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It was your average day at Mt Justice, Superboy was watching TV static, Artemis and Wally were arguing, Robin and Kaldur were talking about strategies, and Megan was baking cookies. A loud ringing sound resounded around the building, Robin leapt into action and ran over to the computers. As he got there an image of batman appeared, soon the rest of the team surrounded him.

"Team there is a new mission, the Joker has held up a bank with Harley Quinn, there are 28 hostages including the bank staff and the commissioner. Your job is to get all of the hostages out and to subdue The Joker and Harley Quinn until Wonder Woman arrives. Is that clear?"

There was a chorus of 'yes' and 'yes sir' from the group of young teens.

Everyone rushed to their overnight rooms and collected the gear they would need before heading to the zeta tube. A buzz came from Robin's wrist,

"okay I got the co-ordinates" said Robin typing it into the zeta tube and standing alongside the rest of the team.

In a flash they were standing down the road from the bank where Joker and Harley were keeping the hostages.

"So what's the plan?" asked KF.

"Miss Martian can you please set up a link?" Asked Kaldur.

"Okay" Megan replied happily.

'Telepathic communication link is set'

'Ok so Connor you Megan, Wally and Artemis are going to take out the rookies and get the civilians and the commissioner out of there. Robin, you have the most experience dealing with the Joker, so you are going to keep him distracted until Wonder Woman arrives and I will deal with Harley. Any questions?' Kaldur sent.

'Nope I'm sweet with that.' Wally stated.


'Same here'

After everyone agreed with the plan they split up. Robin and Kaldur went in through the ceiling while the others made a discreet entrance through the window leading into the office; where the manager usually was. They had to knock out a few henchmen along the way and now they were just waiting for the signal.

'NOW!' Robin shouted through the mind link while dropping effortlessly from the roof and landing directly on the laughing Jokers shoulders.

Robins POV:

I gave everyone the signal as I jumped, I saw Connor and Wally race out from the office, Conner went straight for the henchmen while Wally was speeding citizens out of the room to the city outside. I landed on the Joker's shoulders and heard something snap, I smirked and back flipped off of him; I bet that hurt. He turned around and faced me, his smile grew bigger as he saw who it was and my own smirk dropped off my face.

"Ah young Boy Blunder how good it is to see you, what's Batsie up to these days? Still care so much about his iddie biddie birdie? Or has the loyal Batsie left you for something more entertaining?" The Joker said mocking me.

My eyes narrowed as I stared at him, he was acting odd, usually him and Harley would just take the money and run unless... My eyes widened.

"GUY'S IT'S A TRAP GET EVERYONE OUT OF HERE NOW! The Joker lured us here on purpose." I shouted at my team, even though I don't think anyone heard me. Sigh*

"Ah seems the little bird caught on but maybe a bit too late." I turned around and found a bomb located at the centre of the room, it was strapped to a little girl of about 5 years old.

I rushed over to the young kid momentarily forgetting the Joker, all of the others had evacuated the building except for me, the child, Joker, Aqualad and Harley. I heard the Jokers maniacal laugh echo around the room as I tried to dismantle the bomb from the child. Wally came rushing in to pick up the last child and noticed me attempting to detach the bomb. He rushed over.

The caged bird. (A Young Justice Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now