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CHAPTER TWELVE"met you at the right time"

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"met you at the right time"


DECEMBER 1st 2022

the pass few weeks after diana's birthday have been amazing for paige and diana. they have been texting nonstop, they facetime everyday, and they flirt all the time. paige was getting the girl she has wanted for months at this point and she was very happy about that.

that weekend iowa is traveling to uconn for a game and paige couldn't be more excited. diana and her have been talking about diana staying a couple extra days so they can actually hang out and not just see each other at the game and that plan worked out. paige insisted on paying for diana's ticket back home since she wouldn't be with the girls. diana was not fond of paige paying for her ticket but she gave in wanting to be with paige.

"hey p." azzi says to paige as she walked into her room. "hey az." paige says back looking up
from her phone to look at the girl in her room. "so are you excited that your girl is coming." azzi says smirking at her best friend. "first she not my girl yet but yes i'm very excited for her to come." paige says back giggling, very excited for diana to come. "god you are so in love." azzi says rolling her eyes at the giggling girl.

DECEMBER 2nd 2022

today was the day iowa comes to uconn and paige was more than excited. she had been waiting for this game since her and diana started texting. she couldn't wait to meet diana in person and just give her a hug.

"hey paige." nika says walking into paige's room. "hey nika." the girl says with a gummy smile. "well someone's happy." nika laughs at how happy the girl is. nika knew why paige was so happy, for weeks paige couldn't stop talking about how diana was going to be at the game. "of course I'm happy, diana is coming to connecticut today and tomorrow is the game and i get to see her." paige excitedly tells her friend, being the first time she actually got to express her feelings out loud. "im so happy for you." nika tells her friend as she give her a hug.

DECEMBER 3rd 2022

it was game day and paige's nerves were through the roof. paige always got nervous before any game, she just wanted to play the best of her abilities and not disappointed anyone but today her nerves were much worse. today diana was going to be there. paige was so excited to meet the girl but she was scared. she was scared that she wouldn't play good and make a fool of herself or she would say something to diana and embarrass herself. she knew that diana wouldn't care if she had a slip up but paige wanted to impress her.

"ready for this big game girl." kk says to paige who is sitting by her looker. "yea i'm just a little nervous." paige says back somewhat truthful. she was way more nervous then just a little bit. "paige you are like one of the best players ever, you are going to be good." kk says back trying to reassure her friend. "thanks kk." paige says getting up as the team was getting ready to walk out. "you know i got you girl." kk says back following the girl.

as the girls were getting ready to go on the floor paige's nerves calmed down. she was in her element, she was about to do the thing she loved the most. "you ready twin?" nika ask the girl next to her. "more then ready. you ready?" paige says back. "i always am." nika says as the start to run to the court.

as paige ran out onto the court she saw diana sitting at the end of iowa's bench. she was wearing a iowa shirt and jeans. it was a simple outfit but paige thought the girl looked gorgeous. paige tried not to look at the girl for too long. she didn't want the girl to know she was staring at her but paige couldn't help her self and looked at diana any time she was waiting in line for the ball.

by the time the game started diana and paige had already made eye contact more then you count. paige wanted to go talk to the girl before the game but she knew she would get in trouble so she had to keep to herself.

it was the end of the 4th quarter and it was a very close game. paige has been in the whole game and was playing one of her best games. as the time was running out the score was 76-74 uconn in lead and possession of the ball. as the final seconds of the game came, paige had the ball and decided to try a half court shot since there was really no chance of iowa winning. when paige took the shot she was surprised when she hears the fans go crazy because she had made it in.

paige and her team went wild as they ran out celebrating this win. as iowa hangs there heads low after fighting hard but not being able to go all the way to victory. diana thought the moment was bittersweet. she was sad that her best friends were sad but she was happy that paige got the win.

as the girls go through the hand shake line paige gets to hug her old friend whom she hasn't seen in a while. "good job p." caitlin tells the girl as they hug. "thanks cait, you did great. i'm just better." paige says back joking about the last part of her sentence. "be quiet." caitlin tells the girl smiling moving down the line. when paige gets to kate, kate whispers something in her ear. "don't hurt my girl." "i won't." paige whispers back as she give the girl a tight smile and trying to finish the line quickly so she can get to the girl standing at the end of the bench.

when paige finally finishes she runs over to the girl she has been waiting to see all night. "diana!" paige yells before getting up to her so she doesn't scare the girl. "hey paige!" diana says back very excited as she sees the girl running up to her. "hey." paige says giving the girl the biggest hug, lifting her off the ground. "you did so good i was so impressed." diana says softly into the girls neck where her head was. in that moment the two girls didn't care that there was people and cameras around. they were just so happy to finally see each other in person and embrace each other.

"thank you it means a lot. so i will pick you up from your hotel then we can get food or just go to my apartment after, ok?" paige says putting down the girl looking into her eyes. "ok, i will text you when i get to the hotel and ready for you to get me." diana says back staring back into the girls eyes.

"i hate to break this moment up but coach said we need to go. hey diana!" kk says pulling the two girls out of there intense eye contact. "hey kk." diana says as she looks away from paige. "ok im coming." paige's says to kk. "i will see you at your hotel." pagie tells diana looking back into her eyes. "ok, i can't wait." diana says as she starts to walk out of the gym and into the guest locker room leaving paige to go to her own locker room.

when paige gets in there geno starts his little speech on what they did good and stuff they need to work on. however paige couldn't focus she was too excited about getting to see diana again.

heyyy y'all!
thank yall so much for like 12k reads! thats crazy!
i do need y'all's help tho! so basically before i write a story i like to have everything planned out so i kind of know what im doing. so i have two stories planned out already. one's a caitlin clark second chance romance and the other one is kate martin best friends sister and the main character is caitlin sister. however i have another story that isn't all the way planed out but i don't know who to write it about so that's where i need yalls help. so should it be about
georgia amoore, kk arnold, or emily engstler
i chose out of those three because i love them and there's not like any story's about them!
so help me pick please!!!!
vote and comment, i really enjoy when people comment!!
anyway enjoy

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