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You was sitting in the restaurant when the booking confirmation came. You didn't want to go home, so you rented a house near the filming location. Judging by the photos, a calm environment is what you needed. Your body ached with excitement, which has not left you since the moment you left home. Maybe get to know someone, you looked around the room when this thought arose in your head. "As if someone could compare with them." you muttered to yourself. You got up and went to the hostess to pay the bill.

You went out and the warm evening air enveloped you. You couldn't stop the smile on your face when you remembered Jungkook's hot body with your back pressed against it. I need to get drunk! You thought to yourself when you got into the car. On the way to the house, you stopped by the store and bought fruit and wine. You were driving home and a smile lit up your face. You already imagined how you will lie in a cool pool drinking wine. In half an hour you were there. You went inside and turning on the light at the entrance, your heart melted when the whole garden lit up with beautiful lights. You walked between the trees feeling like a fairy tale. You have reached a dark house with huge windows. You went into the house and went to the living room. Thanks to the light from the garden, the house was not dark. You walked into the living room and turned on the light. With your peripheral vision, you saw two dark figures. Fear enveloped your body. You screamed and covered your face with your hands, causing the bags to fall to the floor with a clatter of breaking glass.

"At least this time she didn't shout at me when she saw, can this be considered progress?" Jungkook's voice broke the silence.

"Last time she was wearing only underwear, and now a tracksuit. This can hardly be considered progress. "Taehyung's voice replied

You slowly turned towards the dark figures, and your eyes refused to believe that Jungkook and Taehyung were sitting in front of you. Why are they here?

"Yyyyaaa idiots!" you shouted at them. You took a deep breath trying to calm yourself. "How did you found about this place?" you were completely shocked to see them. Jungkook smiled broadly and took out his phone from his pocket, your phone to be precise.

"You trust me," Jungkook laughed. A moment with the party immediately appeared in my head when you said that you have no secrets from him and he can even add his fingerprint to your phone. How could you forget about it and not delete it. You put your head down, unable to look at them. A red wine stain surrounded your bare feet. Right, wine ... you completely forgot about it.

"It seems like someone wanted to have a nice evening with wine and fruit," Taehyung smiled as he stood up from his chair. "But don't you need a man for such an evening, or better two men," he said when you looked at him. Your face flushed with embarrassment. And what was you just thinking. Before you could open your mouth to reply, he crossed the room and kissed you. This kiss has completely intoxicated you. His tender hot lips caressed yours. A fire broke out inside you, which you tried to extinguish all this time. "I didn't want to be interrupted by someone's call this time," he said, pulling away from you. He sank down to the bags that lay at your feet. You stood motionless while your brain tried to figure out what just happened. Strong arms wrapped around your body, lifting up.

"It will be bad if you cut yourself," Jungkook said as you turned towards him. "Didn't I deserve a kiss for saving you?" he asked, and without waiting for an answer he kissed you. Oh these guys are definitely going to drive you crazy.

"We were lucky, the second whole bottle of wine," said Taehyung, picking up a bag of fruit and a whole bottle of wine from the floor.

"I definitely need a drink! It's difficult to accept soberly everything that happens now" you said, breaking free from Jungkook's embrace. You went to Taehyung and took the wine and went to the side of the kitchen to open it. Having reached the kitchen, you quickly opened the bottle, and pouring it into the glass, took a long sip.

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