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CHAPTER FIFTEEN "i don't want you like a best friend"

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"i don't want you like a best friend"

narrative and text

DECEMBER 20th 2022


ever since diana got back home to iowa she hasn't stopped thinking about paige and the time they spent together. those few days were some of the best days of the girls life. diana realized that she really did like paige and those feelings she had for the girl were big.

"hey diana, do you know where the pasta sauce is?" caitlin asked as she came running into the girls room from the kitchen. "no. why are you running around like a maniac?" diana questioned her friend. "i'm trying to make pasta for dinner tonight with kate, gabbie, and jada. did you forget that was tonight?" caitlin questions back. "oh shit i did. there's so much on my mind right now." diana says back getting up from her bed to start picking up the apartment before her friends came.

"what's on your mind?" caitlin asked being nosy. "paige" diana mumbles but caitlin understood.
"oh really and why is miss paige bueckers on your pretty little mind." caitlin says giggling like a little kid. "because i think i like her, like really like her." diana says not making eye contact with her friend. "i knew it!" caitlin replies back, very excitedly. "be quiet." diana says walking into the living room to start cleaning.

"you know you have to tell her." caitlin says following the girl. "no i don't." diana says back trying to get the girl to stop talking about the topic. "you know she likes you." caitlin says. "you don't know that. she probably doesn't like me and i'm not going to embarrass myself by telling her. so please stop." diana says just trying to clean. "ok whatever." caitlin says going back to her pasta.


paige was a mess. she missed diana so much more then she could ever imagine. she missed waking up and her being right there. she just missed her. paige came to terms with the fact that her feelings for diana were definitely not going away and they were only getting stronger.

"hey p." kk says walking into the girls room. "hey kk." paige says back not as excited as the girl now in her room. "do you want to get chick fil a?" kk asks not really reading paige's mood. "i don't know kk, i'm not really feeling like going anywhere." paige says back hoping to be left alone with her thoughts. "girl boo. what is up with you? you always want food." kk says finally getting the hit that paige is not her self.

"i just miss diana, kk. like i know that she left a little while ago but i just can't get her out of my head." paige says finally getting her feelings out. "girl you are in love." kk says smiling big. "i don't know about love but i think i want her more then a friend." paige admits her feelings for the girl that's heavy on her mind. "i knew it!" kk says excitedly for her friend. "you have to tell her." kk adds. "i don't know. what if she doesn't feel the same way." paige says scared that maybe diana just wants to be friends.

"you'll never know unless you tell her. now come on let's get food." kk says getting up and pulling on the girls arm to get her up. "alright, alright." paige says getting up so the two can get food.


as dinner went on with her friends she still couldn't get paige off her mind. "are you good diana?" jada asked seeing that the girl was in her head. "yea im alright. there's just a lot on my mind." diana says back truthfully not wanting to lie to her best friends. "guys i need to tell you something and i need your help on it." diana says. "i like paige more than a friend but im scared. i just don't know what to do." diana says confessing her feelings and asking for advice.

"finally you realized." gabbie says know about the crush before diana even did. "you need to tell her." jada says smiling big about her friends feelings. "yes you need to tell her." kate adds. "what do i even say?" questions not really sure about telling paige she likes her. "just says i like you, then turn your phone off." caitlin says very seriously but the girl took her advice as a joke.

"cait she is not doing that." gabbie tells the girl laughing. "just text her and be like can we talk and then just says i like you, i don't know if you
like me back but i just needed to tell you. if you don't like me back i hope this doesn't change our friendship but i needed to get this off my chest." gabbie adds.

"that's good. i'm going to text her." diana says getting on her phone to text the girl. "do it after dinner, you are going to get to nervous you aren't going to be able to eat." kate tells her best friend knowing how she is. "you're smart." diana says knowing that her best friend is right. "i know" kate tells the girl with a smile.


"i think im going to tell diana how i feel." paige tells kk as they eat. "really! that great." kk says hyping her friend up. "i just don't know what to say." paige says confused on how to express her emotions. "be like, so boom i like you." kk say laughing. "girl please." paige say back rolling her eyes at her friend.

"im honestly not the best person to go to for advice. you need to talk to azzi." kk tells her friend honestly, not really sure how to handle peoples feelings. "you're right, i need to talk to azzi. she always knows what to say in situations like these." paige says knowing azzi will know what to say.

just as the girls were getting up to leave paige got a text from the girl who she was thinking about all day.


hey, i need to talk to you about something

i left you on a little cliffhanger🫣🫣
sorry this chapter is not that long
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anyway enjoy

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