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CHAPTER THIRTEEN   "now my life is sweet like cinnamon"

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"now my life is sweet like cinnamon"

narrative and instagram

DECEMBER 3rd 2022

when diana walked into the locker room she saw that most of the girls were ready to go. diana was happy with that because that ment she wouldn't have to wait long for paige to pick her up. "saw you talking to your girl." jada said from behind the girl startling her. "god jada you scared me, and yes i was talking to paige." diana said back with a smile on her face remembering the moment paige and her shared. "god you are obsessed with her." caitlin says listening in on the conversation that was happening next to her.

"be quiet caitlin but you aren't wrong. i'm so excited to spend the next few days with her." diana says talking to anyone who was listening. "we know it's all you've been talking about these past few days." kiley says from where she had her stuff. "well im really excited." diana said back smiling ear to ear.

as the girls were riding to the hotel diana's nerves started to kick in. she knew she didn't have anything to be nervous about but she just was. "you ok?" kate asked sitting next to diana. kate always knew if diana was feeling some type of way. kate could just read the girl. "yea im just a little nervous. i don't know why im nervous though." diana said back truthfully knowing she couldn't lie to her best friend.

"you're nervous because you like paige, diana, like really like her and more then a friend. you can say you don't but i know you more than i know myself. i know when you have feelings for someone and i know you have feelings for miss paige bueckers." kate tells her best friend being very honest on every word she said. "i think that's what scary me. almost everyone i have ever loved or liked has left me. my parents are i don't even know, then that girl samantha from freshman year who i thought was my friend but then slept with my ex claire, then luke. kate, you and the girls are the only ones who actually stayed. what if paige doesn't, i don't know if i could live without her." diana says back to her friend expressing how she really feels. "i know that you have been through some shit diana, but i think paige is here to stay and if she's not you will always, i mean always have me and the girls and that's all you need." kate tells diana holding her in her arms.

diana knew what kate was saying was true. kate was never wrong. diana knew she would always have those girls and that's was good enough for her.

when the girls got to the hotel diana went straight to her room she was staying in. luckily for her she really didn't unpack much so she texted paige as soon as they got there knowing by the time she gets there diana would be ready to go.

"you excited to say with paige?" caitlin asked the girl as they walked into the room they were sharing. caitlin talked bluder to letting diana travel with the team and letting the two stay in the same room together, very early on in their freshman year. luckily it didn't take much convincing because bluder really liked diana and thought she was a good person for the girls to be around.

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