Late concert nights

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This one's for those with orchestra or band crushes!

Y/n=Your name (female y/n)

C/n= Your crush

H/C= Hair color of your crush

E/C= Eye color of your crush

S/N= Sibling name (if you're an only child, it's your cousin/a friend that you're carpooling with. Im just going to assume your sibling plays basketball, but if they play a different sport, you can substitute it)

B/F= Best friend

B/B/F= Boy best friend

Y/I= your instrument

H/I= his instrument

Y/S= your sport


It was a late, hazy concert night.

To be specific, it was the last concert of the year. The sun is only just setting below the rugged mountains that rose and fell calmly.

Now, of course, I was dropped off early at the site of my concert because of S/N's basketball game. My parent's weren't even going to come to the concert, which I suppose could go both ways. Usually, when they couldn't come, they would be late. I did want some photos taken of the concert and me...but

I also really, really wanted to talk with C/N a bit more, which was something I obviously couldn't do for long if my parents came.

It was a weird feeling. Every time I met his E/C eyes that only radiated warmth and energy, my heart melted to the floor. Him and his H/I. And me and mine. It seemed as if when we looked at each other, nobody else mattered.

I've always noticed that he came a bit early too, to these concerts. Concerts were a special part of my life: it would be one of the only times I missed Y/S practice (which was every day for 1 and a half hours). And I could only treasure these moments, since Y/S practice was really, really tiring.

Concerts were always so magical, too. I remember those times where I would sit on a bench with B/B/F and B/F, looking up at the night sky after our concert ended, after our band/orchestra had absolutely destroyed the pieces the conductor had assigned us (in a bad way). Our parents were often were a bit late, and those moments that we had shared with each other were some of the most memorable ones. Those moments were also one of the first times I had ever clearly seen constellations.


"Look B/F!" I exclaimed, pointing at the sky. It was my first year of orchestra, yet my 2nd concert. And I had just seen my first, ever constellation.

B/F, who had (also) never seen a constellation, stared with me in awe.

"You guys have never seen them before?" B/B/F asked, confused.


Mouth agape, I could only see and point. A comfortable silence fell upon the three of us as we sat. The wind blew through my hair  and I kicked my feet back and forth, mesmerized by the stars that shone so brightly in the midst of the night sky...


Shrugging out of my imagination, I quickly checked my concert black. Plad in a black blouse, flowy black dress-pants as well as some flats, I looked very basic. Unnoticeable, which was how I liked it.

More and more people from my orchestra/band had begun to come. As I waved at B/B/F, I caught the sight of C/N.

I felt like I was about to drop my Y/I. He was, literally, drop dead gorgeous.

He wore something simple, yet so stylish, with a shiny black dress shirt and slicked back H/C hair. He wore an innocent look on his face, which slowly spread out into a smile when his soft eyes caught mine.

He. Looked. At. Me.

As I secretly contemplated if my reaction was too awkward, I managed a nervous wave and a smile back. He then turned around and went to go chat with his own friends.

"So, how do you think we'll perform?" B/B/F asked, waving a hand in front of my face and snapping me back to reality. 

"I don't know, hopefully well." I switched my focus back to my friend. "I would hate to disappoint an audience..."

As we chatted and waited, we could only hope for the best.


Unfortunately to say, we messed up in the last few measures of the 2nd and 3rd piece. So I think we're pretty cooked.

As I left out of that auditorium, I couldn't help but feel a bit down. Obviously, most people did decent, yet some people decided to play on the rests...

As my quiet flats tapped the cement ground, I noticed the sky was pitch black now, save for the bright, glowing light of the full moon. Its light cast a warm soft glow to my face, that was contrasted by the harsh, bitter wind that blew through my hair.

I held my Y/I, sulking and dropping on the same bench that I would always sit on with my two friends. I had to wave a farewell to B/F and B/B/F, since their parents were early today. My parents were probably on their way from S/N's basketball game, so unfortunately, I had to wait on that bench. Alone.

Slowly, my eyes gazed upon the stars above me. Shining so brightly, I could clearly see the constellation outlined in my vision. Almost as if in faint neon, its path was clear. 

"Pretty, huh?" a familiar, soothing, heavenly voice met my ears.

I felt a hand rest upon mine, and I trembled from the warm graze of C/N's hands, on top of mines.

"I know..." I said, flustered. I really didn't know how to continue the conversation, since apparently I can't hold a conversation with C/N but I can with everybody else.

Yet, instead of an awkward silence, a comfortable one fell over us as I stared up at the sky.

"So..." I mumbled, wanting to break the silence. "Your parents are late too?"

"Yeah." He sighed, "My sibling has a stupid basketball game that my parents need to attend."

"Same here." I replied softly. "I would always sit here with B/F and B/B/F and look at the stars here. They're really pretty tonight."

"Yeah, just like you..." C/N murmured.

And as a light blush fell over my face, we sat there in silence, C/N's hands warming mine's as I set my Y/I down and gazed at the never-ending stars, the same ones I had gazed upon when I had seen my first constellations.

Author's Note:

ok so the reason im writing this is purely for fun's (and for my friend's) sake. most of these might be hurt and comfort, but idk. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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