.

The warmth from the fire was comforting, but the uncertainty of my situation kept me on edge.

As I bit into the meat, savoring the taste, I glanced around, trying to piece together what had happened, why was she helping me?

The woman continued eating, her eyes calmly watching the fire.

She seemed at ease, as if my presence was just a minor curiosity.

I needed answers, but I also needed to be cautious.

This was not my world, and I had no idea who I could trust.

You're human, right?" she asked, her voice clear but sharp.

The question puzzled me. "Ahm... yes," I replied, not understanding why she'd ask that.

"Humans are forbidden here," she stated, her tone turning more formal. "I am a soldier of the Ivorian Empire, and I safeguard this region.

"How did you get here, and who are you?"

I hesitated, holding the piece of meat she had handed to me. Her gaze was intense, and I knew I couldn't afford to lie. "I am Ryazania," I said, choosing my words carefully. "I'm from the Philippines, which is... on Earth."

My heart raced as I realized I was no longer in my world. "I'm not sure how I ended up here.

I was chasing after my cousin, and then I... somehow appeared in this place.

The woman raised an eyebrow. "From Earth?" she repeated, as if weighing my words. "There's no record of a 'Philippines' in our maps. If you're telling the truth, it means you're an otherworlder."

She leaned back, her expression a mix of curiosity and skepticism.

"Tell me more, What is this Earth like, and how did you get here?" she asked

I took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. I needed her to believe me if I had any hope of finding my way back home. "Earth is... it's a different world," I explained, not entirely sure how to put it. "We don't have the Ivorian Empire or this kind of landscape, It's filled with cities, technology, and different countries. I'm not a soldier or a spy; I'm just a student. I don't know how I got here-I just... followed something and ended up in these plains."

The soldier listened, her eyes fixed on me as I spoke.

I couldn't tell if she was convinced, but at least she wasn't attacking me. "Otherworlders are rare," she said, almost to herself

"Though it's not unheard of. If what you say is true, you're in dangerous territory.

The Ivorian Empire doesn't take kindly to intruders, human or otherwise."

I nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I don't mean to cause any trouble," I said, trying to sound as sincere as possible, "I just want to find my way back. If you can help me, I'd be grateful, If not... just point me in the right direction, and I'll leave peacefully."

The soldier considered my words, her gaze still focused on me. "We'll see," she said finally. "For now, stay here and don't make any sudden moves. If you're truly an otherworlder, there might be a way to send you back-but that's not my decision to make." She stood up, her dagger at her side, and looked out into the darkness. "I'll need to report this. Don't try anything foolish while I'm gone."

Seemingly grabbing something from behind her she gestures to me, holding what seems to be a pistol.

"Here, take this mana pistol. If anything looks threatening, shoot it," she said with authority.

I nodded, understanding her caution, I picked up the pistol and I watched as she walked away, then disapeared, leaving me alone with the small fire. The night was growing colder, and I knew that I was in for a long wait.

All I could do was hope that the soldier would return with answers and that I could find my way back home-or at least navigate this strange new world without getting into trouble.

I held the pistol she gave me. It resembled a Glock, a design I was familiar with, despite its magical origins, it felt solid and well-balanced in my hand.

Guns had always intrigued me, and I knew how to operate one. With the mana pistol in my grasp, I felt a bit more secure in this unknown world, I kept it close as I settled by the fire, eventually drifting off to sleep, the sounds of the night fading as I succumbed to exhaustion.


As I flew through the night, the Swordshut Mountains loomed larger with every passing moment. I descended near a cave and pressed my hand against the stone.

The wall recognized my aether properties and opened, allowing me to slip through. Inside, I went to the responder and sent a telegram to the base:

"An otherworlder has appeared in the Swordheart region. Requesting immediate action."

I pressed the button to send the message.

An hour later, I received a response: "Bring her in." I left the cave and went to find the girl. I was just a soldier following orders. Whatever happens, may fate be kind to me.

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