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Pov you

"Damn it..." you growled, resting your forehead against the wall of the shower stall. And why were you hoping that a cold shower could extinguish the heat between your legs that these sexy, even too for their age, guys.. You spent most of the day alone with Taehyung and Jungkook shopping. But after you arrived at the house, it turned out that your room is next to Jungkook. You leaned your back against the wall and slid to the floor. Closing your eyes, you remembered the guys training on the street. Every time they trained, you just melted, but today when you saw Taehyung and Jungkook boxing together ... It was hot !!! Too hot !!!

You shook your head, banishing the depraved thoughts from your head. It seems that you forgot that you went to the shower to cool off, and not even more turned on thinking about them. You laughed, but it sounded more like a mockery of yourself. How could you fall in love with them both? You got out of the shower and quickly dried yourself off. Looking around, you realized that you didn't take any clothes, except for underwear. You looked at the washing machine in which your clothes were washed, and ran your hand over your face. You squeaked in frustration as you looked at the wet towel on the floor. You decided that if you quickly run to the bedroom no one will see you, besides how did you know all the boys were going to cook in the upper house.

You stuck your head through the doorway, listening to the sounds, but you were met by silence and you were glad of it. You quickly picked up your phone, and checking your messages, headed into the room. You entered the room and sighed with relief. You stood in the room laughing because of the correspondence in the general chat between friends.

"What's so funny there?" the too familiar voice took you by surprise.

You jumped from surprise putting the phone on the floor. You looked towards your bed and Jungkook was sitting on it. Your eyes widened, and he sat resting on the guitar and watched you with joy in his eyes.

"Yaayy... you scared me, my heart almost stopped! What are you doing in my room? " you shouted at him

He laughed out loud, "Sorry nuna. I didn't mean to scare you. But here's the thing ... this is my room "he sent you a dangerous smile. You looked around and there were Jungkook's things was everywhere. You stumbled upon the mirror and your heart fell to the floor sorting out billions of millions of pieces. You were so discouraged, that you completely forgot that you were standing only in transparent underwear. You wanted to hide behind or run out of the room, but your body was paralyzed and refused to move. You slowly turned your eyes from the mirror to Jungkook, who watched your every move with curiosity and lust, or rather the absence any movements.

"I... I'm better... sorry..." it seems that not only the ability to move, but also to speak has left you. You took a step back before turning. Turning to the door, for the second time in 5 minutes, a terrible fear gripped you when you met the eyes that watched you in surprise. Taehyung stood in the doorway, leaning against the wall.

"I think I almost missed all the fun. I didn't really want walk to you, but you forgot the phone on the desk, so I had to come down here" he said they believe in the hands of Jungkook's phone. He looked at Jungkook for a second, and you heard a quiet laugh behind your back. your body, eagerly examining every inch, which made your skin goose bumps. "I'll have to thank Yoongi for making me go downstairs," he said, closing the door behind him.

You have to say something, or better - leave. So why did you stand as if you were frozen. In your thoughts, you practically fainted from this whole situation. You, Taehyung and Jungkook. In same room. And you almost naked. WTF! "This is not what you think. Just because I was looking at the phone, I accidentally mixed up the rooms. This is all just an accident. " You tried to justify why you are in Jungkook's room.

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